1 points
Maybe regs started to properly adjust to your game?
Is the player pool more or less the same you got acustomed to play?
Are you perhaps getting faster to tilt/semi-tilt because of the downswing?
Quickest and easiest advice I can get you is to take a break for at least one week.
Nov. 1, 2018 | 4:24 p.m.
Maybe the above line is not good at all... it is just how I would have played it. I'm pretty unsure, I have been away from poker for more than a couple of years. I just got back :)
Nov. 1, 2018 | 6:05 a.m.
I would not size down any pf my bests here just because we are deep.
PF i would go at least 3x, flop around half pot. Somewhat smaller on turn... and probably block bet/fold riv.
I don't think he'll bluff raise often enough... we're blocking AJ and A3s from his oppening range. It would be nice to have some stats on him, but overall I think he'll sometimes show up with 77, AJ, KJ, QJ maybe TJs and when we beat him 88,99,TT, slowplayed QQ,KK... ATcc, AQcc,AKcc
Nov. 1, 2018 | 6 a.m.
With some serious consideration I would fold this but his value range so narrow: A4s, 45s (maybe). KQdd, KJdd, 77 and so many busted FDs and Straight draws.
The only serious reason for folding IMO is because I think villains won't bluff enough in this spot.
Oct. 30, 2018 | 7:03 p.m.
I find it difficult to build a good range and play well 3b pots vs MP from the blinds (esp unknown). But I would 3b vs Co for sure.
Given that we are going to play it HU anyway and I don't know villain I would probably just call here.
Would just calling here just lose some value or it would be very bad? And I should go with a general rule of 3b JJ+ always?
Oct. 30, 2018 | 6:43 p.m.
Is 3b-ing PF JJ Bb vs Mp (unknown) in HU (all folded) standard?
I would have played it the same - but after reading the coments I get it that it would be bettter to just check turn.
As played up to the turn.... caling is fine because only a very little part of his overall range has any value on that board.
River is an easy fold.
Nov. 12, 2018 | 9:06 p.m.