1 points
How do you construct your cold calling range on MP/CO when facing open from UTG/MP.? I mean it is tempting to call with hands like 99T7ds, QQT6ss, or AJT7ss, they look pretty, but flop at microstakes usually goes multiway, we will be pretty often playing OOP when BTN enters, or squeezed between preflop raiser and blinds. Not to mention of possibility of getting 3bet. And many times we flop only mediocre draw or whatever and it would be tough to navigate.
What are the worst hands we can profitably call in this spots?
April 19, 2018 | 2:33 p.m.
MP: $10.06
CO: $10.00
BN: $25.43 (Hero)
SB: $8.89
BB: $10.00
April 19, 2018 | 12:26 p.m.
Pretty standard preflop.(Or not?)
Both players unknown, probably recreational given the stack sizes.
Pretty good flop, but facing open all-in and having second player behind usually with Aces, or other big cards, maybe should we make a tight fold even SPR is small?