Peteeeeer's avatar


32 points

Just read through your blog and very nice stuff bro! can relate to a ton of things you mentioned and also inspired me to improve on some aspects I was lacking in life.
Also, you mentioned you played a ton of chess in previous years right? Maybe we can schedule a game or two some time :)

Jan. 11, 2021 | 9:34 p.m.

Comment | Peteeeeer commented on New beginnings

Thanks! :)

Jan. 11, 2021 | 8:08 p.m.

Comment | Peteeeeer commented on New beginnings

Alright, first week of the year done and its been quite nice so far. Been really enjoying the day to day routine, and the flexibility that playing cash gives you is extremally enjoyable as well. Just being able to take longer breaks, go out to do some exercise etc... It makes the working hours a lot more productive while also making the whole process much more easygoing.


Results wise I've been absolutely sun running as you can see. I did fall a bit short on my volume goal (12.5k hands/week in order to get 50k hands by the end of the month), but I'll make it up on the next weeks to get there by the end of January.
Been playing around 60% of my volume on bodog and 40% on party (played around 300 hands on GG as well on a day that 50nl wasn't running on party). The games overall seem very good, but bodog much softer than partypoker without a doubt.
One thing that I was quite happy throughout the week was that I was constantly leaving tables to look for a better one. Is very easy to just load up 6/7/8 tables and play a session without worrying too much about game selection, but when you're leaving 9bb/100 on the table due to rake, is important to make sure there's enough edge to be had and enough weaker players to cover for that. On 50nl is very very easy to get a table with 3+ recreatinal players, so even sometimes when I was on a table with 1 huge whale I'd sit out and find a better one more often than not.
So very excited with the start of the year, even tho I'm aware that this winrate is not sustainable at all and I've just been running really hot over a really small sample, is definitely something that gives it a boost to kick things off!

I'll leave you guys with some hands to show how the 50nl streets on bodog look like :), cheers

Donk bet + barrel it off 3BP
MW crazyness
This one the guy was playing very splashy/bad, with like 80%+ vpip. Against this guys think is very important to not give them any credit and keep'em honest, even tho he's jamming for 3x pot ott
Good old 4 way all in preflop, never lucky tho :)


Jan. 11, 2021 | 2:37 a.m.

Patrick Sekinger regarding the 22:50 spot I was refering to the left table, not the right one :)

Jan. 7, 2021 | 11:32 p.m.

Thanks for the great video!
6:36: Agree about stabing our hand in a frequency on this board, but don't really see why we would choose such a large sizing? Think just the fact that we're betting 33 here shows that we're not really polarized and will still bet a decent amount of Qx as well. So I would really only have a small sizing here otf, wug?
22:50: I would just lead turn for a very small sizing with very high frequency overall, and our hand seems to benefit quite a bit from leading as well
37:30: I thinking stabing our hand on the flop seems decent as well but I don't really agree about sizing, curious to hear your approach. I think multiway here with both players uncapped I'd only have a small sizing on the BTN

Jan. 7, 2021 | 5:09 p.m.

Comment | Peteeeeer commented on New beginnings

Thanks! You can follow them on instagram/twitter, and also all the info on how to sign up is on the website

Jan. 4, 2021 | 4:28 p.m.

Best of luck on the new journey bro!

Jan. 4, 2021 | 1:44 a.m.

Comment | Peteeeeer commented on New beginnings

Nice! Will def check it out

Jan. 4, 2021 | 1:31 a.m.

Comment | Peteeeeer commented on New beginnings

Thanks! I'll be playing 6-8 tables mainly. As far as winrate goes, since I don't really have any reasonable sample on this stakes I have no real clue about how much I'm beating the games (if I'm beating at all). But I think aiming for a high winrate will also have as a consequence to build a good table selecting habit and focus a lot on max exploiting the recreatinal players, so thats kind of the end goal, even if by the end I ended up falling a bit short in terms of the bb/100 objective.
What stakes do you currently play RoleTide ?

Jan. 3, 2021 | 7:30 a.m.

Comment | Peteeeeer commented on New beginnings


Jan. 3, 2021 | 7:13 a.m.

Comment | Peteeeeer commented on New beginnings

Yeah its a very new project so they're still starting things off. Here's the link to the website:

Jan. 2, 2021 | 5:35 p.m.

Post | Peteeeeer posted in Chatter: New beginnings

Hey guys! My name is Pedro, I'm a 22 year old poker player living in Brazil. I recently transitioned from MTT's to NL cash and decided to start this blog to share this ''new journey'' with you, create connections with like minded people inside the NLHE cash enviroment (90%+ of the people I know in the poker world are from MTTs), and most important to hold myself accountable with my goals and objectives


I've been playing poker professionally for the last 3 years or so, and after starting playing micro stakes SNG's I also played for a couple of Micro/low stakes brazilian MTT stables (there are a bunch of those around here ).

After a while grinding and struggling through the low stakes MTT world, in March 2019 I joined the Bitb Staking guys and started to play for them, which was without a doubt the turning point for me in my carrer. I'm sure most of you know about Bitb, but they literally are the Best in the bussiness when it comes to staking. The quality of the coaches and the high standards they set for all players builds up to an amazing and motivating community that just makes you want to be better every single day and keep looking for ways to improve.
After 1 year of playing on the Bitb Brazil division of the team (which came to an end in March 2020), I was asked to join the Main Stable, which was always kind of the Elite tier in the Bitb community. It was basically a group of 20 ish very sick players and the best MTT coaches in the world, so I felt extremally fortunate to be able to be a part of that community, and can not even measure how much I've improved as a player during this time.

But sadly, as all great things in life, Bitb came to and end on the last few months of 2020. We still have our community with all the guys and coaches which is very awesome, but they decided to end the whole staking project, so in around November of last year, I started playing on my own for the first time. These were my results while playing for bitb:

Every since I started playing poker professionally, I've always felt atracted to cash games. I definitely enjoyed a lot my time playing MTT's, but the routine, flexibility and freedom of a cash game player was always something I looked up to. I know this debate between MTT vs CG is not new to anyone, and there's definitely no right or wrong answer, but if you've ever played a MTT session you know how brutal it can be to sit down to play and not know if you'll be there for 6, 9 or 14 hours :).

Anyway, having the freedom to play on my own and also this will to pursuit some new challenges, I decided to transition to NL cash and make it as a goal to climb through the stakes this year.


Played a bit of 50nl and 100nl in december, but decided that this month will play 100% of my volume on 50nl and focus on improving and getting used to cash game ranges, which are drastically different from MTTs.
Goals for poker in January are:

--> 50k hands on 50nl

--> Reg tables only (mainly on bodog with some party/gg)

--> 6bb/100 winrate

--> Have all scripts ran on pio for SRP and 3BP by the end of the month

--> Attend to all CNC cash games sesions

By the way, if you guys don't know it yet make sure to check out the CNC project, it's a great place as well to study and improve both for MTT's and cash game players.

That's pretty much it guys, will look to update the blog at least once a week bringing some results and perhabs some interesting spots as well. Cheers and a happy new year to everyone!


Jan. 2, 2021 | 6 a.m.

Good luck on the journey bro :)

Jan. 2, 2021 | 1:05 a.m.

Good luck on the jouney bro! It seems to me that you're now much more aligned with your goals and about what you have to do in order to succed than you were in the past by what you said.
As far as Run it once content goes for NL cash, I would watch all of Saulo's videos ( he is now an Elite pro but used to be Essential so there's a lot of great content there imo)

Jan. 2, 2021 | 12:55 a.m.

Hey ctrlplay! The reason why pio is only opting for the 10% sizing is because the only raise sizing allowed for OOP is 40%. And as we can see when we bet when we bet 10% (22 chips), the maximum OOP can raise is to 126 chips, which give us a very good price to call in position and realize equity even when we do get raised considering the pot odds we will be getting. In general when we do allow the solver to have this extremally small betsizings we should give the opponent more raising options and bigger sizings otherwise will just create a strategical inbalance towards small betting since we can't ever get ''punished''.
It could be that on this specific spot/board 10% is actually a prefered sizing even when you allow multiple raising options (I didn't run it to test it out), but overall that is usually the trend of how we want to run trees when allowing very small betsizings, so thought it would be nice to share :)

Dec. 15, 2020 | 2:55 p.m.

Hey Ben Sulsky ! Thanks for the video. Got a bit curious about the KK spot 3BP BB vs BTN on AJ3mono. My first instinct was to check a lot since usually when we are the PFR either on SRP or 3BP and the board comes mono with high cards we usually want to be quite passive since the board is blocking a ton of our flushes and that will give a significant nut advantage for the pre flop caller. I ran on pio to take a look and this is the suggested OOP flop strat:

You mentioned you'd just bet for a block sizing quite a lot there, is there some specific exploitative reason for you to opt for that line?

Fwiw we do indeed have a lot of leads on that line/runout (42% freq overall), and our hand is close to a pure lead on the river :)

Dec. 13, 2020 | 3:56 p.m.

Yeah I agree 100% about the part of pio not being the best or optimal strategy vs population in most scenarios. I just think that we would have a way more productive discution and higher quality content making a more in depth analysis of the spots, taking a look at how it should play out in theory and most importantly how people will deviate from PIO responses and the best way for us to exploit that.

For example saying like you mentioned on the comment that you use a simplified strategy on ''x'' board and just bet high frequency small sizing instead of spliting between b75 and check like pio does because people will not defend properly vs that and our EV loss on this simplified strategy won't be significant enough for us to worry about, already generates a way higher quality content imo than just saying ''We go for a small bet here'' in a spot where small bets are not really used in theory and jumping into the turn.

For what is worth I nodelocked the 854r board and forced OOP to rangebet flop for 33% sizing. On the previous sim OOP EV was 117.33 and on the nodelocked version it droped down to 112.02, which is quite a huge EV loss for us to simplify the strategy in my opinion.

I did also watch both of the previous videos that you mentioned and enjoyed them btw!

Hopefuly I made my points clear and looking forward to more content :)


Dec. 3, 2020 | 7:26 p.m.

Hey Tyler Forrester . Hopefuly you don't take this the wrong way but I really disliked the format and quality of this video overall. I really don't think that just scrolling through a bunch of hands talking shortly about your thought process without running any sims or having some evidence to back it up your assumptions about how a specific spot should be played (which a lot of the time were wrong in my opinion), should be consider Elite content, and with all honesty I think is debatable if it should be Essential as well. Will share a couple of spots and notes I took untill around half of the video, which was when I stopped watching, to try and explain my point.

-AKo first hand: At first you said you think its a fine spot to double barrel to target some pocket pairs and ''overcard floats'' + maybe villain hero folds a Tx hand. Don't really agree with this assumptions, I think as you said it after when there's a double FD on the board and we b66 is pretty safe to assume that we would get 0 folds from Tx. As far as overcard floats goes, don't really see what combos that are that we have fold equity against since villain barely has any off suited combos in his range so his non pair hands that call the flop will mainly be either ss hands (Frontdoor flush) or dd (backdoor flush), both of which will obv continue turn vs any betsizing. Finally regarding pocket pairs, since 66/77 have aditional equity to go along with sdv don't expect those to ever fold, so we only really target some 88/99 and even those might decide to get sticky when we have a lot of natural bluffs available.
Either way I believe our turn checking frequency should be very high overall when we bet small OTF and IP calls since there will be a pretty significant equity shift favoring the IP player.
Flop strategy (not a range bet board for us and small sizing is the less used): Turn our hand just mainly checks:

-AQo 3:01: You went through the flop action in about 10s and all you said was ''I go ahead and bet small here'', without mentioning anything about our overall flop strategy, how ranges interact on this texture, which sizings should we be looking to use, etc... Which was kind of a common trend for all the spots on this video.
Here is our flop strategy as the OOP in this spot: . This is not really a board that give us a huge equity/nut advantage by any means, so we can't really just range bet for a small sizing. In fact, the small sizing which you used in game is barely ever used and pio just mixes b50/b75 mainly.
You also said by the river that we can consider ''Check/call fractionally to avoid loosing all the money vs sets''. I really dislike this thought process and can not see how x/f AQ in this spot is even an option for us. Fwiw pio mainly jams river and the few times that it does check its just a full freq call vs jam.

-A9s 5:30: Once again you didn't mention anything about PF strategy, which combos we should be using to 3B/frequencies/exploits vs ppl tendencies etc... On my sims A9s is very close to a pure flat BB vs BTN. I'm not saying by any means that 3Betting is a mistake, but just saying ''we go for a 3B'' without saying anything about our strategy for sure is imo. Once again on the flop you didn't mentioned anything about our strategy other then ''Good texture for us and I decided to bet small'', both sentences which I disagree and once again think we chose a very poor sizing for this board imo. Here is PIO flop strategy as the OOP:

-11:20 54s: going through all the hand in 1min and just saying ''no other way to play this hand''. River fwiw is just a pure jam for pio instead of x/c, but once again not trying to point out that your line was a mistake, I just think that this very superficial level of analysis won't be benefitial at all and it doesn't make any sense to me to be labeled as ''Elite'' content

-AKs 12:50: Last hand I watched and once again it really surprised me how poor and superficial was the analysis and comments regarding our flop strategy. Once again all you said was ''start here with a bet with our backdoor draws'', ''IP shouldn't have 76s because it shouldn't open pre flop'', ''This board texture is much more blankish then your traditional board texture''. Once again I strongly disagree with all of these sentences and I think this is another board where we clearly don't want to be range betting and also clearly don't benefit from using a small sizing. This is PIO OOP flop strategy:
FInally you said you don't believe villain call on the flop with JTcc will be a profitable call, and vs 1/3 sizing pio just pure calls JTs as the IP player having 2 overs + bdfd + bd str8 draw (which is another reason to show us why big sizing is prefered on these type of textures)

Once again hopefuly you just take this comment as an honest feedback which was my intention and not to criticize or attack you by any means. Cheers


Dec. 3, 2020 | 4 a.m.

Hey Tariq Haji ! Thanks for the nice content, really enjoyed the video.
I did marked a couple of spots (most of them pre flop) that I'd like to hear your opinion. Fwiw the preflop sims I have are all for 200nl rake. You think it would change a lot on a 50nl enviroment? On one side rake is higher but on the other hand players are much worse which should allow us to VPIP a bit more as well, right?
Anyway, these are the spots:
1:58 --> Q6s seems like a fine OR on the CO?

4:58 --> K6s also seems fine to open on the HJ?

6:37 --> QTo fast fold on the CO?

8:23 --> J8o fast fold on the SB as well. Think it would be the bottom of my RFI range, fold J7. Wug?

19:44 --> ATo UTG. Also have this as a full freq open on my sim, but you folded saying you think its a bit too loose

21:22 --> Sick fold. Think I'd always jam our hand vs SB's 4B and also think I have a very diferent perception on SB's range. When fish cold calls the 3B on the BTN, even tho I agree with you that he will almost never fold to SB's 4B I still think its a pretty decent spot to be aggressive with some hands.
Your BB 3B range should still be relatively wide and BTN could have all sorts of non sense just putting ''dead'' money there which makes it very attractive to 4B imo. I also don't really think we should care about BTN not folding vs the 4B on SB's shoes since he has such a week range that we will be doing very well against, and also by 4B and knocking the BB out we lower the SPR a lot with the BTN making our positional disadvantage less important and playing a HU pot vs a fish with a super wide range.
+ Our blockers are pretty amazing in the sense of reducing SB's chance of having AA and KK. You also said that you don't even think he has QQ in his 4B range which seemed a bit weird since imo even JJ is like for sure 4B 100% when BTN cold calls (not trying to be results oriented but he had 99, so that should give us an idea)

24:13 --> Would always defend Q8s BB vs HJ even tho facing a 3x, why you think we should be folding?

32:27 --> A9o fine iso on the BTN vs fish limping on the HJ?

33:47 --> Defend A5o BB vs CO 2.5x? Would fold A6o but A5o seems fine

36:22 --> I think if we do want to ''protect'' our checking range I would still never check Q9s specifically. Think our combo having top pair + gutshot and being pretty protected on connected turns just makes it way too strong not to bet, villain also has way to many worse top pairs/mid pairs/ pairs + draws that we dominate etc... I would check AQ before Q9 if I'd have to choose
Here is a link for IP flop strategy fwiw:

40:02 --> A3s would also pure open from EP and fold A2s


Nov. 17, 2020 | 4:10 p.m.

This is monker response LJ vs HJ 3B 40bbs deep fwiw:

I would not focus on this type of spots tho since at the end of the day you have JJ for 40bbs and if he has you beat is just a cooler. Vs some nitty guys could make a case that the EV of flatting goes up but imo this is not where our EV will come from

Nov. 13, 2020 | 3:36 p.m.

Being a player who is transitioning now to PLO with zero experience I think it would be very valuable for me to get the sims myself. Not to blindly follow the solver, but just to develop a rough sense and idea of a starting point for pf spots. I've been watching a lot of the PLO RIO videos and a lot of the times I could see myself like thinking I'd VPIP x hand utg and the coach says its a clear fold on the CO for ex :)

Nov. 12, 2020 | 8:29 p.m.

Hey guys, thanks for the feedback! Just double checked the price and for all spots 6-max PLO 100bbs they are charging $399. You think thats ool Richard Gryko ? Also, do you have any indication on where to buy the sims at a more ''fair'' price?

Nov. 12, 2020 | 8:27 p.m.

Hey! With the goal of improving my PLO preflop game and going more in depth on open/flatting/3betting ranges, I'm interested in buying the MonkerSolver solution and also looking for people who might be interested in as well so we can split the costt
The price is around $500 for the whole solution. Let me know if you're interested! :)

Nov. 11, 2020 | 5:57 p.m.

Nov. 6, 2020 | 9:19 p.m.

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