Pokeroso's avatar


20 points

my adjustment also depends on why our villain is sizing bigger

April 18, 2016 | 9:13 p.m.

I've watched many piosolver videos, and this is one of the best I've seen out there. It was much easier to follow Zach's use of piosolver with these ranges assigned as examples. Most of the piosolver videos currently out generally uses hand histories from online play which are hands played by two very good players. So it's solving for really wide optimal ranges preflop and that sometimes make piosolver a little more difficult to follow.

Feb. 20, 2016 | 12:21 a.m.

Comment | Pokeroso commented on Play Perfect Poker

I love this video Zach! Good stuff man.

Oct. 13, 2015 | 10:20 p.m.

Awesome video Zach!

April 23, 2015 | 2:15 a.m.

Hi Ben,  is there any chance I can please please please receive that CREV file that was created for this hand history?  Thank you.  

July 7, 2014 | 10 p.m.

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