62 points
Great video Paul how ever i think video/audio is not in sync as audio being a bit behaind with that said, good spots interesting decisions.
Would like to know what you think about the 77 hand perhaps if you raise the turn he folds the set? But being a weaker player he might as well call.
Ofc with that said we want hands like this to barrel/hang them selfs so not raising versus fh/quad outs is more ev if he is gonna bet most rivers with just a set.
I would like to ask how much BB you decide to add /remove on 3bet sizing
for example versus 60bb you are 3beting - 1bb ( 1 less )then usual 3bet size while 160-70 bbb deep you add +1 etc?
SB TcJc on 36min you 3bet HJ, i'm a bit worried doing that as people on below 50nl appear to be more tight/call happy so will this be a default 3bet in lower stakes agian for you?I don't do it as its worse the marginal i think (in my experiance)
6min As4s with the follow up bet you kinda also represent the K and you can fold out medium pairs in 6 - T/J range while having gut shot & overpair , so turn is a blank and good spot to fire a turn bet?
Sept. 30, 2017 | 9:22 a.m.
Good video Iain i like the point about the over folding on river's because people do not keep on going with same hands as GTO programs, how ever it would be nice if you can have a similar hand from a student session where you can show SWDW and %
after bet river+ other decisions you take into consideration such as pfr/nitty/lag player etc.
About the 9dTd at 31:10, when people lead 4 way floop like this they tend to be pretty honest/faceup there is straight on the board and we block 2 pairs like 98, but i would imagine A9s K9s J9s etc to bet here from rec, so i think this could be a spot we can consider folding in general? as we have top pair but not exacly the best kicker and often we will be beaten here 4 way esp from the BB that i think will flat alot of low pairs suited K9 A9/44 /88 99 /55 etc?
AcKd hand versus the rec player, i understand why you check and bluff river, but i wanted to ask as i would lead versus most reg/thinking players with Ac blocker and evaluate on rivers.Would you also lead decent amount of the time versus reg/thinking player ?
Sept. 26, 2017 | 2:53 a.m.
Great video you are very good and being calm and collected and explain loud and clear every dicision including the weird lines people take versus you and why its bad and you "punish them".
If you would make another 16nl/25nl video playing without limping or review of member here would be great :)
Wouldn't mind a second limp strategy video as we can learn alot from you about decision making postflop & much more.
Sept. 23, 2017 | 3:50 a.m.
Really good series of videos as Saulo Ribeiro already said good thought process and clear explanation esp on spots where you say X i pref to squeze or x etc so we can know the other options as well.
Sept. 16, 2017 | 4:45 p.m.
Great video Brad, you talked about hud and how you talk with students about it(not to take x sample to serious but intead to look for overall playstyle/leaks pre etc ), so i think playing on site with a hud next time and go further into it would be good as well, other then that i really like the clear tought process/hand explanation of ranges what you expect to be called/get value from and event comment hands you are no in play as well as some of the tought spot like squeeze/fold from one of the guys when you had the 77 hand.
Overall really good video man.
Sept. 15, 2017 | 1:16 a.m.
Hey man if you haven't watched anything from him i suggest
it's really good one as well.
Sept. 14, 2017 | 8:11 p.m.
Great video i just have a question/answer i would say.
On the 41:20 quiz , i think for population/nowdays cbetting 1/4 30-35% pot is considered entire range/cbeting alot, the question is about regs and we now know from pio calculations that 33% is better then 1/2 in most places etc ( if thi was not regs like rec will bet 50/66/70% even here but the question is about regs)
So for example if we watch Diego Ramirez video he often says i will cbet here alot my entire range and does 33% or 1/4 bet.
So i think in that regard esp based on the pool/player tendecies 33% can be the correct answer?
Also to add to that(last hand KK 3way) for example if the fish button is very check call happy fish for example ( cbet only 30% but calls 70% cbets etc , it should be better to lead then for value? as often we have those passive/call station fish that will call with any 2 overpairs or Axs with bfd.
Thanks for the video and the answers in advance :)
Sept. 14, 2017 | 3:46 p.m.
Great video diego, one thing i wish to ask you, for example if we are versus fish and flop is rainbow A75 (we are dealer fish is in blinds) should we go more often more then 30-33% (whole range) and abuse the fact that fish will call 1/2 and 33% the same more or less?
While obviously betting whole range versus rest of the players.
On the 55 hand 40min 34 sec, is there merrit to betting perhaps a bit smaller and getting called more often or you think all in is the way to go at all times?
Sept. 13, 2017 | 3:33 p.m.
Great video Julian Kopanskiy i will re do alot of the information and check for leaks/things to abuse my self ,if you would do another video similar to this on higher/ (or if there is emand ) lower stake) would be awesome.
Sept. 12, 2017 | 6:50 p.m.
Really good and interesting video Diego!
I also like to mix in double check raise versus weak aggro players.
KhQd vs A5 hand was really good and i lold a bit when you "reveal " the hand in the middle of the explenation of what he may have :D
I also like the idea of checking for protection/deception you bring it's something really valuable in my opinion.Wanted to ask did you aways played 40bb or there was point you play 100bb and decided to switch things a bit?
Sept. 11, 2017 | 9:54 p.m.
17;43 bottom left from button you fold ( not open/steal J9o?) is this not in your button opening range maybe not aways but versus some nitty/overfold to steal players? )
19;21 the set of 2, you will raise versus most players but not aggro ones ( let them hang them selfs )correct so like 7/10 or so ratio i would assume (player depend) with that said if board is rainbow, how often u will just call versus everyone aggro or normal players.972r.
Great video really liked the A8s vs the fish and 68o at the end.( i also saw the bet sizing on 55 from previous video and got answer for that question :D
Sept. 11, 2017 | 2:56 p.m.
Diego great video i really enjoy the pio ones and now this, i don't mind that you play less then 100bb.
How ever most interesting/profitable is when we play versus fish so you cut the last hand and just said i will be raising very big the fish, would you mind answering here how much is that and at what frequency you expect to be called for example if you raise x3 Hes 10$ bet into raise 40$ from you and get called 6/10 times let's say.
But for example if you make it 30$ you will be called 8/10 etc so both doing the same profit, i tend to find the sweet spot as x4 or a bit over pot (110-130% range) do you mind to tell me exacly how much you raised/did you get called and how exacly you make the math how much to raise on such flops the fish,as you expect him to often call with just top pair.
Thanks alot in advance
(Tldr i raise between x3/4 depends on hud stats call river raise/wsd/pot to stack ratio) but never really any bigger unless the board is very wet and i have the complete nuts obvioulsy )
Sept. 10, 2017 | 1:54 p.m.
Quick update for today session, i obviously run well but i was also in very good mental state ,did everything well didnt watch any youtube clips etc drink water/eat healthy and it the result was great
Sept. 7, 2017 | 9:23 p.m.
Really interesting and good video for what is worth i went back and see that my results between first and second session when im watching tv show instead of training video/hh reviews my followup results on that session are much worse then the first one, while vice versa when i gym > study session eat >study>session i have much better results.
Sept. 7, 2017 | 8:17 a.m.
Yep 2 table max 3 seem to be the best choice, tho i would like if there are more hands and video is longer, most people make about 45min -1h videos .
For example 45min hands review and last 15 doing pio solver work and so on.
Good job for first video big bet's versus weak hands when we are nutted seems the best and not trying to bluff fish of lower pair like JTo on wet/heavy board they appear to have non working fold button, and that is fine long term.
Sept. 5, 2017 | 6:50 a.m.
Really good video for new players i show this video to a new friend to talk with him since he just started poker and this series is one of hes favorites.(suits hes stakes as well obviously )
Great job Stelios Serefidis.
Sept. 3, 2017 | 5:03 a.m.
Program called StarsHelper trial version works for this you don't have to buy it.
Download it then start the stars client and you will see BB instead of $.
If this is what you are asking.
Aug. 31, 2017 | 7:52 p.m.
Really cool video i liked it alot, this kinda of quiz videos are great. keep up the good work.
Aug. 29, 2017 | 10:37 p.m.
18:30 table 1 88 hand, doesn't bb have alot of suited 9x combos that we don't block such as T9/J9/q9/k9s as well as alot of suited As2-T that will be in hes checking back range, and once call + donk leads the river on such brick flop/runout for more then a half pot in my databse marking similar calls with hands 3rd pair /worse was never good when i call the donk river bet , i lost 82% of the time, and second pair being a bit better with 68% lost often to a better kicker Q9 vs K9 /A9 etc ).
Was wondering if you would consider this as population reaction/check back range as people seem to be more nitty and faceup with donk river bets on such flops/rivers.
21;20 Q6s from cutoff isn't that way to wide/not profitable esp if we play lower stakes like 10/25nl , most opening ranges do not have that hand even q7s(mostly Q9s+ from CO( example grinders manual opening ranges or if u try nash equilb range etc)
Do you open this wide from Cuttoff or was this s missclick /hud miss read? as i would open this if blinds are very passive and button as well, so if i get called i have position over the blinds.
27:40 pocket 44 if blinds is active player /fish would you call with almost all pairs if deep 100bb+ everyone so you can send mine if bb is playing like 30-35% of hands?or you will still only flat 6/7 + pairs?
Thanks for the great video and pio at the end .
Aug. 29, 2017 | 2:04 a.m.
And here is prespective when this turns around and you run like a god and play well from this morning session. 6 buyins and a half in less then 800 hands.
back on track going UP
Poker is a cruel sometimes but it's all about testing your will and desire, and tilt limit, keep in there keep going good moments will come poker is like the skin of the zebra, there is white( good moments ) but aways dark and hard times after that and it keeps rotating like that all you have to do is keep level headed motivated and keep grinding.
Aug. 27, 2017 | 5:08 p.m.
I just had probably the biggest downswing of my career this past week even went down in buyins even if there'is no need for it, just to make sure i was playing ok and so on, all in all i lost 8/13 all in with 85% or more, run into quads 3 times in one sessions
my all in ev was +300 actualy blinds lost -1200. at one point or similar, all in all running like...
here is a picture that may help things it was some where in the middle of all the madness
The truth is, it does get better and if you keep playing ok and get it in good, it will turn around, you wont win 100% and restore most of those money, but we as (human beings & poker players tend to remember the bad beats a'lot, but forget all those other times we got lucky with 10-20% chances where we got there 3 times in 1h session etc you get the point..
We have "run good " we just dont appricaite them enough or go on winners tilt , mark every hand u get it bad with tracker and go back and look at it , you also win as underdog variance happens to favor you few times in a row as underdog as well. The idea is in the long run of 400K+ its just a small thing in the chart that goes down and then up few days later .
Open piosolver/quilab/card runers ev make sure you still play/ get some one to sweat you etc make sure the tilt dosn't affect your play.
I have a rule where, if i lose 3 buyins in x amount of time, i stop and watch motivational/chill video or go out for a run to clear my head, play a sport just overall take my mind of the game and then start by playing only 1-2 table and make sure i'`m 100% focused before going up the normal size.
For prespective this is what my session looked on the first 10k hands.
when i started long time ago runing above ev a bit.
With that said i don't think you should be losing
start of grind ups & downs b4 bad bead run out
Also AK isn't the same hand versus different player's if i go all in with it versus people i have marked as nitty 3/4betters i will probalby lose 9/10 times.
While that changes versus short stack/fish that get's it in with AJo 55 etc.
Who you play versus ,range wise/prespective/notes/timing tells matter's alot.
For what is worth i was down 18 buyins at one point and 3.5/4 days latter up 7(restored the lost 18 and 7 clear profit alot of fastforward/zoom volume as i find that to be the "best cure "for bad variance imo. ).
Aug. 25, 2017 | 2:36 a.m.
Great video , give me some ideas how i can improve my hud stats, and my game, i was not 3betting/flatting enough in blinds even tho its zoom and people play TAG this could be a leak of mine as well will put another 10-15 sessions on zoom and see if i have improved in that regard.
Stelios Serefidis great video man good job.
Aug. 23, 2017 | 2:24 p.m.
Thank you for the resposne Iain Salter , will do that and mark the hands and review them after a good amount of sample to see how much more profitable that is then a donk cbet vs weak players.
Aug. 23, 2017 | 1:15 p.m.
Thank you paul ,since u mention hes 3betting sizing not being good/the same all the tiem i wanted to ask i'm doing 9bb vs 3bb open 8 vs 2.5 bb IP , and +1 for OOP (10/9 etc) is it good sizing or should i make it bigger? for 120 bb or below.
Aug. 22, 2017 | 11:23 p.m.
Thank you for another great video Paul.
When i watch some of the recordings you play on 25/50 you had only 3% 3bet pre, yet you say we should 3bet big blinds and blinds a bit more often here because of the rake but you don't seem to be doing it, was it because of small sample session thing or you just don't 3bet that much perhaps around 5-7% range?
on this video at the end you have 3bet pre 2%
3% here.
I'm also 3betting less in zoom then i do in normal tables but just wanted to ask if you don't mind share what average stats for you winning at this microstakes is as im playing 10$/20$ range and im running 20/16/6 on average.
Aug. 22, 2017 | 1:56 p.m.
I watched Pro View: Microstakes Database Review (46 min) by Julian Kopanskiy and really liked the software, how ever i download it, and don't know how to set it up, make a hud and make it work on stars, i manage to immport my databse but thats about it?
Can some one help me out how to set it up , esp for the positional play/stats.
Thanks in advance.
Aug. 22, 2017 | 1:24 a.m.
at 8:20 Paul Atwal you are folding KQo in first talbe top left ( blade #3) to UTG open +CO call, is the logic behaind it that CO flat range and utg opening range overall have better AQ AK/ and suited hands similar to yours but obviously having suited .
If it was only Co u would flat/sometimes 3bet ( if suited 3bet )?
Next hand 34min:09sec bottom left AKo on delaer vs HJ( he open 6x but i think sometimes thats a miss click or the nuts obviously) , u decide to flat with 3bet pfr only this session, do you aways have such a low 3bet pfr?
So my question is , given the fact that u have very tight image, and they perhaps have similar stats + being in position and dead money in pot isn't it better to 3bet quite often here like 8/10 and flat twice, or i'm far off?
Also HJ appears to have high pfr/vp stats ,s o perhaps u wanted to flat and get 2-3 streets value from weaker A & K offsuit ?
I would flat if there is fish active fish in the blinds i can get value from as well.
Also i think 3bet fold isn't that bad if this was indeed a miss click /on hes part, also we may call and lose way more chips post flop with rainbow K high board?if he does indeed have the nuts AA/KK even tho we block that.
For what is worth i think he miss click /whale and the way you play it result oriented was the best, just wanted to ask few quesiton as how i would have think about it and played it.
Obviously if i 3bet pre and get x2 folds i would be making far less money then u did in this hand (tho he got 2 pair on turn so that maybe kept him in the hand)
Great video, if you happen to answer my questions thanks in advance, and keep up the good work
Aug. 20, 2017 | 12:34 p.m.
he explained it's because of the strategy he choose on this stakes +consideration of the rake .tldr he plays tight and this bet will make people call a bit wider so he will be ahead far often then not, unless i got that one wrong.
Also he said he likes to more 4bet then playing 3bet in some spots, and having weaker open in terms of bb making it cheaper to 4bet and "steal "3 bet money.
Aug. 19, 2017 | 12:51 p.m.
Program called StarsHelper it cost 35$ (you can use to trial to see BB don't know if that is still the case)
Hello dekkers nice second video on the site you are very active with videos and explain very well/clear i like that with that said i have few questions.(sorry if it's a bit to much then usual :D )
98d on 11min, right table sb vs bb with you NOT holding a heart and that draw bricks + we have bloker to straight isn't it better to check river and let bb bluff/try to bluff overvalue hes weak king instead of us betting high and scare him out of the pot if he have some weak k5s or what ever.
I think gto+ in my calculations in similar spots is check >call/raise versus different people and its more EV then leading OOP,also lead can make us fold best hand when he raises in some casses.+to add to that rec tends to be faceup with the hand they have and he led turn very small 3$ into 11.40 so another reason for me to think hes second pair or weak king or air(letting him bluff then etc)
12:45 89d vs utg i think 3bet is ok if we are abit deepr 160bb+ per say, and flating better here some times as behaind us we have 60$ one tabler. 64$ in sb & 78bb ( 2 weak low stack in blinds we can have position on )is that a good logic to have?(play pretty straightforward as if we are just versus one short stack we may not see the river with a hand that would like to do that as being downside of them being short stack).
13:34 8Th vs button if you have person like this who don't fold to much you would much rather have linear range with broadways pref suited i assume then suited connectors beside some premium ones like JT/T9/98s? and probably 99 or TT + pairs?
16min JTo hand when we block both fd and top pairs (as well as some combos that may have str/gutshot outs) isn't it better perhaps to lead a bit smaller to get some value then a fold like 50% or you think he will call higher bet with some overcards +gutshot anyway?
I loved the KK hand on 34min really good reason and clear thought process!
Oct. 5, 2017 | 6:14 p.m.