5 points
Mid stages of tournament, buy in 11$ SBvBB value of bounty is 2.75$ we limp and SB shoves. What range do you call here and where can I find materials that show calling ranges in such spots?
April 17, 2020 | 9:48 p.m.
Hello can someone please recommend me some good videos for building 3b strategies in MTTs?
April 13, 2020 | 2 p.m.
Hello could someone please help me find good videos on the topic of range checking as a preflop raiser in single raised pots from essential coaches.So far I have found this topic is covered as part of this course( https://www.runitonce.com/poker-training/videos/range-checking-as-pre-flop-raiser/) but its a begginers course mostly and costs 50$.
March 27, 2020 | 9:58 p.m.
How do I set scripts to run?
March 23, 2020 | 1:48 a.m.
Hello I have just started using GTO+ and am wondering, those of you who are using solvers, what kind of study did bring the most benefit to your game? Be as specific as possible please.
March 23, 2020 | 12:36 a.m.
Alright so recently I have some issues adjusting my RFI vs limpers, so ill just give some examples to get the discussion going. To imagine the average limper in such situations its usualy 25-30 VPIP and 5-12 PFR so not completely clueless but a weak player overall.
So please write for each scenario what would your plan be for each combo group; fold/limp behind/raise and also for what size would you raise if you decide to. To make this slighly more simplified lets assume other players at the table are decent players who play "standard" 3b/squeeze %.
All examples are 6 max cash;
#1 UTG limps, we are in MP w66-22, A9s-A2s, K9s, Q9s, J9s, T9s, KJo-KTo,
#2 UTG limps we are OTB w66-22, A9s-A2s, K9s-K8s, Q9s-Q8s, J9s-J8s, T7s+, 96s+, 86s+, 75s+, 64s+, 54s, A9o-A2o, KJo-KTo, QTo+, JTo
#3 CO limps we are OTB w66-22, A9s-A2s, K9s-K8s, Q9s-Q8s, J9s-J8s, T7s+, 96s+, 86s+, 75s+, 64s+, 54s, A9o-A2o, KJo-KTo, QTo+, JTo
#4 BTN limps we are in SB w66-22, A9s-A2s, K9s, Q9s, J9s, T9s, KJo-KTo, A9o-A8o
#5 BTN limps, SB( reg) limps behind we are in BB w66-22, A9s-A2s, K9s, Q9s, J9s, T9s, KJo-KTo, A9o-A8o
Jan. 26, 2020 | 8:19 p.m.
Lets say 3x from player who opens SB 45%
Jan. 20, 2020 | 3:54 a.m.
Whats your defending range in BB vs SB 3x in 6max cash on lets say NL25-NL100. Does your defending range differ on 9max tables?
Jan. 17, 2020 | 2:13 p.m.
BB: $2935.00
UTG: $3012.00
MP: $420.00
CO: $3054.00 (Hero)
BN: $620.00
Jan. 10, 2020 | 7:47 p.m.
Hello, I am studying Pokersnowie preflop advisor lately and I have noticed it is very agressive preflop particulary with suited wheel aces. Bellow I will give some examples of suggested 3b ranges, for simplicity sake i included all the frequencies above 50% in 3b range and excluded the ones bellow 50%:
HIJ vs UTG open 3b range: JJ-AA, AK,AJs,ATs, A2s-A5s, KQs, 65s
CO vs HIJ open: QQ-AA, AK,AQs, AJs,ATs, A2s-A5s,65s,76s
Since the 3b ranges are wide that means that to be theoretically unexploitable Pokersnowie called quite alot of 4b best example is OTB vs CO, the 3b suggested range in this position is: JJ+, AQs+, ATs-A8s, A5s-A2s, KJs+, 76s, 65s, 54s, AKo, AJo
And in case we get 4b Snowie is calling the 4b with this range: 77-66, AJs, AKo
and jamming with this: KK-TT, AQs+, AKo
So my question is how would someone playing 6x max NL25 go about these ranges. Do we still 3b as much as suggested and simply overfold slightly vs 4b since its unlikely we get exploited by population or do we do something else?
Sept. 25, 2019 | 1:56 p.m.
Well i am already using pokersnowie except i dont 3b as many suited Ax from blinds as pokersnowie recommends do you actually follow pokersnowie completely?
Sept. 18, 2019 | 1:11 p.m.
I have noticed I have very small WWSF. Regardless of an extremly low WWSF for 6 max cash game standards I am still small winner(1-2bb/100) on NL10/25, the site I am playing on has a pretty big rake of 7.5% so most of my earnings are through rakeback. The previous site I was playing on had 5% rake and there I was a pretty normal 3-4bb/100 winner on same stakes but also had a very small WWSF of 38.
So as I checked my stats per position I noticed that its my SB/BB WWSF that is dragging the whole average down as you can see in the link bellow and other positions are much higher.
Copy paste the following link in browser please:
So my questions are is my assumption correct and I only have problems in SB/BB and if it is so what would you suggest from seeing my other stats for me to fix that?
If you notice any other unusal stats please feel free to point it out.
Sept. 9, 2019 | 3:30 p.m.
Hello are there any players here from Netherlands who can tell me which poker sites are available there?
Aug. 29, 2019 | 9:35 a.m.
Recently I have made an attempt to play my range more precisely particulary on flop/turn by divinding parts of my range into value/bluff. I have came across a concept from Mathew Jandas book "Applications of No-Limit Hold em" where he advises for the following ratios:
2 to 1 bluffs to value on the flop
1 to 1 bluff to value on the turn
1 to 2 bluff to value on the river
The problem I see here is that for example if we bluff on the turn with AQo on board 2332r we can still hit our A/Q and it will most often be good but constructing our range using the ratios above seamingly assumes that our "bluffs portion" has no equity, correct me if im wrong please. So can someone please explain to me how do you go about constructing balanced ranges for each street. To make things easier I will give an hand example:
We open this range UTG: 55+, ATs+, A5s-A2s, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, AJo+, KQo
Villain calls with this range on the Button: TT-44, AQs-ATs, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, AQo, KQo
Flop comes T23r, turn comes 5r and lets say we want to bet flop 33% and turn 70%. How would we construct a balanced strategy?
I apologize if I am asking for too much work with these ranges, any advice on learning material where I can study these concepts is much appreciated too.
Aug. 13, 2019 | 4:05 p.m.
Hello, does anyone have a solution for Ipoker-William Hill client crashing every 5 minutes randomly? The support claims there is no problem on their side but I've seen people complain about it before.
June 30, 2019 | 1:38 p.m.
I made a very mathematicaly "rough" comparison between calling our small-mid pocket pairs vs folding them when facing a 3b HU, any more precise analysis, database reports or spotting the mistakes I made are more than welcome:
Things that I see as problematic in my calculations:
1.)I didn't account for the equity loss when we find ourselves in set over set situation holding the worst of it. If anyone knows how to do this please let us know
Let's say we raise to 3bb preflop and get 3b to 10bb preflop by a tight player who is 3b only AQs+,AK/TT+, and it folds back to us when we have 22-99 . When calling we will therefore be either heavily dominated of "flipping" but often having to fold because every card that is T+ is a scare card for us.
But looking at this from another perspective, we flop a set cca 12% of the time. Lets assume we fold everytime when we don't flop a set.
Considering how our villains range, he will fire a cbet almost always. Lets assume he always cbets half the pot. Pot is 21.5bb villain cbets 10.75bb...
Often the Villain will fire a second barrel too, lets make an estimate of 50% of the time.
So after we call on the flop, pot is 43bb on the turn and lets assume his "standard" turn cbet is at least 21.55bb. Lets assume he cbets turn 50% of the time.That is another 10.77bb added to our "value of setmining preflop". We multiply all that by 1.2( 12% of the time we flop a set) to get a final number of: 37.82bb
So a rough estimate of a "minimal value" of waiting to flop a set and letting villain fire two barrels is : 10bb( Villains preflop 3b) +10.75bb( Villains cbet) + 10.77bb( 50% of the time our Villain makes a turn cbet) x1.2(probability of flopping a set) =37.82
I think considering Villains range this is pretty conservative estimation of value we can expect to get when flopping a set vs him.
So from 10 times we called a preflop 3b of 10bb we lost -62.17bb( 100-37.82) so far.
If we compare that with folding 10/10 times and loosing -30bb that means we NEED TO MAKE 32.17BB UNIMPROVED TO MAKE CALLING THE 3B = FOLDING TO 3B
My assumptions:
I think we shouldn't have much problems getting at least those 32.17bb more when in position, not sure about OOP. Even if we breakeven vs folding vs 3b I think it does huge benefit for us as our range becomes much harder to play against, but more likely we can get more than 32.17bb at least IN POSITION which means we lose less than 3bb as we would if we folded.
Thoughts? If someone has some database of decent sample of calling 3b with small/mid PP that would be amazing!
June 23, 2019 | 7:23 p.m.
Alright thank you for all the advice, much appreciated :)
June 23, 2019 | 12:47 p.m.
Alright thanks alot, I filtered for "Called 3b after raising"(2bet PF& Call 3b tab) and for "Called Flop Cbet in 3b pot" please let me know what you think, from what you told me I believe I am also overfolding in at least "Called Flop Cbet in 3b pot"(how much should I aim for here considering some of the time 3b are quite tight+ they always have range advantage? ) not sure about the "Called 3b after raising" category?
June 23, 2019 | 2:29 a.m.
Alright thanks, btw should I also use snowie open sizes from last 6/9 positions on full ring and openraise 3bb only on first UTG-UTG+2? Because I noticed it advocates opening for 2.25bb everywhere, except SB where it advocated for 3.5bb raise? Also I noticed it advocates for pretty big 3b sizes, how big should I go I normally just 3b 3x the initial raise size if there aren't any limpers?
June 23, 2019 | 2:14 a.m.
Cold call - you are calling way too wide from UTG2-CO. You should prefer there to 3bet , not coldcall, instead you are coldcalling twice as much. Why? Cause it makes your game more simple and its better to play for example AQo against one player in 3bet pot than in multiway without both position and initiative . Not saying that you are vulnerable against squeezes with heavily capped range.
Regarding this comment, I assume you mean MP, MP+1, MP+2, CO?
But especially in positions on MP-MP+2 I will be often facing a EP open which is a tight range of 10-12% of the vast majority of players. 3b AQo vs those positions will almost never result in going heads up as a favorite and will also often result in being forced to fold vs a 4b, or am I missing something here?
I played around with Pokersnowie Preflop advisor and it does seam to work pretty well at 6 max games, do you think I can take its ranges and apply them for MP+1, MP+2,CO,BTN, SB, BB on full ring games and treat these positions same as 6 max if either if is folded to me on MP+1 or action begins at MP+1?
June 22, 2019 | 8:57 p.m.
Alright here are the requested stats, I understand already overall I am too nitty and I am working on that among other things I started playing 6 max where I am "forced " to play more hands. From my understanding I should be opening up my ranges alot more from HIJ,CO,BTN? Please, as you notice leaks in my stats etc..please be as specific as possible on how to fix the leaks that you see or at least point me to specific study materials that adress them, I thank you all for your time in advance:
*Regarding WWSF stat as you can see it is much higher than 37 overall except the SB where its 28, so I think this is dragging the average down, is it common that WWSF is lowest in SB and what are the things to focus on to improve that? *
Positonal stats first part: https://paste.pics/a1ff944f99d130777fe6e5569c568547
Positional stats second parts: https://paste.pics/8f9da5a9e5e1e88ff3cc1256e4f5b342
If you need any other stat to help me analyize my game please let me know!
June 22, 2019 | 7:52 p.m.
tnx to everyone,for your answers Ill try to provide more detailed post about my stats but in order to do that , I have an additional question:
I know how to filter for "Raised frist in AND folded to 3b" but the result I get are like this: https://paste.pics/2de5284efe1e483421b437b84a42d6b1
How do I get results in percentages?
June 22, 2019 | 5:49 p.m.
I see, so when I calculate 671( number of hands in my RFI AND call 3b sample) x0.75$( my standard open) I get the result of 503.25$. So that would be my loss -503.25$ if I folded every time I get 3b when RFI.
I lost 453$ on my sample so thats only cca 10% better than if I folded every hand. That looks pretty bad to me, does anyone have a sample of a winning player on lets say 25NL-100NL in those spots for comparison?
June 21, 2019 | 4:05 p.m.
Alright so I have filtered across 157.340 hands I played of 25NL Full ring where I am was around breakeven for first 95.000 hands and was collecting rakeback and bonuses but things have changed recently probably to a degree due to variance and I assume bad plays/ regulars adapting or whatever am currently at -2bb/100 across the whole sample. I wasn't doing much studying during this time as I still collected some money from rakeback/bonuses and had some other obligations but thats about to change.
I am also running 229$ under EV across the whole sample
I am sorry the links aren't working just copy-paste them in your browser
Graph of 157.340 hands: https://paste.pics/916aec414e6b3ae814c69ef137f33971
I have used a filter of Raised first In AND CALLED preflop 3b and realized cca half of my whole loss across 157.340 hands come from this situations.
Picture of filtered results for "Raised first in AND called preflop 3b":
Now I realize that this kind of loss when calling in 3b pots is a sign of a pretty big leak but for start could anyone tell me what is "normal" when running this filter should we be winning or just around breakeven in this spots?
Further could someone please advise me how to approach this, maybe which additional filters to run and what stats to focus on to fix this?
June 21, 2019 | 11:16 a.m.
Alright just one more thing. I have some experience playing full ring pokrr and winning some money by being around breakeven at NL25/50 and collecting bonuses rakeback. I decided I want to learn 6max poker and in my limited experience I found it much more challenging than full ring and I am currently slightly loosing/ maybe breakeven on NL10 6max. Basically I am trying to go about learning the game from scratch and build a strong fundamental base, unfortunatly I currently dont have money for a coach. So having in mind I am at the bottom of NL limits do you still feel I should purchase CREV and study the game this way or are there any other things that I should focus at this stage since I assume that I must have quite glaring leaks since I am not beating NL10. In a nutshell I am asking for a rough plan on how would you approach improving if you were in my situation as in what software would you use how would a study session look like etc....
June 20, 2019 | 5:44 p.m.
Actually now that I have checked and compared price of poker software since GTO+ is basically the same price as CREV doesn't it make more sense to purchase GTO +?
June 20, 2019 | 3:31 p.m.
Alright thanks to both of you for helping me, just one more thing I just downloaded CREV and it does seam to allow some trial calculations before purchasing. Is there any video out there that shows how to use the program?
June 20, 2019 | 2 p.m.
I see, but how do I precisely calculate how much to defend than. Could you give me an estimate with this hand I posted?
June 20, 2019 | 12:27 p.m.
I didnt know that where did you find that info?
Hey I am also interested I play NL25-100.
April 14, 2020 | 10:11 a.m.