3 points
Usually don't play this low stakes (0.55 bounty builder) But a bad day and just wanted to unwind with a beer and music and chill.
Progressive KO Early stage Blinds 125/250 38 ante
Villain UTG 13,287(53BB) 52VPIP on 33 hands (very small hand size)
Hero CO 13,600 (54BB) JcAs
UTG shoves 13287 folds to hero.
From what i've previously played with this guy 3 bet all in pocket 33's and when i joined the table he had 40+ bigs, he recently doubled me up so could be tilted ( 2 hands ago).
I tried to come up with some serious bullshit to make myself call because he seemed so weak from previous hands, and i thought his range was so wide but i felt that it was too much to call.
I folded eventually and then busted him 4 hands later with AKs against his shove again and he had KTos
Feb. 22, 2016 | 8:38 p.m.
I think raise on the flop, I doubt he is playing A6/K6 He potentially has AA or KK but you have a blocker to the KK,I strongly doubt he has a 6 in this spot on a 3x bb raise pre.You block QQ,AQ and have a decent kicker so i think we raise on the flop to 8.2k -8.6k.
Turn as played is a fold, don't think he ever does this without having a flush.
You still have 30BB so nothing to worry about, just keep grinding and the focus up.
Good luck on the felt.
Feb. 22, 2016 | 9:11 a.m.
If he was a nit then maybe his range is AA,KK,QQ,JJ,TT,AK-AJ Do you put KQ,QJ,JT suited in his range?
He could be doing this with a Set or TPTK with the King of diamonds. The Ace of diamonds blocks a lot of his flush range.
You got to call 5550 to win 27750 so we got to be good here at least 20% of the time to call which i think we smash.
If you call and the river is a diamond then I believe you can fold and still have a decent stack at 34,026.
Depending on the player too, if this is low stakes and you know hes a nit they potential get stuck to pretty cards such as a set of Aces.
I think its a call and then if no diamond or paired board then we call on the river.
Glaciem66 would be great to be added.
Feb. 23, 2016 | 8:42 a.m.