Rahm93's avatar


2 points

It does solve it, as time banks will not allow for the simulation to load before you need to make a decision.

Loading the data for every solution into a personal database is hopefully out of the technical reach for most regs.

Feb. 25, 2020 | 11:35 p.m.

As a continuation to this, there has already been a significant number of previously really poor regs who never posted a BB HU starting to battle anyone at 100BB and quitting instantly at lower or higher stack depths on multiple sites.

I'd pretty much consider the HU format dead by now because of the software which is unfortunate, especially with Phils challenges revolving against the format. Hopefully he can find a way to enforce rules on not using the software in his own challenge at least.

Feb. 25, 2020 | 10:02 p.m.

To begin with I would like to note that I have bought and tried the software, and it is really a feat of software engineering. Increadibly swift and easy to use, and to the degree that I have run sims side by side with my own Monkersolver results they seem quite accurate. It also seems unlikely to me that similar software is or would soon be available privately for vastly higher prices. As someone who makes a living playing PLO, I am sure that I am not alone in hoping software like this would still be ways down the line for PLO.

I would also like to add that my post comes from the perspective of a HSPLO-regular, who has been using solvers for most of my career. They are a great tool, fortunately now available to most and provides an even playing field for players. I have no issue with a study tool, what so ever.

This will be where my praise ends and I would like to raise my concerns, and I am surprised that not more comments have raised them.

The obvious issue with this product it is very viable and was developed as a real-time assistance software. This fact is so obvious that it disappoints me to see Phil Galfond and Run It Once support it. Someone else raised concerns about this in this thread and was met with a laughably naive response and the solution in place would stop exactly zero people from using it as RTA and by-passing current RIO, Stars or PartyPoker security.

Not only is it disappointing to see such software be part of RIO, it also confuses me as a business decision. Obviously this will bring some amount of revenue to the team, but it is extremly discuraging for lower stakes player attempting to make it as a professional (the very players RIO-Poker inteded to take a stand for). Vision will keep improving, adding more solutions to the point where the game is likely to be solved within the software, providing no future for players not willing to run the RTA side by side when playing on Run It Once - poker or any other site.

As of now, the cat is out of the bag and I understand that both RIO and the developers have a business to run. I am not here to tell anyone what they should or should not do but I would like to raise some potential solutions.

If Vision-software was truly intended as a study software and not RTA, developers should not have an issue adding a 30 second-or so- delay before results load. I understand that this is unlikely to happen unless Phil and the RIO-team acknowledges that this is a real-time assistance software and leans on the developers. The market for a study tool + RTA is undoubtedly larger than for just a study tool.

Another proposal aimed at the poker-sites, and Run It Once-Poker specifically, unless it wants it eco-system completly ruined by RTA, is to look at the model of no rathole-tables on ACR. These tables provide such a wide range of stack-sizes and preflop situations that I have never seen known RTA or Bots choose to play these tables. These solutions will be solved as well but would take vastly more time to complete and likely require a software to automatically retrieve correct spots in order to not run out of timebank.



Feb. 20, 2020 | 7:41 p.m.

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