POKERBART's avatar


2 points

it's incorrect claim that increasing a single factor to much might drop the efficiency of the "system" increasing all of the factors will increase your winrate proportionately except rake (ofc) and stakes which can lead to swings which bankroll might not handle. the factor of skill can be neglacted as it's just one of 2 factors (with skill of your opponent) that determine other factor: edge
so the formula should be volume x edge x stakes x efficiency rate-(rake+ losses while not being efficient) (or something like that)
so icreasing just the endge and/or volume will always be proportionately more profitible regardless of other factors.
the reason to balance those factors would be one mentioned previousely as it's easier to make progress at the beginning and by it making it more efficient to increase the systems efficiency by focusing on your weak areas.
and there is realistic limit of efficiency since good players can be efficient nearly 100% of the time unlike edge of which the limits can be approached only at the top.

Edit: forgotten to mention that for example playing more tables can decrease efficiency.
mighty be practically difficult to increase just 1 variable but theoretically increasing each of those factors must be beneficial (assuming ur a winning player).
i don't know how to reply to replies, i disagree that it isn't meant to be a math problem;
EVERYTHING becomes math when your understanding becomes sufficient


April 20, 2019 | 2:58 a.m.

16:45 the nut straight KJ is bet fold insted of chceck call is doe to his larger range of bluff catchers than bluffs? maybe an obvious question but is there anything else to it?

June 22, 2015 | 10:26 p.m.

(PayPal requires that you authorize us to open a time period of one year to bill you monthly. In your Settings, you can downgrade or change your payment type at any time during your subscription with Run It Once)yeah i can change it but why i have to do anything to not pay for more than a month. after i opened paypal it had nothing but a spot to insert my creditcard information

Aug. 22, 2014 | 11:27 p.m.

hey phil why the fuck do i have to pay for a entire year? and its impossible to pay without a creditcard?

Aug. 22, 2014 | 9:28 a.m.

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