Q_High's avatar


5 points

Thanks, enjoyed the video a lot.
IMO the pace of the hands was good.

July 18, 2021 | 8:43 a.m.

Thanks for the video, Jd10d, seems interesting as u said.

March 23, 2017 | 4:11 p.m.

It seems like u r kind of result oriented... i dont think most villans will soul read call with KhJh when u bet 1/4 pot. and i dont think most will get there with 7x.
IMO the amount of combos u lose to with K10 high on the one hand, and will never fold river for lets say 3/4+ pot are too small to bet here. K10 high is too strong to bluff, u have the second nut no pair hand, meaning he has a decent amount of weaker hands u are now trying to taking him off of for no reason.

If you have, like Zdar said, 5h6h and cant win at showdown we need to take his # of Ax combos he's opening UTG, and get an opinion on if there's an amount he's folding Qh10h to, if there isn't, I doubt there's any reason to bet this river.

I'm only asking u that second part about the Qx hands he may fold, and the amount in ur opinion, coz u said he might make a soul read and call with 7\K high in ur post... so maybe he's a station that we shouldn't bluff at all \ soul reader and we cant make him fold.

Nov. 24, 2014 | 9:54 p.m.

Pretty cool hand..
The funny this is that if he checks the river u r prolly checking back and since he bet 1BB it feels like it's given u the information that he doesnt have a queen and somehow trying to block u from betting with maybe a 9cxc or 7x, and coz of that u raised which kind of makes sens somehow and od the other hand doesnt make any sens for u to raise if ur plan was to check back river.

In any case, i can relate to that 1BB bet and ur raise there, once he shoves i'm def calling, i dont know if that's the right move, but the hand played out so weird i cant help myself..

if he bets 1BB to induce a bluff that pretty geinus no matter what any1 says :) coz i think u r checking back the river most of the time with showdown and bluffing either way with your air + prolly in a higher frequency once he bets that.

but i still expect to see a weird A9o there.


Nov. 24, 2014 | 9:16 p.m.

Nov. 24, 2014 | 9:04 p.m.

Thanks for the vid. really useful imo for both tracking ur own game + ur opponents by stats.

One question comes to mind when looking at this is: is there a "perefct" game\hud stats ?

I mean, as long as the data is logically consistant, that style of play can be proven profitable i guess..
Saying like: flop agg is X and that's pretty high\low, must be compared to a general known play style otherwise it can't have any ground to it.
so i guess what i'm asking is what's that "perfect"\default base u r refering to? (prolly limit based)
Is there any place i can get the stats for it ?

Nov. 21, 2014 | 2:59 p.m.

Call turn, evaluate river.
he has Kx in his range ez, but also any Adxd played the same way, and some of the time 88-99, which is def enough to call that.
+ i think JJ-AA would sometime check in that spot as V, so those hands doesnt play that way 100% of the time, since ur range has a decent amount of Kx in it.

Nov. 19, 2014 | 6:54 a.m.

i prefer 3b pre w\ AK in the spot, seems great for a squeeze.
but a flat can b fine sometimes if it's that kind of table that when the original calls it snowballs into a 5 way pot.
on flop i much rather raise the sb open, as u said he's a weaker player and u want to iso urself with that kind of player, most of his range consists of a Kx which u r crushing and maybe some fd that u have a big edge over.
flatting flop makes ur hand look very weak and it may encourage ppl behind u to squeeze with a some hands u are ahead of, like Axd, once they do ur hand is either a head by a little or behind by a lot (vs sets) and that kind of an ugly spot to b in, so i think ur hand it too weak to just call and rely on other players weak plays in order to get to SD and take the pot. since u are most likley folding to a double barrle.
so making it 375-425 on the flop is imo the best play since u just flatted this hand.
OTR as played it's very close, could go either way depending on the player but generally i would tend to call that raise given these odds, like u said he shouldnt have any bluffs in that spot, but never rule out the occational brain fart after ur hand is so invisible as played (a thought like "he checked on river when the flush hit, so i can prolly take it now since i floated QQ\KQ\68s\89s on flop and turn and for whatever reason ended here OTR").


Nov. 19, 2014 | 6:43 a.m.

Comment | Q_High commented on KQ in the BB

i'd call river too.. weird small sizing OTR, under 1\2 pot, looks to me that with his Ac \ boats he goes for a lil more value since u called him 2 streets.. can maybe c KxJc or JxJc and a random weird bluff w\ AKo maybe...
anyway that's a great time to take a note about that sizing once u see his hand

Nov. 14, 2014 | 4:17 a.m.

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