1 points
@17min with the Kh8h87 on the river. I'm not the best with math so maybe someone can make some calculation in this spot, but wouldn't check raising be an option?
With his sizing, your blocker and previous street action, his range his mostly Ah blocker or the nut flush, rarely a Full House, so maybe check shove is better than a call? I can see KKAh or other Ks betting the turn as a semi bluff, but some might check back as well and you block Ks. I see Qs checking back a lot more since you could have Ks yourself and it would be a bad bet with Qs on the turn agst your range, same for 9s or 7s + you block 7s as well, so his turn betting range is mostly nut flush or NF blocker. I don't know tho because he might check back NF on the river and thus have much more bluffs and thus calling would be better.
btw I really like your videos and if you are looking for ideas, a 4bet video against aggressive restealer would be a great subject. Thanks
March 25, 2015 | 6:49 p.m.
I think so, cause if you add some AKKx KKxx AKQJ to his range and not only AAxx (even if we bloc 2xKs) then we have a clear call.
March 11, 2015 | 4:49 p.m.
AKK3 hand @40min
75 to call in $225 pot 3:1
it's too close even when BTN has 100% of AA in his range
I don't think I would fold it
March 10, 2015 | 4:40 p.m.
agree with all three comments above.
-when you step down limits, opponents don't play you as they play us, dynamics are different
-you don't make the same mistakes we do and thus can comment on new stuff
I like it a lot, but I think that if you are going to sit out and talk about hands, might as well use 2 tables and sit out. with only 1 table, you do not need to sit out, you could have the replayer as a 2nd table on the side instead of over.
More middle stakes please :)
and if you are looking for video themes, one on flush boards(J73hhh) would be great as they are not easy to play (sizing, delay cbet, bluffs, thin value ...)
March 31, 2015 | 8:29 p.m.