122 points
Just noticed you said you don't have any bluffs by the river. That seems insane to me. This deep you want to put max pressure on your opponent whose range missed the board pretty hard - and you also want to play deceptively so that they will donk shove cards that look bad to you range. You really need to be raising ''SOME'' hands like 5689 89JQ OTT as deep.
May 31, 2018 | 12:33 p.m.
Pretty clear river shove imo. You block the boats (somewhat irrelevant with 33 though) and the rundowns that have a boat. I expect the pool to be donk shoving a decent amount of the time with boats to put pressure on straights. You are very very high in your range too: most JJxx would raise OTF and most turn 2Ps are not raise potting OTT. Finally, you have tons of bluffs here.
May 31, 2018 | 12:28 p.m.
If he has aces, GG cooler.
May 31, 2018 | 8:54 a.m.
The board being super dry and you blocking the straights and the TPs, checking all the way is definitely fine. I would probably start betting at some point on a more connected board such as A78 A57 etc.
I think on every street there is an argument for starting to bet 1/3 pot. You cant really be wrong doing that. It's just a low EV spot and whatever your line is you wont gain or lose much EV imo.
May 31, 2018 | 8:47 a.m.
Hard to comment after tbettingen and say anything relevant :p
I would add that you may want to consider having a non all-in raise. Something between 3 and 4BBs. In this case, you probably want to go for 3.5x with the very bottom of your range to maximise fold equity.
May 31, 2018 | 8:40 a.m.
SB is a bit too deep to limp preflop. I would rather limp when he has 20bb or less, to allow a shove with a wide range. Well, in theory, you may want to have only a limping range here, with the high ICM pressure being the middle stack (so keep it in mind for the future!), but at low stakes you dont really care about that.
Flop is a check. A very easy one - especially with the Ace of spades because you really need zero protection at all. You very rarely have three streets of value especially in a 3-way pot. It helps protect your check back range.. and you are actually very happy to give free cards to your opponents.
As played, river is an annoying spot, but even though you're very very high in your range, you can probably find a exploitative fold. I mean... are you able to identify any sort of bluffs here? The only ones that could make some sense would be 3x with x being a high spade (and you block the ace). Even if such combos would make a bit of sense to bluff, no one is doing it.
May 29, 2018 | 9:04 a.m.
We can't check/fold, we're in position. But I would strongly consider folding to a donk shove turn or river - and probably end up laying it down.
May 23, 2018 | 8:30 a.m.
Cbet bigger with this hand. You don't block any of the top pairs and his calling range should be quite inelastic (as in it won't change that much based on your sizing). There should be quite a lot of AQ and KJs type of hands in villain's range, they are very likely to just shove QQ/KK preflop. Unlucky if they show up with better than AA.
Check this turn - you are drawing dead or very thin against a range that will call your shove. This is litterally the worst turn card in the deck for your hand. It's fine to give up (or stop betting a somewhat strong hand) when the runout is awful for you.
May 22, 2018 | 10:25 a.m.
Flop is never a check/fold. Ever. Respect yourself and your money ;) You have mid pair on a disconnected board facing a half pot bet!
Check/call is obviously fine. Cbet 30/40% pot is fine too, mostly for the sake of simplicity as you indeed don't love tons of turns and rivers.
You need a strong read to fold OTR. All draws missed, you dont block the flush draws, and if you are folding this, you are basically folding all your range, which is somewhat easy to exploit.
Unless villain is a loooooose passive player, he doesn't have any of the flopped two pairs. Most players will also 3bet TT preflop at a decent frequency.
I'm not saying it's a slam dunk call, but it can't be THAT bad.
May 22, 2018 | 10:19 a.m.
I'm not sure if too loose pre as I don't have a good idea of rake impact at micro/low stakes. One thing is for sure though: if you happen to grind up the stakes, this will definitely not be too loose at the higher ones, even vs a 3x raise.
Turn is fine. You are blocking villain's bluffs with the spades, especially the Ts. You might make them fold hands you don't want them to fold, and you're almost certainly getting another street of value on river bricks.
By the river though, it is very rare that CO will show a set. You might want to value bet sets OTR in a HU pot, but certainly not 3-way when some obvious straights got there.
Check/call this river
May 22, 2018 | 10:11 a.m.
Call turn, re-evalute river based on weak players' tendencies at those stakes. My experience from higher stakes is that weaker players tend to give up most bluffs by the river in this kind of spots. Also, they tend to try silly bluffs vs this type of cbet sizing (they are right to widen x/r range - but they are very wrong in the construction of such ranges in that they just choose random hands because 'lol you must be weak when you cbet so small')
May 22, 2018 | 10:04 a.m.
If opponent folds that much to 3bets, you definitely want to be 3betting a lot, and with a very polarized range. A8s fits ok, but probably not with too high of a frequency. You will want to 3bet weaker hands with the aim of making him fold better hands. (suited connectors and one gappers are good for that)
Flop is a close decision and it seems we want to do a lot of checking on this texture / in this spot. EV between bet, x/c and x/r is likely very close.
I think my least favorite option is x/c because you don't get any implied odds when you hit your ace as you will probably x/c a bunch of AK/AQ depending on villain's sizing.
I would lean towards x/r > bet > x/c but I could be convinced otherwise.
And yeah.. make sure to check what Everyday said. I haven't seen a reg with such fold to 3b stats since 2010.
May 22, 2018 | 9:56 a.m.
You can size up a bit OTT but 3/4 pot is fine. Definitely a value bet OTR. Bet/fold about 2/3 looks good against this profile.
May 21, 2018 | 9:05 a.m.
He is probably not folding any 9x at this point, nor QQ/JJ (that he might not have that often but well..). You're blocking hard his most obvious KQ. You're not thrilled, but shove turn.
May 21, 2018 | 8:47 a.m.
It's definitely a call vs the average player but against such nitty stats, you can probably find a fold indeed. At higher stakes you will nearly never face QQ+ here as players will 3b/call instead, but here I wouldnt be surprised at all to see some JJ/QQ, along with some AQ/AK of course. Keep your healthy stack on this occasion. But call against mostly any other player who is not a big nit.
May 21, 2018 | 8:43 a.m.
You have your best bluffcatcher OTR so it has to be a call if you don't wont to be overfolding. Actually, QsQh is a slightly better bluffcatcher but that's a detail.
He really has very few value combos, especially if you consider he doesnt defend J2s J3s 23s, - and it's probably fair to assume he doesnt defend that many of them. You dont block any draws, you block the only backdoor draws that got there. It's a very good calling hand, although you are not that happy to be calling here.
May 18, 2018 | 10:02 a.m.
Bet smaller on the flop, like 1/3 pot - bet turn 2/3 pot.
You are blocking very hard the range that he will call on several streets after cold calling pre. (Mainly AQ and AJs). You are also blocking some hands he might call flop and fold turn (JJ/QQ) but seems much more likely to me that he will 4bet pre. At least at a much higher frequency than AQ/AJ.
May 18, 2018 | 9:56 a.m.
Tough spot. With a bit less than 200bb, you probably want to 4bet most of your AAxx. I would say from 250/300bb+, you should start calling some of these weaker combos.
I'm probably betting big/calling OTF. As played OTF, fairly standard check/call turn imo. You block his 2P combos, and most (all?) hands that beat you bet OTF... but you don't really want to bet/call, or build a bigger pot when you know that half of the deck OTR will be bad for your hand.
May 18, 2018 | 9:20 a.m.
I don't get it - did he 2-barrel turn? How much?
Vs a bet, most likely a shove. You might not be maximizing your chip equity, but it seems fine to deny equity to FDs and KQ type of hands, while making him call some hands that draw dead or close to.
You dont block any pairs, he is most likely calling any 2P+. SHIP IT
May 18, 2018 | 9:16 a.m.
Never ever fold vs this sizing. You don't even have a bluff catcher, villain might be value betting worse hands such as AQ (yes you do block it heavily), KQ, QJ - and he may have some flush draw bluffs such as 65hh 78hh etc.
Folding river is a big mistake.
You played it fine, although you could also go for a 1/2 or 2/3 pot OTT and 1/2 pot OTR value bets.
May 16, 2018 | 11:08 a.m.
Sorry I actually wrote 14-way pot on purpose to exaggerate the fact that you are inviting a lot of players to come into the pot by not squeezing. My bad if it created confusion !
May 16, 2018 | 7:57 a.m.
There is already 60 or so in the pot and your squeeze does not need to go through very often to make it a profitable play. You dont want to be a 5-way pot OOP with broadways in most cases. Having low SPR is beneficial to the player OOP (you!) - position gets more value as the stacks are deeper.
May 15, 2018 | 10:30 a.m.
'There are 6 players behind you so there's a really good chance that someone bets.'
Mmmmh, yes and no I would guess. I mean if players are somewhat decent, they will understand that in a 14-way pot, they need a stronger value range. I'm not positive either way - just wondering whether there will really be action that often.
May 15, 2018 | 10:27 a.m.
Yes your logic is fishy. You wonder if anyone will stab worse than KQ, but do you think anyone will call worse than KQ over a 3x pot shove?
Squeeze preflop is the way to go. Make it like 75.
As played preflop, I would bet 75 OTF if the table is passive. Then shove any turn that is not A K J and spades.
May 15, 2018 | 9:34 a.m.
I edited my comment but weirdly doesnt show. We dont care about letting him draw with hands such as A5hh since he is never folding anyway - and bluffs like AhJ have way too low equity so let them get turns and make mistakes.
May 15, 2018 | 9:30 a.m.
Villain might elect to fold TT-JJ if he ever has it. We block his value range very heavily. He will not fold KK-AA ever on any runouts unless turn and river are Hearts and he doesnt have any. His sizing is polarizing his range and we want to let him bluff whatever weird combos he has.
May 15, 2018 | 9:26 a.m.
If you're playing micro to low stakes, find a room with decent rakeback. I don't think Zoom PLO10 is the way to go. I remember reading a statistical analysis of winrates (spoiler: they were all (close to?) negative ones) of the highest volume players at micro stakes PLO and basically no one was winning.
May 15, 2018 | 9:21 a.m.
I'll make an exploitative fold here. I used to have a strategy with a lot of open limps and noticed that most players that are not among the good good regs tend to give a ton of information based on sizing in such spots.
I would shove 99 AQ, maybe AJs
May 15, 2018 | 9:16 a.m.
Fold > 4bet > call pre.
These $109 SCOOP events are full of weaker players, there's really no need to get in such tricky spots.
Check flop is usually fine with top set. The board is not that wet, thats fine. You need to size much bigger on the turn, at least half pot. If you want to value river without the straight, you need to make it much smaller because you will be value cutting yourself somewhat frequently. Value betting top set on a four card straight board is usually a very bad combo though. You are targeting mainly two pairs... two pairs that dont have the top pair. Pretty thin. Bet 1/3 river and fold to a raise.
June 5, 2018 | 9:47 a.m.