PopCokeSoda's avatar


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Post | PopCokeSoda posted in MTT: Skype/facebook study group

Looking for some fellow MTT players that play between 1-27$ buyin tourneys to analyze hands, population tendencies and generally just be able to ask quick questions, sweat deep runs with on the fly. Looking to add each other on facebook/skype and be active with posting hands.
I found myself just wanting some outside insight as well as maybe forming some sort of comradery in the MTT trenches because a lot of my friends have no clue about poker and it's hard to find people to talk to. Message here if you'd be interested, I'll get back to you ASAP.

Jan. 10, 2017 | 6:37 p.m.

The Big 16.50, final table, already down to 3handed I am shortest stack with 16BBs. To my right is a total aggrodonk, tagged as 'noob' (I don't stream, so I can use the non-PC tags ;) ) who ran hotter than hell winning the most incredible preflop all-ins open shoving for 30bbs with A3o MP earlier at the FT, etc. He's the chip leader and shoves into the both of us around 60-70% of the time, but in this particular hand he folded pre. To my left is a guy who definitely played on the nitty side with 17/14/3b-8 over 248 hand sample.
Hand screenshot
Problem is that I'm now unsure if that shove into the nit is correct with my 74s.
1st question: is this chart reliable? (I shoved based on it) - mtt push/fold chart
2nd question: are there ICM implications (if so, how important) when I'm shortest stack, everyone folded to me and I'm on the SB?
3rd question: is this shove correct?

Jan. 9, 2017 | 11:47 a.m.

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