Outleveled's avatar


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Hi Nick,
Nice videoserie so far! I have a question on a
hand you don’t actually play, but made a comment on. It’s the hand on 32:00
where the BB has QK on a Q27dd 2 Jd board and where you stated that the BB must
lead this river, because he can’t have air. I agree that the bb can’t have many
air, but I think he’s also not very likely to have a big hand. Some of his big
hands he would probably raise some portion on the time, just like the same
reason you x/r the 6Ts hand, to induce something. Furthermore, like you stated,
the range of the IR is very wide. Isn’t this spot than just a good spot to x/c,
because when the BB is checking the river he is repping a weak made hand like
7x/88/99 and sometimes TT and 33-77 (although you stated that 7x is the weakest
hand the BB could have here).  With the
Jack on the river and the third diamond this is in my opinion a good bluf spot
for the IR isn’t it? If we assume that it is a goof bluff spot for the IR, than
it’s just a good spot to x/c the actually hand (QK) the BB has here isn’t it?
The IR will not suspect many often that the BB will check a kind of Qx hand
here, and will put him on a weak range which follows with a bluff from the IR
and money for the BB ;).
If you think that the IR has more hands in his range that will call a river bet
from the BB (and will check the river with), than that he has bluffs in his
range, it’s obviously better to lead the river in a BB perspective.

 These are just my thoughts on the hand and I would like to hear your thoughts


Oct. 8, 2013 | 10:23 p.m.


Around 03:01, you said that a hand like K8 or 7T rather call than shove that flop. In a vacuum a agree on that, but i dont really see this in a 21 bb deep flatting range of a 14/8 player. In general it would be a (very) bad play to defend such hand from the blig blind I think. Do you agree on that? 

Sept. 18, 2013 | 5:57 p.m.

Hi, I have a question of the AJo hand at 2:06 in the 109 SK:
Why are you betting the river? I can't imagine that this is for value because its not like villian is rasing a hand like JK/JQ or something on the flop (JKss/JQss maybe). When villian is checking the turn there is a high chance he's giving up his hand and would'nt bluff the river, but there is still a chance he will. Isn't that a argument, together with the ''not be called by worser hands'' argument, to x/c the river?

Aug. 25, 2013 | 11:19 p.m.

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