9 points
21:00 - I'd say this sizing might also mean another thing. People might play their strong hands this way to get value from your capped range on the river, assuming (perhaps incorrectly) you won't have too many full house / trips combos, thus trying to get value from your bluffcatchers, which they assume are more likely to call small bet than a shove? Would you agree with that?
It's of course based on them playing incorrectly, basing on incorrect assumptions (weakness of your range, judging difference between how often you bluffcatch 1/3 psb and a shove) but I guess it's more likely than playing perfect poker :)
March 24, 2014 | 2:22 p.m.
As always half a year late with a comment, but here we go ;)
8:40 - A4s - pretty surprised to hear you say his minr looks strong compared to shove. I believe pretty much every half-decent reg would minraise here with most of his non-folding range. And especially in HT his range should be pretty wide, so it looks like a pretty easy rejam.
25:30 - KJo - that's a fold, he has to shove 55+, A2s+, KTs+, QJs, A9o+, KJo+, QJo to make it a call and I doubt he's gonna be that wide. Would be cool if you did some math in these spots btw, it's like a 30 seconds in Equilab ;)
Sept. 17, 2013 | 3:32 p.m.
17:40 What do you think about danface's play in this hand, with A9o?
Aug. 23, 2013 | 1:43 p.m.
@1:40 w/KTo - I was pretty surprised by your snapfold with KTo at the top-left table. Could you describe all your ranges in this spot? Do you narrow your raise/folding range a lot because it's FT and bigger stacks would exploit you easily if your raise/folding range was to wide? Still I think we should r/f KTo, as it's almost top of range we're not raise/calling here.
(Btw, it's cool you're still answering to these old videos, thx for that!)
July 15, 2013 | 7:34 p.m.
Where is part 4?
July 11, 2013 | 7:11 p.m.
this series is awesome, keep it up !
July 6, 2013 | 3:51 p.m.
@16:00 w/KT - Honestly, it's such a bad play I think... You're at Microgaming, surrounded by idiots who got no idea about hold'em, smallest vpip/pfr gap at this table is like 6 :) So your edge is huge, and you somehow decide to put in 60 bb's early in tournament with KTo. It's not even matter of profitability of this spot, but your philosophy and gameplan in tournaments like this. Your edge is simply to big to push your gameplan towards preflop wars, while you could just produce money postflop against horrible opponents.
July 4, 2013 | 11:06 a.m.
@9:00 w/QTs - What do you think about barreling this turn? He's pretty likely to check/call once hands like TT-KK and give up on the turn, maybe the same with weak aces because of shorstack. His range is capped here and I don't see many hands check/calling flop, that gonna call you down for whole stack.
Still, check seems like a good option, just trying to figure out bet as a possibility.
June 24, 2013 | 6:46 p.m.
24:00 w/89s - on the turn you said you didn't like shoving over his barrel, because we can't fold out overpairs. That is true, but seeing his aggression on this table, wouldn't you expect him to have a lot of air type of hands, like all A-high blockers he decided to 4bet, or even something as ridiculous as that T8s? He was playing pretty crazy and I believe big part of his range on the turn are bluffs folding to our shove. And if we get called we still have 11 outs.
Obviously shoving this turn builds a pretty huge pot, not the best option for us ICM-wise, but I guess by 3-betting him preflop we knew what kind of pot is likely to be built ;) And it really feels like cEV+ shove.
Btw, it's cool you're still answering to comments beneath these old videos, you guys make so many videos it's pretty tough to catch up with you after I've registered few months late ;)
June 21, 2013 | 6:44 p.m.
Any news about this? It's about 5 minutes work and it's over a month since I've posted already...
June 21, 2013 | 3:30 p.m.
22:40 w/ATo - You said you think raising turn looks pretty strong. I'm not really sure about that, because we doesn't represent to much by check flop + raise turn line. Most of the time we would cbet flopped flush and if we had checked it back, people won't expect us to raise it on pairing turn. We cbets most of our Ax'es as well for protection against 4th heart, same with sets, so our range narrows down pretty much to hands like AxKh, AxQh and possibly some weak aces plus all sorts of bluffs and semi-bluffs.
Even though raising itself feels pretty strong at such board, if he's a range-thinking player, he should realise how few made hands we're likely to play this way, so I really like raising here to get some value from flush draws, Ax's and possibly induce some light action.
24:40 w/TT - What do you think gkap's sizing tells us here? When I've seen it, I've immediately ruled out KK+ from his range, because his sizing is pretty big, like was trying to avoid getting flatted by original raiser. I feel like with the very top of his range he would make it little less, like 30-32k to create an illusion of folding equity. It could be very player-dependant tho, I guess.
June 14, 2013 | 6:42 p.m.
@36:40 - What do you think about check/raising river? He's propably gonna valuebet all of his Qx, Jx after it's been checked to him twice and he might turn hands like KT, T9 into a bluff, so actually the only hands checking back should be low pairs and maybe AK/AT.
I guess our concern here would be him bet/folding with a small sizing, whereas he would call some bigger bets, but he still might hero us with Qx, as check/raise doesn't represent to much in this spot?
June 11, 2013 | 2:24 p.m.
@32:30 w/44 - I'm not a big fan of this limp vs a good opponent. Recently I've seen many regs adjusting correctly to these spots and either shoving over this limp with mid range, raise/calling induce range or just checkingback with all the bottom. It's really rare lately to see good players raise/fold over our limp there, making this play pretty bad, because we're either gonna end up oop in limped pot, folding to a shove from hands which would fold if we had shoved or limp/shoving vs strong inducing range. What do you think about it? Do you consider just going for unexploitable shove here vs good player?
June 4, 2013 | 3:09 p.m.
@19:10 w/A4s - What do you think about 3betting here, like 48k? Do you think his 4bet-shoving range is much wider than calling range vs your shove in this ICM spot? I guess he'd have to shove a lot to make 3bet/fold less profitable than shove, and we avoid risking like 1/4 of our stack.
May 31, 2013 | 2:24 p.m.
May 31, 2013 | 12:57 p.m.
Gabriel, why would you actually want to tighten villain's range in this spot? He's propably folding anything but KK+ and sometimes might misplay AK by calling, so there's no point in 4betting. It's fine to tighten his range if we got 87s here, but why with QQ? :)
In hero's line I hate flop raise. We got some showdown value and 3rd nut draw, by raising we isolate his range to stronger made hands (sets, KK+, I doubt JJ calls here, unless he's a fish and got JdJx) and nut fd. So we're basically turning our hand into a semi-bluff, because no worse made hand calls us and whenever turn is non-diamond, he's gonna propably check/fold his nut fd with no pair, leaving our QQ vs KK+ range. He might even fold his KK+ sometimes unless he got diamonds, which is cool, but shouldn't be our main goal in the hand.
As played I'm checking turn behind to decide whether I want to bluffcatch river. Once we bet, only hands that won't fold are nut flushes and possibly AA. Once we check back, he might sometimes bluff river with hands like KK no diamond, AK no diamond and we can get away from our hand when river pairs up and he valuebets. If he checks nonpairing river we can safely assume we got the best hand and valuebet small vs his bluffcatches like some JdJx or AA.
But still main problem was flop play and inflating the pot with medium made hand and weak draw.
May 25, 2013 | 5:03 p.m.
Hey Paul, great series, nice result!
@7:30 w/77 - I disagree with range you gave him a bit, I think it would be pretty big mistake to shove A7o in this spot, as well it never makes sense to shove A6s and fold A5s-A2s :) Even if he's a weak player, if we include A6s in his range, we can easily include all Axs. Also tough to believe he would fold QJs, QTs and JTs. All in all, against 22+,A2s+,KTs+,QTs+,JTs,T9s,ATo+ we got 51,5%, so indeed looks like 77 is bottom of our calling range.
@9:20 - Same here, you say you would reshove A6s+. It doesn't make any sense to shove A6s and fold A5s-A2s, because we can propably safely assume he's folding 22-55, so our equity is the same (even slightly better for A5s-A2s because of straight possibilities) and we got same blocker.
May 25, 2013 | 12:16 p.m.
@32:00 w/A4o - would you consider checking it back and just giving up, given this flop hits his range pretty hard? I can't imagine him check/folding many hands, propably like 22-77 being only ones, while all his broadways, connectors and other stuff will just check/shove.
@48:00 w/TJ - what are other hands you would check/shove here on the turn? Your value range is pretty thin here, you wouldn't play many made hands this way. If we think his range is pretty weak, full of flush draws, straight draws, Qx's, then why not just barreling turn and shoving river?
May 24, 2013 | 1:38 p.m.
@52:00 - You say you would open 66 in this spot, do you think it's EV+ at this stack? Our hand plays horrible postflop, we're always raise/folding pre and we got no blockers to treat it as a solid stealing hand. We're gonna loose a lot of chips opening weak pockets here.
May 23, 2013 | 12:57 p.m.
@33:00 w/88 - Given that his range is pretty face up for pocket pairs and weak aces, would you ever consider turning your hand into a bluff by overbetting the river, like 105k? He's plan is most likely to call us on the river (unless he got like 77-88 maybe), but against overbet he would have hard time to call with hands like QQ, KK or A2.
May 22, 2013 | 1:50 p.m.
@12:00 w/TT - What kind of range are you flatting here? I feel like your hand is pretty face up here, you're propably calling here like 99-JJ (sometimes AKs?) and you gonna end up with obvious range, out of position, with SPR~3, meaning a lot of trouble postflop I fear
(especially here, as 71% of time overcard falls on the flop). It's really tough to make a profitable call here against a competent opponent.Well, this guy played postflop pretty bad, so kind of a counterargument to what I've just said :)
@25:00 w/AK - What do you think about checking back flop? With SPR=2 we got enough room to stack him on turn+river and given he's a fish, he's likely to try bluffing you or calling much lighter, as he won't put you on king after u xb flop.
@35:05 w/99 - You say if you were in BTN's shoes here, you would just shove your 20bb's with hands like AT. Do you think it's more profitable than making small isolation (like 2.3-2.5x) and playing postflop against fish? Of course, we're pretty shallow, but we're crushing his range (he's unlikely to be folding to small iso, so we play against 60% range), and with SPR=2.5 we got some room to outplay him.I think the only hands I would shove there for 20bb's would be small pairs, like 22-77.
May 22, 2013 | 1:48 p.m.
@13:40 w/QQ - What's ur range in this spot? QQ+, AKs?
@17:20 w/KK - Would you ever consider calling turn to fold on any non-king river vs competent player? It's pretty tough play actually, but our call on turn (with SPR=0.6) looks so strong, that decent player should never bluff here.
@21:00 w/QQ - lol @ guy calling off 50bb's with 99. And he's a regular with big profit :|
Last hand w/A6s - pretty huge shove here, did you consider making it like 15k-18k, like LoneHixx did on you earlier? Which play do you think is better in such spots? Are you ever balancing that big of a 5bet shove? I feel like you'd never play top of your range this way (it's tough to exploit, ofc, but you're weakening your 5bet click-it-back range this way, which without hands like A6s gonna be pretty nutted).
May 22, 2013 | 1:45 p.m.
Any way to change it and let us see all the needed info when paused? We don't need that red thing - it looks cool, but really makes pausing tough. ;)
Oh, it would be also great if we could pause videos by hitting spacebar when in fullscreen mode, it works only when not in fullscreen.
May 14, 2013 | 8:08 p.m.
Any progress on this?
Grayson Ramage seems to be the only one (at least from what I've seen in mtt videos) responding to comments in old videos, and I feel like it shouldn't be a lot of work to look into all older videos once a week for all the pros, even without notification system.
And, well, creating a simple e-mail notification system seems like 3 hours of work for an average programmer, hope you guys sort it out asap!
May 11, 2013 | 7:48 p.m.
He got so many unpaired hands in his range, that without information I would checkback the flop. We're never getting three streets of value and we're not really afraid of many turncards. So I would just checkback the flop and call him down or bet twice if he checks the turn.
Cbet is fine as well, especially if our opponent is decent reg and we don't expect him to check/fold here to often. If so, then propably it's best to try to represent some sort of A-high/K-high type of hand by playing exactly as you did. Your line looks like some random KQ/QJ/J9 a lot, so it gets max value from his medium showdown hands like AK-high, which might hero you off.
I'm pretty surprised to see him x/shove AJ here if he's competent player. In your river betting range you shouldn't have any hands better than AJ, that fold to a shove. You're propably checking back AJ-AK, 44-77, 99, bet/folding all hands worse than AJ and bet/calling JJ+, so his shove is horrible. Having said that, even though I didn't see big Ax's in his range, he just doesn't have any valuehands in his check/shoving range, because of likelihood you're checking back big part of your range on the river.
May 11, 2013 | 3:17 p.m.
This spot is awfully close. I'd assume his calling range should be like: 3 combo of 77, 1 combo of AA (I'm assuming he'll play aces this way 1 out of 3 times, I'd expect cbet very often here, propably like 90%, but let's assume it's 2/3), 1 combo of 54s (I assume he's folding offsuit and 3 suits are blocked), 1 combo of 75s, 2 combos of A5, 3 combos of 44.
Total, we win against 44, 54s, 75s = 5 combos, we chop with 2 combos, and we lose against 77, AA = 4 combos.
If we expect him to miss cbet with 6s8s & AA we should just call - otherwise it's cEV+ shove.
May 11, 2013 | 11:30 a.m.
Jason, after we've already checked the flop and he cbets that big, do you think we got any folding equity in this spot? Seeing him cbet almost pot size I would just call cbet and play fit or fold on the turn, possibly also trying to rep a flush on 3rd club if he shows weakness with his line or sizing.
But anyway, donkbet/shove looks like a best option.
Oh, and I'm not a big fan of call preflop vs 2.5x open from utg, unless this guy is really crazy and opening tons from early. We got some reverse implied odds vs his strong utg range, on this stack I think fold > 3bet/fold > call.
May 10, 2013 | 11:53 a.m.
Gonna watch it later, just went through first few minutes and laughed hard at spot with AQ @1:00. Whenever I'm doing session reviews with other players, live sweats or just playing my own sessions, this is typical spot where every single time everyone (me included) is like - "yeah, he can have like 66 through TT here, sometimes AJ" - but 95 percent of the time villain ends up having AK :) We're all optimists calling with AQ in this spot, but they always gonna have the damned AK.
Knowledge about NL Hold'em has gone so far already, and still even good regs play their AK's like idiots (in this spot it was borderlinely acceptable, but if he had 35bb he would do the same, I guess).
BTW, I'm amazed to see you're playing without HUD! Is that only for this video or you just don't use it? If you don't, why?
May 8, 2013 | 10:51 p.m.
@2:20 w/AQ - 3-bet is kinda obvious, but what is your plan if he 4-bets? Comfortable getting it in here that deep? Let's assume he makes it like 64k, are you shoving or trying to 5-bet induce? Would you ever consider flatting here and just smallballing where you got some nice edge over the table?
66's hand @12min doesn't make any sense at all. If you feel he's active enough to iso/jam wide, then he's surely active enough for us to raise/jam our hand vs his 3bet. By limp/raise/calling you're inducing mostly hands that we're flipping with (instead of folding them out by raise/jamming) and you're also gonna end up playing postflop vs his checkbacking range consisting a lot of J7-type of hands, which might often fold preflop to a steal as he seems pretty tight.
Sept. 13, 2014 | 11:11 p.m.