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When discussing whether AxQJ9 is an UTG open, i noticed that i am still unsure whether the AKQ5, AJT4 (all suited to the ace)-hands are opens. I guess, the fishier the blinds are, the more its an open but usually it´s just a fold isnt it?

And Jona, how do you evaluate the strength of a hand in PPT? Through the range explorer and then rankings, the 6h results are a little bit strange. QJJ3$ds belongs to the top7% and e.g. AsJsT5 is between the top 7% and 29%. Am i being mislead by something?

March 24, 2014 | 9:44 a.m.

Comment | Philly commented on Multi-Way Equity

Yeah, that already helped a lot, but the differentiation e.g. for the big rundown graphs is on the left side QJT9 and on the right side QT87 right? Same for other RDs? 

March 20, 2014 | 8:49 a.m.

Comment | Philly commented on Multi-Way Equity

Hey Tom, could you please say sth. about the big rundowns, other RDs and suited aces graphs? I didnt really get what kind of Rundowns are assigned to what graph :D And for the last 3 minutes, against what ranges were those 3bet ranges? 66% and 35% opening CO? I didnt really understand that either...

tyvm and sorry for the inconvenience. Great vid!

March 19, 2014 | 10:36 a.m.

If we weren´t 3 way OR there wasn´t that much stack left as it is, would you still shove or play the bet/call - donk river allin if we improve?

Am i right with the assumption that you prefer a shove is that there is still 50bb behind and 2 players in the hand? If it was HU with these sizes still a shove right?


March 18, 2014 | 5:17 p.m.

Comment | Philly commented on wa/wb spot from UTG


March 8, 2014 | 4:04 p.m.

would you rather bf if you didnt have the flush draw?

Sept. 1, 2013 | 4:22 p.m.

Checking behind OTT and betting the OTR for value doesnt make sense with any hand. Villain should call you with his entire showdown value (2pair+). Therefore i just give it up. 

Another option would be to triple barrel. Mostly, if you bet OTT you will get called by plenty of draws/2pairs/str8s (nuts will raise). So you will need to barrel the river in order to make him fold hands that didnt improve him, but that still beat you.

Sept. 1, 2013 | 4:21 p.m.

Comment | Philly commented on 2/4 live linecheck


1.) Yes we can fold to the 4bet. Assuming that BTN only 4bets premiums we are totally crushed.

2.) Imo easy squeeze

Aug. 2, 2013 | 4:54 p.m.

Post | Philly posted in PLO: 4bet Pot 265bb deep - flopspot

Villain is more on the tight side (23/16). His 4betting range is heavily leaned towards AA but i guess he´s good enough to have some premium rundowns too. 

Flop: I guess villain should checkraise quite a lot of his getin hands in order to avoid awkward turn situations and because we can bluffbet quite a lot on this board. So i´m never really happy to stackoff blindly with bottom2 pair. On the other hand, our hands value will mostly heavily decrease on most turns, so i prefer to bet. (Is my thinking ok?)

If i bet, and get jammed its most probably a fold. Thus, how should i choose my betsize? Imo 60-64 gives me enough room to bet/fold as well as being able jamming the river if called from a SPR point of view.


Aug. 2, 2013 | 8:16 a.m.

Post | Philly posted in PLO: wa/wb spot from UTG

HJ is a very str8 forward weakish reg (20/15/7,9). BB is a good loose reg (30/23/11.6).

The Flop is quite decent against BB. He won´t have KQ that often becausea lot of his combos would have 3bet pre. HJs Range hits that board better as he isnt 3betting that much and prefers to play smallball.

Flop: I assume HJs calling range consists of AJ+,AA, eventually some AKT,AQT and only very few TT,JJ. It will mostly be KQ.


- Betting Flop: I´m not sure whether betting flop is the smartest play as almost every hand but a very few that call beats me. Especially against the nit behind me, i don´t have to fear steals and i´m not generating value as he will hardly call worse. If we get called i assume we will have to check/fold turn unimproved.

- Alternative Line: What should be my line here? Imo check flop and bet turn. The 2 most likely outcomes will be that HJ is betting and we check/fold (seems weak to me?) and if it gets checked through BB will most likely attack bet turn and river in order to take down the pot. I cant fold the turn, but ill have a hard time calling twice as sets can bet for value too.

So whats my line? :)


Aug. 2, 2013 | 7:45 a.m.

Very good Video! I liked it a lot :)

I also have a few questions:


Minute 21:40 AKQ2ccc: You raise A73cc board w/NFD and 2nd/3rd Flush draw blockers because mixing it up but you said you´d prefer calling and raising more hands with Ac and a low club.

Minute 28:45 AhQTh5h on Ad6h3h: This time you call, what makes sense. But in your explanation you say we wanna keep the K/Q flushdraw hands in, which are more likely this time, because we can make more flush over flushes. If we raise, isn´t it more likely that those 2nd/3rd flush draws will continue than in the first hand where villain is folding almost everything but his sets/2pairs because he won´t have callable flushdraws? Shouldnt it be exact the opposite? Calling AKQ and raising AT5?


Minute 39:10 KKQ2r: Flopcall is obvious. Turnbet is obvious too. There you wanna rep flushes and straights in order to make fold straights/overpairs and weak equity. Now the river is interesting: Why do you bet? You say its a decent spot to bluff, but its not at all consistent with our turnplay isnt it? Your turnbetting range is as you said flushes and straights. Would you also bet 2pair/sets there? Imo you would check them behind isnt it?

Villains Turncalling range imo consists of weak flushes, straights, top2 and sets. It hits his range way more than ours. Furthermore would you bet the river this big wight Nut/2nd Nutflush or a straight? It almost heavily polarizes your range.


At the end of the video you fold J985s from the BTN??



July 18, 2013 | 11:10 a.m.

no update planned, asked them 2 months ago

July 15, 2013 | 7:50 p.m.

Comment | Philly commented on suggested feature

yeah very important


May 27, 2013 | 11:11 a.m.

May 27, 2013 | 10:18 a.m.

very good post! Never saw it from the angle "loosing 20bb is worse than 36" because intuitively folding to the 5 bet is 0EV (what it obv. is, but here we compare it to the net loss of the 4bet if we fold)

But where do you get the numbers "...we will be putting it in about 84% of the time w/ an average equity of around 48%..." from?

May 23, 2013 | 1:38 p.m.

What makes me suspicious is the raise size. You wanna rep K8+ here and would usually raise for protection: Wouldnt you pot for protection in this spot? The raise size makes it look like what you have: a draw

April 17, 2013 | 7:46 a.m.

@Jonna: Above you speak about pushing the variance through breakeven plays isn´t as good as it always looks like. I totally agree with that. I am a player who very often pushes the variance, unfortunately also a lot in -EV spots. The question i was asking myself several times is, if i fold a lot to 3bets oop and even a little bit more IP, my ft3bet would raise to 50% or so as i am already folding around 30% and i don´t even feel fine about this number... Will 4betting and calling a lot of premiums weight up the money we loose through folding e.g. AQJ5ss COvBTN way more often oop?

April 16, 2013 | 8:15 a.m.

About the sizing i agree with GameTheory more than with djnef... Our riverrange is pretty faceup strong. Mostly we have some good AK,FH underfulls and sometimes a str8. If we bet big here we wont get many calls from bare Kx. Mostly people will either raise with the nuts or fold to our bet. Villains range isnt really unelastic as our range is superpolarized - imo he will be more tempted to call smaller bets with weaker hands than big bets.

April 12, 2013 | 7:05 p.m.

Hand History | Philly posted in PLO: Flop situation with top of our range
BN: $200
SB: $201
BB: $141.87
CO: $596.27 (Hero)
Preflop ($3.00) (4 Players)
Hero was dealt A 2 K A
Hero raises to $7, BN folds, SB calls $6, BB folds
Flop ($16.00) 4 7 J (2 Players)
SB checks, Hero bets $10, SB raises to $42, Hero raises to $141.28, SB raises to $194, and is all in, Hero calls $52.72
2 scenarios:

1.) We have our initial hand. I dont like my flop 3bet because i bloc the 2nd Nutflushdraw and his range is imo pretty narrowed to 2pair+GS+FD, 2pair+FD, pair+FD+GS and mainly sets (JT9h8h,JTh9h8,JTh98h,JT97,JJ!10%$nt,7788,6677,45h6h7) as villain wasn´t very active before. Against this range we have 35% equity.

2.) If we didnt have the Kh we could add a few flushdraw combos, but still i´m not sure whether raise/call is a good move.

April 7, 2013 | 7:37 p.m.

Hand History | Philly posted in PLO: 3bet pot IP - totally clueless
UTG: $122.75
HJ: $208.21
CO: $200 (Hero)
BN: $206.24
SB: $200
BB: $200
Preflop ($3.00) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt A 8 Q J
UTG folds, HJ folds, Hero raises to $6, BN folds, SB raises to $20, BB folds, Hero calls $14
Flop ($43.00) 9 J 8 (2 Players)
SB checks, Hero checks
Range: His range either hits the board pretty hard or totally misses it. Imo Villain will either check/fold or mostly check/raise. Against his range i see no point in betting to protect because i will have to bet/fold way too often and against AA i block one Ace and AA is less likely
Turn ($43.00) 9 J 8 3 (2 Players)
SB bets $30, Hero calls $30
Turn is pretty standard imo
River ($103.00) 9 J 8 3 4 (2 Players)
SB bets $40, Hero calls $40
OTR i have ABSOLUTELY NO clue what he could bet with this size.

April 7, 2013 | 7:33 p.m.

The KTT5 Hand: Why don´t we barrel the river 9? You said it doesnt match our turn range: but our turn raising range should be pretty strong isnt it? we have 56,44,A5 and some draws. We cant just check behind everytime we miss isnt it? The 9 as it isnt a board changer should be a bluffing card imo as we can make better Qxxx,GS+2p hands fold. I dont get it :)

April 7, 2013 | 11:25 a.m.

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