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I have a decent understaing (comparing for what I used have ofc), I use terms to my self like fold equity, pot odds and implied odd, thats my basic at least.
I wont go with none nut on a 4 way and I believe I do understand the game at least more than the results shows.

July 24, 2015 | 3:47 p.m.

Thanks alot!! Yea the cinic came out of me :).. Very good tips.. Its really hard to tell what players have.. players 4 bet me few times with real trash, or calling all the way with weak FD.. and yet, I am supposed to crush them on the long run are'nt I? But what you say makes sence, I will try to use it, can't lose more in 2PL I believe lol.
Thank you for your time.

July 24, 2015 | 3:44 p.m.

Hi everyone, this is my first post here, but I read here for a long time, learning alot.
Here is the story: I started play PLO five months ago, like reccomended I started with Jeff's Hawang first book, everything was ok and I felt improvment and saw it on the field (2PL), my game was very basic, many limps, fit or fold, just to get to know with the game, and it worked, I doubled my money so I wanted to go to the next level of playing (not in the field).
Since then I started to read alot, see videos here on the web site, more books and articles, I know today to classify hands, the impportance of position, and I open "by the book" as I feel.
Here is the problem, since I started to play "better", Im accually losing money all the time.. Its kinda bad, the level in 2PL is really low, which makes it even more frustrating.
Does it happend to anyone here? Do you have some tips?

Thanks in advance!


July 23, 2015 | 4:21 p.m.

Your videos are just great..!! I feel like Im learning so much each video, HU and 4 tables
I really like that you keep it simple for the new players, like me, without all EV and big terms that just makes people confused.
Keep on explaining why the opponent play was good/bad.. very helpful.

Thanks for the video!

April 5, 2015 | 6:55 p.m.

Hi everyone.. Im also interested of PLO group, played like 14k hands PLO2, atm 3$ profit lol.. would like to get better and help if possible.
Skype : nimrodror1


April 1, 2015 | 6:30 a.m.

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