Osprey's avatar


2 points

Hey Dan,

Takes a lot of courage to come from the place you were in and face those issues. Never mind publicly share them. It's also impressive you were able to identify these things yourself. Kudos.

If you aren't already familiar check out EMDR. It is a technique that speeds up the processing/reprocessing of memories which is what leads to observable changes in the present. I highly recommend and think you would love it. It's also a good idea to ensure you are getting the most out of this healing process and not leaving any aspects incomplete.

Couple other thoughts::

Stomach inflammation is one of the first physical symptoms of anxiety and at the root of many (maybe most) illnesses.

Emotional pain activates the same pain receptors as physical pain. So the theory that subsisting emotional pain leads to physical pain, a physiological response to cope (like an inflamed stomach), and ultimately resulting symptoms/illness has plenty of scientific backing.

Have you ever had a formal interest in psychology/psychiatry?


June 16, 2017 | 8 p.m.

Comment | Osprey commented on Software

Will check em out. Thanks!

Feb. 19, 2017 | 9:02 p.m.

Post | Osprey posted in NLHE: Software

What software do you guys recommend for NLHE cash games? I have HEM2 and that's it. I see something being used in the videos to calculate range equity, what program is that?

Feb. 18, 2017 | 1:14 a.m.

Post | Osprey posted in NLHE: 4bet pot with AA

I'm about 8 years behind in theory and have some real ugly hands to post, please bear with me guys. Actually like my line here but want to know if a GTOish strat prefers otherwise and why. I'd imagine preflop is a shove most of the time but a call is fine considering villain's stats. Thoughts on the flop and turn? Opponent playing 40/30/13.3 with 4b of 33.3 over 43 hands. Since I called 4b pre is x/c line ok considering villain's stats? If villain just called my 3b and stacks were deeper can we CR on flop in that situation or do I need to lead?
Also, how should I post hands from ACR? The HH I tried to upload was invalid.

.10/.25 on America's Cardroom

I'm SB, villain BTN. Villain playing 40/30/13.3 over 43 hands with a 4b of 33.3. Effective stacks 103bb

Folded to villain on BTN, raise to .53
I am dealt AdAh & 3bet to 1.93
Villain 4b to 4.82, I call.

Flop: Th Qd 5h

I check. Villain bet 5.18, I call

Turn: Kc

I check, Villain shove for 15.68, I call.
Villain has Jh6h for flush draw and turned straight draw

River: 5d.

Ship it!


Feb. 16, 2017 | 10:26 p.m.

Hey guys, I am getting back into poker and playing some 2/2 - 2/5 NL right now against a very weak, unimaginative player pool. Most of the play is not very deep. I've run into a few spots where I was unsatisfied with my play postflop while holding pocket pairs of 9's or lower against a preflop raiser & continuation bet (sometimes followed by turn bet) on dryish low boards. Think I'm playing too weak/passive but could be results oriented..

Are there any videos that do a good job breaking down the math in these situations? Does anyone have suggestions for strategies to improve my play here? If it hasn't been thoroughly covered I think this would be a great topic to focus on and explore further.

Dec. 10, 2016 | 11:39 p.m.

Light is a huge factor (especially light of a certain wavelength but I forget which type) along with exercise and diet. All of these can individually or collectively play a huge role. No computer or tv 60 minutes before bed has been cited as an effective strategy to help your mind shut down and get the right amount of each stage of sleep. And sticking to a sleep schedule that mirrors the Earth's natural light cycle will give you the best bang for your buck in terms of performance. This has been well documented by many studies (often also successfully replicated) comparing productivity of night vs. day shifts and similar situations.

Dec. 8, 2016 | 3:31 a.m.

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