21 points
Looking forward to the next installments. Enjoyed learning about your process, thanks for introducing me to windows timers, using them already!
May 12, 2020 | 8:54 p.m.
You choose your barrel spots carefully and make sure you check plenty
of hands that can c/c or c/r.
You're talking about oop from SB here right? check/call and check/raise.
Dec. 6, 2016 | 4:09 p.m.
From what I've seen H2N looks really promising!
With PT4 I'm able to filter for hands by preflop actions without much trouble now. from a db anaysis standpoint (i'm on bovada) I use the reports tab and configure stats to get a general idea of what's going on overall but these stats will include hero's actions which skews the data slightly. But I feel like it's overly time consuming with my current understanding of how to manipulate the data.
Having hole card information is what I really focus on though as I find that it gives me a better feel for what's going on which I'm able to translate practically to the tables. This might be susceptible to biases but it seems like the most efficient way of going about things at the moment.
Dec. 5, 2016 | 4:26 p.m.
hey dmitris, good luck in your quest!
Nov. 29, 2016 | 4:16 a.m.
ZenFish, I feel like I'm in a similar position. I'm not great with PT4 db analysis, haven't used PIO much, and have only worked with my own small database (50-100k hands). But that's been good enough to get an idea of general ranges different villain types play.preflop and on flop by utilizing filters and just looking at the hole cards.
So far I've only used this analysis to construct ranges in equilab to better understand how they intereact vs my range and various board run outs. I suppose the next step is to introduce PIO analysis, but I feel like I have great vision over my environment, as Nick would say, so my assumption is that at the moment my time is better invested at the tables getting in hands and realizing present EV.
Nov. 14, 2016 | 6 p.m.
I admit I don't know how 5nl games play but this seems like pure spew. I'd guesstimate that most players at these stakes don't open enough and generally play too passive preflop and here we're 3betting an unknown who is likely to have a narrower opening range given that he opened than we'd expect in the average co vs btn situation at ssnl or msnl.
As played, we have position and a hand with decent equity against a very polarized check/raise from villain so I'd prefer a call and see what develops on the turn with the intention of betting at some point on certain run outs if villain gives up.
Nov. 12, 2016 | 9:19 p.m.
Never folding KK because people do weird stuff enough. I'd happily fold QQ/AK though at a normal table. Are there aggro 3b/cold4bet dynamics at 25nl these days?
Aug. 28, 2016 | 5:19 a.m.
Villain is 58/16 so I'm ok with betting half pot and letting him figure out what to call with. underpairs, Ax, Jx, KK, 2x any of those hands could find a call depending on his mindset at the time.
Aug. 27, 2016 | 2:44 p.m.
just wondering what Ad does hero have in his range? AQ? I feel like I raise/fold with AJo/ATo pre and sometimes 3b AQ so that doesn't leave many Ad in the range to bluff.
Aug. 26, 2016 | 9:46 p.m.
yeah 60k is impressive on Bovada, I'm happy if I get over 30k :)
Site - Bovada
Main game - NLHE
Main stakes - mix 100 and 200nl 6max
Other games - $50+ mtts, random midstakes O8 sessions
Average Monthly Volume - 30k
Average Winrate - only have 125k hands in my db at w/combined winrate at 12bb/100. i'm probably running good but feel like i'm also making plenty of mistakes.
Additional Notes - agree re: table selection. i hop on and off tables regularily. i also play hud-less most of the which i feel forces me to concentrate more and focus on making quick reads. i try to look at every hand that goes to showdown in sesh.
April 25, 2016 | 12:26 a.m.
bovada zone seems like a complete waste of time. any energy put into those games would be better spent on reg tables where your ceiling is higher than 100nl and since the mid stakes games are soft the opportunity cost is pretty high if your game is being tailored to readless anonymous poker.
April 25, 2016 | 12:06 a.m.
x/c flop for me too. both of you have a narrow range, you shouldn't get three streets in this spot and you block the main hand we're trying to get value from (KQ) and block a couple backdoor draws (AsQs/AsJs).
As played I'd fold and check the next day to confirm read. :)
I'm surprised he had QJ, I could see AA here as well.
Feb. 3, 2016 | 10:05 p.m.
I think everyone is different so it's important to do what works for you while staying open-minded and receptive to any emotions that may come up during a session. It might be the case that only focusing on 3 or 4 emotions may, over time, limit your ability to recognize the rarer emotions when they do pop up. The important thing with mental game is to become more aware, and ultimately maintain that emotional focus throughout our sessions from beginning, middle to end!
Jan. 28, 2016 | 11:40 p.m.
Leading flop is OK but I'd rather check and hope UTG cbets to trap a caller or two behind and we can jam. If PFR was in late position in this pot I'd prefer a lead.
As played, it depends on BTN but I would call and lead most turns. We don't want to blow people off their pair+gutshots hands by check/jamming and flating allows BTN's air range to hit some equity on the turn.
Sept. 5, 2015 | 2:27 a.m.
Just want to chime in and say this is a really good post. AK is usually a check back for me as well since we'll have plenty of flush draws and double backdoor draws to balance our value.
very much enjoyed the video again, thanks for sharing with us more of your process. that spreadsheet is great tool to have.
May 27, 2020 | 7:07 p.m.