R00pert56's avatar


5 points

they could be from NJ too

Dec. 17, 2019 | 4:59 p.m.

Fold pre would be my advice. Like crusher said you're so easily either getting freerolled or dominated. If it was ds then its more reasonable, however with these low rundowns you if you must jump in the pot I think raising pre is better option to fold out a lot of those hands and play the pot with less than 4 ppl. But this specific hand especially rainbow prolly folding pre.

Jan. 21, 2019 | 2:14 p.m.

Not sure if this still is a thing... But..
A)Live 2/5 shot taking 5/10 and building roll to move up, online av stake $79 for mtts/sngs
B) 27
C) Elite
Just relocated to Vegas to see if I can make it in poker. Extra income within poker seems perfect for situation. BA from DU, quick and accurate on the keyboard. No experience with Discord but I'm sure I can figure it out and am a quick learner. Already have PokerGO and am a big poker fan. Skype/fb/email: Sam.uhlmann@gmail.com

Oct. 29, 2018 | 11:57 p.m.

Is poker the main reason you're traveling or wanting to play poker when you have free time during your trips? Just curious doesn't have much bearing on your question.. I know there were Europeans using VPN's to play on Iggy, maybe contact them from a friends email address/comp and see what they say? As for Stars I;d say your best bet is to buy Stars Cash P2P either from a player you know or reputable member on the 2+2 thread. They also could probably help you answer all your questions.

Oct. 13, 2018 | 5:08 p.m.

Saulo, Can you pm me which monitor model you'd recommend from Dell?

FivePlusFive, for the $$ that should be sufficient for playing and having the software, obviously theres a reason that certain specs fall in certain price points. The more clients and other software you have up the slower you'll be running and multi tabling. Do you know which generation of i5 It is? That is an important detail especially if this isn't a factory new comp.

Oct. 13, 2018 | 5:03 p.m.

I do! Ever since the club im in joined the union the games go non stop. I don't like that you cant multi table, but for when im not at home its great to play. I don't really like the 5 card they've added, but .30/60 -1/2 are solid

Aug. 19, 2018 | 1:52 p.m.

I think for hand #1 it would be pretty hard for him to fold out AK to that size of raise. I think you're really gonna have to bomb it more than 3.5x(which isnt even a potsized raise I believe, however it would be more helpful if you said the stack sizes and bet sizes in chips or bb's). As theyve said I'd use a hand without an A to get villain off AK, AQ might be better to use as just a call as a bluff catcher or AT, maybe A9, or a KK QQ barreling. I dont think its a necessary raise as most ppl wouldn't fold AK on that board to that sizing. I think maybe your best bet would have been raising flop or turn to rep 2 pair or set, then maybe theyd fold AK as you'd take over the betting lead.

For hand #2 I'd raise turn or fold. By these two hands you're very station-y and when you do pick up a big hand and raise its most likely pretty face up. As played your river bluff isn't very believable and you haven't given yourself a chance to get a read on his hand by just calling barrels. If anything you rep a J for broadway on the river.

July 16, 2018 | 9:17 a.m.

Comment | R00pert56 commented on Private coaching??

Thanks! I am not sure where to really start in which coach to pick.. As a mostly live(some online on wpn since i live in states) mtt player do you have any recommendations?

July 16, 2018 | 8:53 a.m.

Post | R00pert56 posted in MTT: Private coaching??

Hello, Is there private coaching available through RIO, or do some of the pros do it on their own time ?? I recently got the essential plan to kinda scope out what RIO has to offer, and I’ve been looking for a new private coach and thought this would be a good place to look. My email is Sam.uhlmann@gmail.com or message me through here if you have any info!

July 12, 2018 | 5:43 p.m.

I probably would ship turn tbh, you’ve got a little over a pot sized bet and are going to get called by a lot of worst hands that wont be able to call a 3rd street of betting unless he’s nutted. You’re wanting to get it in anyways I think the turn is the time to do it. Otherwise you’re leaving yourself with only 10bb for the river and if a d comes you’re gonna reluctantly check/call river

June 16, 2018 | 8:05 p.m.

Very good discussion topic I wish there was more input from other members on it as I’d like to know as well. I find that calling off on draws can completely decimate your stack and is generally bad.
- if I’m IP I like to incorporate a raise on flop to get a lot of checks on turn and be able to see my draw thru,
-OP is a little trickier but either a x/raise flop or a smaller lead on turn helps get to see your draw thru at this stack depth.
-I try to be conscience of building a pot correctly to allow for a pot sized shove at this stack depth as well
Thoughts ????

June 16, 2018 | 7:30 p.m.

Which pio version did you buy ?? I’m just getting into pio but on their site one of the videos they link is to a guy who uses excel and runs scripts and on one side makes his predictions for equities, bet size, etc then runs the sim and compares. That’s been a good start for me as they aren’t complicated to create and I’m just getting into the software. With the sims you’re running that could potentially be a good study method

June 16, 2018 | 7:22 p.m.

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