5 points
Does anyone knows how to put the rfi stats below the other stats in a seperate column?
April 27, 2015 | 12:04 a.m.
Standard CR and only deviate with solid reads and stats. Bet turn bigger, so you leave 80/90% pot behind. Mix up small % c/c river and bet ai. Consider adjusting if you see strange showdowns.
Nov. 1, 2013 | 4:11 p.m.
Shouldnt we add AA/KK/QQ on the flop, which flat pre because of stackdepth and deception?
Oct. 1, 2013 | 2:04 p.m.
Ok if we flat, what would your general gameplan be assuming we are readless and put villain on 20% steal in that position? He might/probably shove 77-22 but not alot of other type of hand since everyone has 20bb or more and not ideal reshove stacks. Right assumption?
If we have stats it helps us obvious a lot to have him steal more like 25-30%, since against a 20% range without pocketpair below 88, he has Kxx pretty crushed. But then again we are blufcatching Kxx and we should not be worried that much with such shallow stacks.
I would like to know your thoughts on proceeding on Qxx an Jxx boards. Axx seems simple give up to me. Boards with a 7 seem also decent blufcatching boards? And what are you thoughts on paired boards and connected/semi connected middle boards.
Sorry for the avalanche of questions, trying to improve my tourneygame as a cashplayer :)
Sept. 26, 2013 | 11:18 a.m.
3.20 Why is K7hh not a call preflop?
Sept. 25, 2013 | 7:08 p.m.
What about raising the JThh hand on the J44r since its the bottom of your calling range and the Ten kicker makes playability hard. Balancing with AA/QQ.
July 19, 2013 | 6:42 p.m.
I think you need a c/c range as soon you have a wider defend range, I completely agree. However I dislike defending these medium holdings in this setting considering reverse implied odds defending these ranges OOP versus two competent regs. C/C ranges are mostly used to create blufcatchers and the scenario getting succesfully to showdown with a medium strenght hand versus two opponents with at least one strong hijack 1st raise range is not very likely to me. The blind series of Yourdoom comes to mind here.
May 25, 2013 | 5:06 p.m.
Maybe I am also saying I do not see alot of merit having a c/c range in this spot on the SB/BB vs tight ranges of two decent regs. Are you ever calling AJo preflop instead squeezing or folding, considering both regs are good and no special dynamics?
May 24, 2013 | 2:45 p.m.
Being terrible in solving math problems, this seems to be pretty easy to solve right? Just try to get a frequency he 3b/folds against you and a frequency he calls your jam. When he calls your jam, get the payouts and your hand and his range in icm calculator and find the needed equity when he always calls your jam. And after that deduce the EV of his % 3B/folds of your needed equity...
The real problem is probably you do not have a great feel for his 3B/folding range...right?
May 24, 2013 | 10:14 a.m.
66 hand/
About not CR but c/c line on J96o....I do not agree on the school of thought you could not do that because your play looks to strong. If the play looks that strong, you really should consider having a bluffraise frequency with other hands than just have a complete c/c range. I understand that 66 might be deceptive weak as you maybe would think villains stack off range would be alot JJ/99...but that scenario in general is not a huge consideration because it does not happen that often right? 66 in that spot is the ultimate draw hand and now I feel we are making things a little bit complicated OOP. I really see your arguments for having a different strategy because the flopraise would look so strong, but maybe adjusting in the same spot with different hands would increase playability and reduce errors in the long run.
May 24, 2013 | 9:04 a.m.
On the A3o 3b decision, well equity wise a flat seems standard against a 44% raist1st range. However I think deciding to 3b should be more based on the fact if he flats 3Bs OOP, 4B% and F3B% because cardspread wise A3o you can go either way. Flatting may have some more merit against a high CB which folds easily against small raises IP (although the 3 never comes to handy in flopping gutters) but floating with A3o never seems ok. Personally I like to 3B bluf A2o/A3o/A4o for these reasons.
Also I am suprised you do not comment on the OOP 3b call, which I think is non standard and mostly a loosing play against a competent opponent. If the guy feels you are 3B him crazy, ATo just makes a fine 4B/fold and if he fears a good 5B range, a close 4B shove hand. When a reg starts calling there, he probably is talking himself in a defence because he feels you are 3B bluffing to often. That for me is the most crucial element when deciding to 3barrel bluf or not. Anyway are these OOP 3B calls non-standard or fairly common in Zoom 500nl?
May 24, 2013 | 8:19 a.m.
It seems results oriented because you decide to defend against a 18% 3b range, but postflop strongly have focus on the range which beats you without talking % of his range. Also there is no real focus on his cb frequencies or turn barrel in combination with board texture. How do you feel about his small betsizing on the turn on a complete blank leaving a big potential river shove behind?
Raise get it in can be a good option, if you implement a min raise fold strategy on boards which feel awkward to float if you do not have a good idea on barreling tendencies of villain. Yourdoom talks in his strategy videos about attacking 15% 3b range, especially when villain also has some flats by minr bluffing IP.
May 24, 2013 | 8:08 a.m.
Still my point being, choose opponents against who you have a range which includes cbetting KKh here and opponents which you exclude KKh in your CB
May 15, 2013 | 4:30 p.m.
Well the way I feel is, if you elect to take a blufcatcher line you should have some extra reasons aside from your relative hand strength and your own perceived range. You eliminate some hands out of his range, but I do no read anything about how your think villain will react on this flop texture + board run out + your blufcatcher line.
If you do not have a good feel for those tendencies, I would take a more standard line and CB this flop and take it from there...
May 15, 2013 | 8:47 a.m.
30bb? we are 100bb effective
May 7, 2013 | 10:23 p.m.
I agree more info would be helpful, but we just sat down...
and 30bb? I think this clearifies why you fold, you might lack a blufrange in general it seems
May 7, 2013 | 8:40 p.m.
I agree, however this is 3 handed and 3bets occur far more frequent OOP and this could make ranges less narrow don't you think?
This is not something you look to exploit? Which range would make you call and which 4B if you fold AJ here?
May 7, 2013 | 5:24 p.m.
I think you make a excellent point about book keeping, I find that very helpful when I am multi tabling. However, this is our first hand and we do not have to worry about 4b bluffing to often since we can adjust in the next spot.
May 7, 2013 | 1:43 p.m.
Is the scenario the reg 3bet bluffing the fish super unlikely to you, there are enough fish who would fold far to often on 3bets or play terrible fit or fold postflop...
May 7, 2013 | 1:40 p.m.
I can see a lot of reason, but could you expand a little why you would call?
May 7, 2013 | 11:21 a.m.
Is the jack that relevant, so wouldn't be any Ax a good blocker?
May 7, 2013 | 11:20 a.m.
Ok first hand you sit in with a reg and a fish 2/4 nlhe and have been dealt AJo in the big blind. Fish on the BTN opens 2x, Reg 3B 8x and its to you. Fish is a megafish type playing 70-20 3 handed but you have no big sample of stats. Reg is decent playing 40/30/12 3 handed, but has all kinds of midstakes grinder leaks. Reg and fish both have around 100bb effective stack.
In which order do you prefer the action of hero? Cold Call 3B, 4B/Fold vs both, 4B/Call only vs reg, 4B/Call vs both, 4B/Call vs fish, Fold
Hi Ben, thanks for all your great content. I was wondering what your take would be on this question I am thinking and struggling with myself. In your latest videos I have noticed more liberty in varying betsizings. You would say one could choose for instance a 30% betsizing/50% betsizing or 75% betsizing, stressing the implications what happens with your opponent range is the thing to take into account for a balance strategy on future streets.
Say someone would 3b SB vs BTN, T62r and it used to be 90% of players would cb 50/60% with 100bb effective stacks.
Do you feel this increased freedom in betsizing, might be some bridge between GTO and exploitive play? A player could now take the range of his opponent much better into account and exploit over or underdefending based on reads and stats. The amount of holdings one can have in NLHE limits the amount of balanced gametrees so having a lot of multiple betsizing various one player is too tough. However and correct me if I am wrong, it almost feels like one can now play every hand in vacuum and choose one betsizing and one specific balanced strategie at a time the way you approached this last session.
Feb. 13, 2016 | 4:23 p.m.