Tree Poker's avatar

Tree Poker

48 points

Love this video and love Vision. Practicing in this way with vision is the best way to get stronger at PLO IMO. I am just waiting for a program exactly like this where I can upload my own sims.

Jan. 19, 2021 | 4:38 p.m.

Very good point on the first hand about checking back because we can "absorb aggression" on the turn. I love that phrase.

I struggle a lot between knowing when to check because we have a lot of good turn cards to absorb aggression, versus betting because we have a lot of good turn cards to double barrel, versus betting because a lot of good turn cards allow us to go to showdown with b/c/c or b/c/b lines.

In the AK95 example, we would love all folds on the flop and have a lot of good cards on the turn that will put us ahead of OOPs calling range versus cbet, and double barrel bluffs on clubs . But at the same time we don't want to over-bluff on the flop. I find myself so often in these spots where I don't know what to do. Are there any general rules of thumb that can help us in these spots, like betting small, or when in doubt check?

Jan. 14, 2021 | 5:32 p.m.

Great video. Keep up the monker vids! After years of fiddling with monker myself I just don't want to look at it on my own. Your vids help me stay in shape with monker.

Dec. 29, 2020 | 11:52 p.m.

In this scenario, lets say 8handed game. If the CO straddles for $10 and BTN is 1st to act what % range do you think BTN should be opening for pot?

Dec. 8, 2020 | 5:53 a.m.

Love this video and format. It is good reinforcement of the topics you discuss in previous videos and vision is a nice tool for setting up spots.

Aug. 19, 2020 | 5:41 p.m.

I really like how you discuss possible exploitative strategies against weaker opponents. This just adds to my overall understanding of PLO. I do like vision, but I am a big believer in having a solid workable strategy with simplifications in a game as complex as PLO.

Aug. 16, 2020 | 6:34 p.m.

Great video. Against weak passive opponents I do not like to check with my air, but instead bet 25% pot because I don't believe they are meeting MDF. Do you think this is an over-adjustment or is it a good thing to do?

Aug. 14, 2020 | 1:54 a.m.

Really love this video and format. I would love to see this series completed. The graphs are super useful. I just want to see this type of format for all the different spots in 6max cash. It helps me make sure I am not over/under bluffing in the x-raising range which is something I struggle with, as well as matching double barrel frequencies.

Aug. 11, 2020 | 7:45 p.m.

Great video! Nice format.

Nov. 29, 2019 | 4 a.m.

Comment | Tree Poker commented on $10k Horse (part 2)

Great content. Your videos have really helped me over the past year.

Aug. 26, 2019 | 9:13 a.m.

I have been on the PLO8 heads up grind for the past year. Even though the overall equity for IP might be less, I actually feel being IP in PLO8 is more important than any other game. The option to peel a free card in o8 is so massive, given how much the dynamic of the board can change on the turn and river. Equity denial is the name of the game, and being able to put more pressure on your opponent by being IP is critical.

Some heuristics I use:
I never limp pre, only 3x or fold.

For flop cbetting in SRP IP I bet half pot on all paired boards, monotone boards, LLL and HHH boards, and pot on everything else.

As a general rule of thumb, when I am OOP I am looking for excuses to check, when I am IP I am looking for excuses to bet.

It is critical to have balanced check ranges OOP because the check/raise is the best equity denial tool for OOP. There will be a lot of range checking in 3bet pots for OOP.

The key to success in PLO8 is understanding when you can deny your opponents one-way equity by putting maximum pressure and creating lines that force him off of one-way equity.


Aug. 15, 2019 | 7:10 p.m.

Excellent video. That monker analysis of AKT5 was illuminating. More monker!

July 7, 2019 | 9:06 a.m.

When we have a middling stack in a heavy ICM spot, is it OK to adopt a Limp/Fold strategy pre-flop in all positions for all of our hands we are going to play ? That way we can keep the pot smaller and get into positions where we have very large equity on the flop.

June 26, 2019 | 3:06 a.m.

Comment | Tree Poker commented on US Poker Open $25k

Great video. Glad to see you making more content! Would love to see some in-depth study videos for Omaha 8 and Stud 8.

June 15, 2019 | 7:43 a.m.

You explain everything so well and clear. I learned tons. Sick read on the guy with 77.

May 27, 2019 | 8:20 a.m.

Comment | Tree Poker commented on Rolling

For live poker I use the following trick for a 50/50 randomizer. If the higher ranked card (or suit for PP) of my hole cards is on the left I take the aggressive line, otherwise I take the passive line. Another trick I sometimes use is shuffle one different color chip into 9 other chips and see where it is on the stack. If it is near the bottom I take the passive line (or reverse).

May 15, 2019 | 9:33 a.m.

The EV is really close on firing T9o on the turn. If Nick feels Negreanu is overfolding even just a few combos it is a profitable bluff.
Your videos are excellent. I like the way you think about poker.

May 12, 2019 | 7:29 a.m.

This is a great video. Lots of good content in here.

March 17, 2019 | 6:46 a.m.

With WSOP around the corner more MTT videos are what I'd personally prefer. Would be nice though if WSOP had a PLO HU $10k.

Feb. 26, 2019 | 3:53 a.m.

Excellent video. Love this format. RIO software looks so pretty too.

Feb. 19, 2019 | 9:06 a.m.

Excellent chart at the end.

Feb. 15, 2019 | 9:59 p.m.

Really good video. Good pace, good simplification of the monker breakdowns. I like the way you navigate monker. Would love to see more Monker-based videos.

Oct. 19, 2018 | 7:59 p.m.

This is my first day on RIO Elite, and this is the first video I've watched. It was excellent, easy to follow, and well presented. Learned tons.

Oct. 18, 2018 | 8:18 p.m.

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