Zak Dingle
8 points
Video on how.what to study, what programs can be used. How to look at different regs startegy and how to adjust.
Oct. 16, 2014 | 12:53 p.m.
The politically correct label for fish is "fun player"
Sept. 6, 2014 | 12:56 p.m.
In the AA hand on QJx9 i feel like we should fold considering we have the club blocker and villain always has QQ/JJ/QJs/KTs, im assuming we are 3betting QQ/JJ vs most villains CO opens but that leaves are calling range pretty thin. I guess we would always call AA no club?
Aug. 12, 2014 | 1:35 p.m.
yea id always call here just thought raiseing would have more merit than folding
Aug. 1, 2014 | 12:28 p.m.
Would love to see some 1k/2k nl reg tables, I know its hard to keep actin going to maybe have 1/2 tables of zoom on the side?
Also more HH review or theory vids, anything but 500 zoom from everyone
July 28, 2014 | 8:46 p.m.
29:15 You fold a gutter and back door flush draw to a half pot lead from an unknown. What were your reason for this? If it isnt good enough to peel why not semi bluff raise? Surely thats better than folding?
July 28, 2014 | 7:56 p.m.
He did fold, claimed he had a straight in chat.
Feb. 11, 2013 | 10:12 p.m.
Feb. 11, 2013 | 8:46 p.m.
Feb. 11, 2013 | 8:31 p.m.
CO: $103.50
BN: $107.01 (Hero)
SB: $152.95
CO folds, Hero raises to $2, SB folds, BB calls $1
Feb. 11, 2013 | 7:14 p.m.
BN: $200 (Hero)
SB: $200
BB: $124.65
HJ: $200
HJ folds, CO calls $2, Hero raises to $6.75, SB folds, BB calls $4.75, CO calls $4.75
Jan. 4, 2015 | 10:54 p.m.