61 points
... but I do not play tournaments.
Is there a way to salvage value out of those tickets without playing the tournaments?
Dec. 20, 2020 | 12:19 p.m.
Agree with that. That hand becomes tricky only with 3rd barrel and/or all-in OTR.
You checked twice to him on super wet middle board. He can have you on AK, AJ, JJ, 77-88, Awheels with flush that you did not bet. He can have abundant both bluffs and worst value with or without a draw
Nov. 26, 2020 | 4:55 p.m.
I guess the motto of the video would be:
"When in doubt nit it out!
I am orders of magnitude looser both pre- and post-
That explains one of the reasons why I am a loser I guess...
Nov. 26, 2020 | 4:52 p.m.
Brilliant video. Your explanations are perfectly in the Goldilocks zone "not too much not to little". The format is perfect and unique. Keep it up.
It has a unique feature that no other format does. And that is that you get to see the cards that hit the muck. In any other video any mental masturbation (no matter how good and elaborate) never gets hit by the TRUTH as it does here.
I would watch this all day, every day.
What room is that and are there options for European players to play on sites that provide this?
Nov. 20, 2020 | 4:33 p.m.
What other sites are you playing?
Oct. 18, 2020 | 12:16 p.m.
Great. Much more of this format.
I think it speaks much more to essential members constituency than 500 zoom does.
Aug. 27, 2020 | 11:38 a.m.
13:55 4Ts in BB call vs. small BU open and SB call on 764 flop. What are you thoughts on leading as it is almost guaranteed that BU will check (if he has anything like overpair as well if he doesn't)?
July 1, 2020 | 3:34 p.m.
Very followable (if that's a word) and clear thought process. Especially from a perspective that most play still occurs vs. humans and not vs. an army of GTO bots.
It seems that you fold extremely quickly on the hands that you chose not to play (sometimes I can not even make out what you folded). Is there any helper tool that you are using for that?
July 1, 2020 | 3:31 p.m.
It would be definitely great to see a good series of videos showing how to harness the power of PT4.
Whenever I try something in PT4 I never get the results that I expected.
For example I am unable to filter for QQ went all-in or called or all-in preflop just to get a sense if it is a profitable all-in shove or call of a shove.
March 30, 2020 | 4:24 p.m.
Approx. 10 min before the end
You snap fold 88 in the BB to BU open and SB 3 bet.
With SB 3-bet only strategies approaching the highest 3-bet frequency exactly in this spot, vs. BB, sometimes to the tune of 12-15% how is this an auto-fold?
March 14, 2020 | 6:31 p.m.
Great video. Ideal tempo regarding explanations. Ideal size tablewise.
March 14, 2020 | 5:48 p.m.
I concur with this opinion.
Dec. 30, 2019 | 7:01 p.m.
40:20 You explain card-dependant factors, i.e. blockers that go into bluff catching OTR IP after b/c x/x b
Could you expand on player-specific factors that would sway towards folding or calling.?
What stats would you look at because we see the full spectre of players from those that would never value bet pair of queens in that spot from those that take your checking on the turn as an invitation to barrel any river.
Dec. 11, 2019 | 4:55 p.m.
Is this GTO LAB software? If so how much does it cost as I can not find any info on the pricing on their page?
Dec. 11, 2019 | 4:08 p.m.
Thanks Dan Quinn, it does.
Nov. 3, 2019 | 12:06 p.m.
Thanks Dan Quinn
I appreciate your effort and I find the similar answer to Question 1) which basically says: "go watch this elite video". I am an essential member, Saulo is an essential instructor and the answer (albeit simplified) should be found within those constraints.
Oct. 22, 2019 | 11:12 a.m.
How do you get 4-bet range stat in PokerTracker 4?
Oct. 21, 2019 | 8:37 p.m.
Oct. 15, 2019 | 5:11 p.m.
Hi Saulo
The support was very friendly, patient and understanding but they did not answer the questions for you. They merely acknowledged the validity of the questions and explained to an extent why you are not required to answer every single minutia from every question.
If it is a site-wide policy that questions past one week get no answer then commenting in the thread should be locked. If it is your policy then you should lock your own threads. It was not my experience up to this point.
But we'll play by your rules.
Question from this video (I am posting on 14th of October, i.e. on 2nd post-publishing day of you video, hence within a week's range):
Timeline from this video:
0:27 RFI 8Ts from CO for 3 BB
0:57 RFI 22 from UTG for 2.4 BB
12:06 RFI AQs from UTG for 2.4 BB
From that I drew the conclusion that you open smaller from early positions and larger from later.
Question that follows is:
It seems you got it backwards from what everybody else is teaching. Big from early, small from late positions. Quick rationale is that by raising big in early positions you discourage loose calls by players who have position on you. You do not want J5s and K7offsuits of the world with significant equity vs. 44 on your back. You also want to build the pot with your premiums. From the late positions you steal as much as possible for as little as possible.
In the interest of time-saving which I am sure you can appreciate I allowed myself to copy and paste the question.
Oct. 14, 2019 | 3:23 p.m.
Could you answer questions 1 through 4 that I asked in your 200 Zoom: Theory applied?
I think they are fundamental questions that pertain to almost any single hand we play.
Oct. 13, 2019 | 6:48 a.m.
Makes sense. Thanks.
Oct. 4, 2019 | 4:09 p.m.
OMGIsildurrrrman12 and Peter
Thanks for the replies. I understand this probabilistic nature of being capped and I can accept it.
Maybe if I had a chance to rephrase my question I would put it as:
Every time a villain has set OOP how often does he "just" call vs. x/raise?
Oct. 4, 2019 | 7:51 a.m.
Great fan here. Love your videos and your teaching skills.
The only grievance I have with this is that I believe the opening assumption does not apply to how population plays. That is bet/call line from the BB on T62ss flop does not cap the villain in any way, shape or form. This is what I believe, what I think and what my experience tells me (notice how all are feel based and not data driven). Villain is still full of sets. I see it on unfavourable run outs that go to showdown, when I hit an odd overset and on turns when I hit trips with my top pair and end up paying the villain. They do it with 99 on 932 rainbow board as well as with 77 on JT7ss board and anything in between. I am not privy to their thought process and I do not know if it fits "oh no he can only fold if I c/r 9s" in the former example and "better call down with my bottom set because he either has JJs or straight" in the latter but it is what praxis shows. Additional proof would be instances where villain check/raises the flop and then check/folds the turn or checks on turn and river on blank run outs. No set does that.
I wish I were more database savvy so I could prove my "feel". Maybe someone knows how to set filters to get answers to these questions.
You kind of alluded to that on the end that posh theoretical concepts do not necessary apply to micros.
P.S. And I love your graphics and sounds.
Oct. 2, 2019 | 3:53 p.m.
I find it pretty annoying that you do not respond to questions such as this. I find this to be the most valuable part of any training site.
You have a lot of likes, a big fan base and there is no shortage of people who dig you strategy. But I DO NOT and that is why I need answers to these questions. Most of them are not some minutia about rare river spot but spots that apply to almost every single hand one plays (except for the last which you answered already).
I wouldn't mind if your fan base who understands your strategy would chip in.
Oct. 1, 2019 | 4:17 p.m.
I have a lot of questions.
Your video has completely unglued me or my frail poker knowledge. It flies in the face of everything I know about poker. Given that I am a losing 50NL player and you are a winning 200$ regular that wouldn't be a problem per se if it wasn't against commonly taught knowledge in articles, books and videos on this very site.
So let me begin.
Question No. 1
I observed two instances of those. You say "I apply limping strategy from early positions".
Does this mean you apply it only with aces? If so how is this a good strategy and not something brutally transparent? Nothing screams aces more than limp and re-raise from early positions. It seems that in the second trial that is exactly what is happening as the guy folded before your chips hit the middle.
In the first trial you get nano-raised, cold-called and you 3-bet ending up with 15-ish BB pot on 79s 2 flop. I guess the same would occur if you raised. Is it not better to have 30 BB pot with the same hand?
Question No. 2
It seems you got it backwards from what everybody else is teaching. Big from early, small from late positions. Quick rationale is that by raising big in early positions you discourage loose calls by players who have position on you. You do not want J5s and K7offsuits of the world with significant equity vs. 44 on your back. You also want to build the pot with your premiums. From the late positions you steal as much as possible for as little as possible.
Question No. 3
You voice everything that is common knowledge in that spot - you have range advantage, you have nut advantage, you do not need much protection (the lower the pair the less it is true), the board is dry, the board is disconnected, villain can't call well, villain can't bluff well etc. up to the very conclusion where common wisdom in the community says: small bet for the entire range.
IS THAT WRONG? What would you do with AJs or KK?
Question No. 4
You open 45s and 65s and call 3-bets both times. With the second call I am fine because as you said the raise is small and you have the position.
If you open 45s in the hijack that would put your RFI from that position in the 25-30% range. ISN'T THAT TOO WIDE?
The second problem that I have is that you call 45s to 3-bet from CO. If you call 45s you are then ditching 30% of your opening range at best (QTo and 75s).
WHAT IS YOUR 3-BET CALLING RANGE OUT OF POSITIONS? Are there other factors in this specific hand that I do not see?
Question No. 5
QQ vs. AK on 6 5 3 2 T double suited board
You conclude and I agree that you have the best hand, that villain can't have AA or KK and check 3-times (in my opinion there is an outside chance that he has TT), he wouldn't have checked the set 3 times and probably wouldn't have 4-bet the small pair. And after everything you said your action contradicts your conclusion.
WHERE IS THE SHOVE? What are you afraid of? I have seen players regulary call in that spot with AK not wanting to be taken of the chop.
Sept. 23, 2019 | 4:25 p.m.
Your great fan here. Awesome video as expected. You set yourself the bar very high but still manage to outjump it.
I am a tard with a flawed thought process but I really really struggle to see how in the last hand on 7 9s 4s 7 4 board villain caps himself by checking on the turn.
The basis for my doubt is my own mental process as well as experience from the pool.
I would almost certainly:
1.) check 99 with the idea
1a) villain has KK, AA I am going to get it anyway on the river
1b) villain has AK, QJs, A3s he might get the second best hand and pay off handsomely
1c) villan has the same random hands as above but decides it is worth a bluff on the river on blanks
1d) villain checks river and now I bet and expect to get called fairly often by A highs, sometimes even K highs
2.) check half of the time 75s - 79s if they'd be in my range (probably if I saw Peter with any decent 3-bet stat)
Same logic as in point 1.
3.) 4 coming on the river is also not insignificant because it again pairs one of the flop call cards like A4 although I agree it is a small subset of hands.
Sept. 10, 2019 | 4:59 p.m.
Are Fv3B, 4B and 5B stats relative to previously held range or are they absolute to all 1326 starting hand combos.
I will use the player 3 stats to illustrate my question.
SB OR 65 Fv3B 51 4B 9
So he is opening 0.65x1326 or 862 combos. You 3 bet him from the BB and now he:
a) folds 51% of the 862 combos and 4Bets 9% of 862 combos
OR he:
b) folds 51% of 1326 combos and 4Bets 9% of 1326 combos
Anyone can really answer this, does not have to be Antonio
Sept. 9, 2019 | 5:16 p.m.
K6 s on 4 Q Q 7 J runout - you decide to peel the flop and bluff the river.
I think this spot is extremely player dependent (which one isn't) where you have on one end of the spectrum players who play AA in this spot as bluffcatchers because "hey what else can you have but trip queens" and players who would bet any 2 on that flop and turn and call you down with K high because "hey your are full of it?"
The question is "how do I tell them apart"?
Paraphrasing the question would be "what are the conditions you are looking for when bluffing OTR OOP after the action went "bet-call, check-check, ....."
It seems you play hudless but feel free to comment as if you were hud-ful.
Sept. 4, 2019 | 3:41 p.m.
More of these please. Great video is all I can say. Succinct, without useless fillers, understandable and what they call in financial markets: it gives you actionable ideas.
If you could explain the pricing of the product that you are using because I really can't wrap my head around their points system!
Why do cards look like they are beyond yellowed broken glass?
March 26, 2021 | 2:50 p.m.