1 points
I kind of don't hate villains line if its (exploitative) for value here considering that you could lead a lot of 8x here. Your BB completing range should contain quite a few 8x (89s, 78s, T8s, j8s etc) a majority of those you'd fold to a turn raise and check back on river.
From your side I think it's highly villain dependent. His SB flatting range SHOULD be kinda medium to strong hands. And he shouldn't have 22 or 44. But I think ppl flat wider than they should out of SB.
As played I would not fold to that price. But I'd expect to see a lot of 4x
Aug. 12, 2015 | 8:34 p.m.
Hey love to see some small stakes reviews. What do you think of betting small on the river with the Q9 hand at 13:40 to give him a chance to go over the top with his missed draws? I feel like that might work at the micros. You'd also protect your TT+ a bit for the future. Thanks for the vid
I wouldn't open that offsuit utg.
As played I like the fold because it's 10nl and pal don't bluff enough. But you are super exploitable folding AT there.
Also he could just have something like KsQs or 8s7s and bluff the river. But I don't think there are enough FD combos in his range to make that a profitable river call.
Nice hand!
Aug. 28, 2015 | 5:58 p.m.