8 points
i disagree. please no more tournament or nlhe videos from you. as you said yourself, you've got great players on here who are specialized in those games.
May 28, 2014 | 4:25 a.m.
Its a good idea to just fade in what the stats in your hud mean. For example in a simple word document in the right screen corner. You have examples for this in other produced videos. It saves the time of a ten minute introduction.
May 22, 2014 | 9:20 p.m.
Given his loose 4bet (A6s) calls and your very small bet on the flop I think he could have alot of random floats on the flop.
It seems that he likes to play back.
So my line would be here to just check/call turn and river, on any card besides an A or K, because I think he is less likely to make a play on A or K since that cards hit our range much better then his.
So given that he seems to be quite spewy (I think called a 4bet with A6s vs UTG is terrible) I also like the small flopbet a lot, that gives him a lot of rope to hang himself.
July 23, 2013 | 10:23 p.m.
I think there a two scenarios here
1. You assume that he is capable of 3beting alot of Air here. The line here would be to call down turn and river no matter how the board will run out
2. You assume that his 3betting range is quite tight here and always with alot of Eq. The line here would be to 4bet/getit in on the flop because it just makes no sense Call it here and risk that he might fold a Set if a flush cardor Kx Qx hits the turn or river.
You would also get the best value out of KdJd Kd9d
From the Betsizing I would make the read that he has you on a FD and has himself KQ (9 combos)
his 450 in 720 on the turn is quite big and you guys don't have to much left for the river anyway after (I just realized that you have around 550$ left on the river)
So I dont see a reason why he should bet so big on the turn.
Given that you have only 550$ on the river I cant see myself folding this
He would have 9combos of KQ and 6combos of a AA, JJ, TT and 2 combos of KdJd Kd9d
against those range you have 29% and you need only 20 to call the river
July 21, 2013 | 10:10 p.m.
I dont see a reason for a 3bet here, unless you think that he would CR TxJx+ (without FD) here alot and might fold that to a 3bet. I think that is the keypoint here.
The Other parts of his range are a classic WA/WB situation where a calldown has much more value with Ahi.
So what is you assumption on his JxTx+ (no fd) CR freq.?
July 21, 2013 | 9:42 p.m.
Although I dont really like the very loose float, I think a shove on the river is the best play here. Given that the board is so dry and Ahi I think SB will almost never put you on a random float that goes bananas now. For me your range looks like Ax+ 9x+ which he can assume that you would rather make the herocall instead of turning them into a bluff.
So basically the fact that your flop float was so bad makes up for a good shove now, because your hand looks like AA or 99 now, which is perfectly fine to value shove even its not the nuts on this board.
I think you might even get him to fold some A4 or A9 or 44
Again, first it sounds crazy to expect foldequity from that hands here, but at the same time SB knows that to.
If you would shove that river I really would leaning towards folding the above mentioned hands because I really cant see anyhand that you would turn into a bluff here. (I would only fold due to the lack of reads on you)
Phil showed quite a lot of pre aggression. For me it does make a lot more sense to learn from good players who also show results. Non standard thinking comes with experience, and after you've established a strong foundation. You will realize yourself when its time to broaden your horizon and when strong adaptations to specific villains make sense.
You can chime in here, Phil, you can tell best if you've worked on your tourney game and say with confidence that you beat the games with a high roi. I assume the answer will be no as already stated in the vid.
=> stick to PLO, we like those vids!
May 29, 2014 | 3:30 a.m.