Reds46's avatar


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Hi Steve, great video as usual.

4:40, the Ad3d spot.

Assuming that our opening range from UTG is around 15% and assuming that we cbet KQo+, our cbetting range contains like 33 combos of TP or better (KQo+, 22, 55, KK), if we cbet all FDs (is correct ?!) we will have a range comprising 33 combos of "pure value" and 16 combos of "semi-bluff". (the count is approximate).
- How do you decide how many "entire bluff" combos use in that spot ?

Entire Bluff = AcQ,AcJ or Ad3d

  • Do you think that AcQ, AcJ are good candidates also to be included in our "ch/calling" range?
    I prefer ch/call AcQ than 88-, beacuse we have a blocker to KQ+2 backdoors, while with medium pocket pairs we have a hand that will improve less often. Do you agree?

Thank you for the reply! I hope that my bad english will not compromise the quality of your reply.



Dec. 18, 2014 | 11:23 p.m.

Hi Steve! This video is awesome beacuse allows to do an "autoreview" of own game.
Curiosly i have like 95% of the leaks that you have noticed in Henry He :(!

By the way which filters have you used to pick out the hands where Henry folds too much?

Thank you :)

Nov. 29, 2014 | 9:34 a.m.

Comment | Reds46 commented on 2 pairs river oop

Which is the correct size on that river?
I think 1/3 pot might be fine because we have approximately 30 value's combos (QQ,77,TT,ATs,AQ,KJs) and the only bluffs whereby we could get on the river are 89s and J9s (approximately 6 combos).

Furthermore we can take an other street of value by QJ/QK/..


Hope I have not made ​​too many mistakes :)


Sept. 17, 2014 | 8:49 a.m.

Hi, nice video!

Talking about your UTG's opening range, do you prefer to open hands like A8s, QJs or 76s than ATo?

What is your bottom UTG's opening range in this game?

Ty :)

Sept. 8, 2014 | 8:27 a.m.

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