16 points
I checked OTF because i don't think i can get 3 streets of value witht his hand and would have bet turn and river if he checks behind. I understand now that there are so many hands to get value from early in the hand.
So it would be best to bet/fold flop and turn on this board?
Nov. 12, 2017 | 8:31 a.m.
Thanks hkabir, i appreciate the support.
I realize that still is not a good idea to put bigger volume goals because i only play 2 tables zoom and struggling with the mental game. Last 2 days i played fewer hours and performed as well as i could.
I think the real problem of my incosistency lies in the absence of any good planning and goal setting and will look more into it. I actually ordered a related Tricia Cardner's book with good reviews (I am aware of Malmuth's criticism on her but am wiling to give it a try).
Nov. 11, 2017 | 10:26 p.m.
SB: $10.41 (Hero)
BB: $32.50
UTG: $18.21
MP: $15.30
CO: $10.41
Rake is $0.21
Nov. 11, 2017 | 10:06 p.m.
The play was chaotic at the tables. Unknowns donking and checkraising the turn with pure air, overbeting turns with gutshots and other crazy stuff i am not used to seeing at all. Made a lot of marginal calldowns which should never make according to the standard hero folding at microstakes strategy. Probably they are just random guys punting stacks and these hands shouldn't concern me.
Still i am disappointed at myself. Every day i give away a buyin or two for some reason. I know i am a bad player and have no real clue at what am i doing most of the time. But there are worse players for sure and i can do better. I have seen a slight lowering of the frequency but it is not easy for me to get rid of such spastic plays:
Ignoring reality. How can i lose?
I will try finding a good warm up routine and set an alarm to take mandatory breaks. Also i joined a "strategy group" to talk more casually about hands, but what does it matter if you lose small amounts of $EV at some spots when you give away a ton of bbs for nothing?
Nov. 9, 2017 | 11:58 p.m.
You must click "New hand history" and paste without stats. Otherwise you can use weaktight.com or something similar.
Nov. 8, 2017 | 11:22 p.m.
Sort of tough day, got KK < AA 2 times, QQ < KK and lost many flips vs shortstack fish. Still managed to grind without any bankroll damage. Per usual, i lost control some times as you can see below.
The good thing is that i start enjoying exercizing more, eating healthy and reading books (non poker related). The power of everyday habit is bigger than the random motivational mood you feel in the moment.
Spewy 3bet and tripple barrel bluff.
Biggest loss and terrible play. Got carried away by his maniac stats but sample size was only 5.
Nov. 8, 2017 | 11:17 p.m.
If you start to 3bet extremely wide, people will start to play back at you. I would fold A7o and try 3betting with suited aces, suited connectors/gappers; hands with playability and nut potential. If he is not overly aggro postflop and blinds don't squeeze, it is ok to flat IP with many hands also.
I would bet bigger OTF to value target overpairs and get stacks in by the river. As played, you should probably fold the river as hard as it may seem if you think he pretty much never bluffs.
Nov. 7, 2017 | 11:17 p.m.
SB: $10.61
BB: $27.56
UTG: $10.00
MP: $17.32
CO: $17.80 (Hero)
CO wins and shows two pair, Kings and Queens.
CO wins $23.21
Rake is $1.09
Nov. 7, 2017 | 10:04 p.m.
Did ok today but made a ridiculous call due to some sort of accumulated anger related to running slightly bad.
I know i lose EV but GTFO i may suck out on you.
Luckily i stopped immediately after this. I understand it is really bad that i still do this from time to time in big pots and must try harder to prevent it in the future.
Nov. 7, 2017 | 9:44 p.m.
Buy Tiltbreaker imo. It will pay for itself for sure.
Nov. 7, 2017 | 12:27 p.m.
I am constantly struggling with it but i have a stop loss rule of 4buyins i try to implement. If you are having severe problems busting your roll over and over again, i suggest you set yourself maximum limit you can play and buy Tiltbreaker. A friend of mine found it very helpful and probably will buy it too.
Also, short sessions work very well for me and help me focus more on the big picture and the long run. Quit early if you feel irritated. The worst thing for me is getting angry over players "playing back at me" and try to fight them. After reading Elements of Poker i constantly try to think of the long run and the quality of my play, not the short term results. These don't matter at all and must not affect you.
Nov. 7, 2017 | 11:59 a.m.
Since the summer it is 1.38 EV bb/100 over 120k hands...
Nov. 7, 2017 | 11:36 a.m.
I started with around $200 (too risky but didn't care much then tbh). My currency is actually euros and have played few MTTs as well, so the results don't add up quite accurately.
I think a good practical rule for me will be to move up with 40 buyins for the next level and move down if i have less than 30 at the current level.
Nov. 7, 2017 | 9:55 a.m.
I agree, probably a spew vs the population, but could be ok vs maniac who bluffs every draw on every street.
TT never improves but is it far in strength from top pair here? What would you do w/ KQ for example? Thanks.
Nov. 7, 2017 | 12:12 a.m.
SB: $10.15 (Hero)
BB: $8.93
UTG: $10.00
MP: $14.39
CO: $13.72
Nov. 6, 2017 | 8:29 p.m.
During last week i failed again to put in decent volume. I also didn't eat healthy but managed to exercise almost everyday. My parents visited me during the weekend and also had to arrange some job interviews. The sad part is that i have always have been hating the area of my university studies but i am totally stuck with it. Maybe will also search for a part time job just to pay some bills.
Today i played around 1700 hands but didn't play well at all. At least kept the damage to a minimum. When i see some crazy stuff people do, i tend to misevaluate many situations.
BR: $386
Graph from the start of this blog:*
Goals for this week
-Exercise at least 4 days.
-Start cooking at home. No more than two junk food meals.
-Post here the worst hands of the day and at least 2 hands for analysis.
Nov. 6, 2017 | 8:15 p.m.
short note: When i started playing poker again after many months, i bought a course by a "poker coach" which consisted of a standard preflop and postflop strategy, claiming to beat cash games up to NL50. I was suspicious but gave it a try because it was on "massive discount". Proved to be totally garbage (as expected) and affected my thinking too. Never trust anyone who makes such claims.
Notes on myself as a point of reference for NL10:
- Take time to think for each decision. Avoid autopilot, missclicks and timing tells.
- Always look left before opening, especially from late positions.
- Don't call 3bets outside my default ranges.
- Don't bluff 3bet with less than 50% fold equity.
- Never go into 4bet/5bet wars and spew out of frustration.
- Only take good 4bet opportunities based on reliable opponent stats.
- Never call a 4bet without relevant notes or stats.
- Cbet less often out of position. It is ok to give up at bad flops.
- Never call a turn raise with one pair, unless i have a specific note for the player.
- Triple barrels are not bluffs. They give sizing tells on early streets, so it is ok to fold on the turn with marginal hands.
- River raises are the nuts.
- River donks are stong value hands.
- Never "feel" excited about my hand. I should know the flop SPR and evaluate the relative strength of my hand when the board is getting worse or when i hit a weak draw and face aggression.
Nov. 3, 2017 | 9:52 a.m.
The video isn't loading for me.
edit: fixed now
Nov. 2, 2017 | 1:56 p.m.
For the last two days i am overall satisfied with my play. Managed to stay calm and not care about the session graph but i failed to sit out and take a break at some points when was feeling tired and annoyed by losing some pots.
So this happened
I guess it could be worse but i stopped right after this. I will keep trying to improve at the mental area. I fell thought that this stupid blog seems to help control myself a little bit.
Nov. 1, 2017 | 10:09 p.m.
I didn't have enough time to grind in the last week; only played ~2500 hands. But i got and read "Elements of Poker" by Tommy Angelo. Even though i had heard most of them before, it is beneficial to repeat and reinforce these concepts into your mind. Also i might research into meditation and mindfulness, even though i am very sceptical about such stuff.
I am happy about hitting the gym too. I tend to lose track and forget that taking care of your mind and body and respecting yourself are crucial elements for success and happiness.
Anyway, i hope to find more time this week and in November for poker.
Two confusing hands:
AA - 3bet pot OOP
Not much information on villain. I think the turn is a really good card for his range. Having said that, he still has AK which could be betting for value and overall seems pretty close given the price we get on the river.
J9s - Too thin turn cbet?
Oct. 30, 2017 | 9:58 p.m.
Thanks hkabir. I like your insight for the hands.
Today some personal issues came up, which i have to take care of. My mind is not clear, so i will only watch some videos, search up for mental game books to buy or splash around at mixed games for fun. Moreover, I decided it is time to improve my health and lifestyle, and keep myself accountable here.
Weekly Fitness Goals
- Perform at least 4 workouts
- Eat no more than 2 junk food meals
Oct. 23, 2017 | 7:54 p.m.
Today i played about 2 hours until started making some spewy plays and it was time to stop. Not my A game but ok. Up about 2buyins.I will only be posting weekly graphs as they are slightly more meaningful.
Bluffing for no good reason #1, but thought his sizing was weak
Bluffing for no good reason #2
So a clear problem are these spazzy moves, trying to attack capped ranges when i don't really understand how to do it and also not considering blockers in live play.
Oct. 22, 2017 | 6:33 p.m.
SB: $10.15 (Hero)
BB: $9.38
UTG: $16.02
MP: $35.51
CO: $12.88
Rake is $0.30
Oct. 22, 2017 | 5:54 p.m.
I played two short sessions today as i want to focus more on quality than quantity. Still made a lot of mistakes and a terrible call. I felt an urge to stop while ahead. Definitely need to work on that and try to enjoy playing "solid" rather than focusing on resuts.
4bet bluffing an unknown for no good reason
Burning money on the river
Disciplined fold
Calldown vs high aggession stats
Oct. 21, 2017 | 6:13 p.m.
Hello Run It Once. I am a relatively new member in this great community and decided to create my first poker blog in order to keep record of my "progress" and stay more dedicated.
First of all, i am a 27 y.o. electrical engineer but i don't work this period. I have been playing poker (with long breaks in between) since 2012 and jumped around μNL full ring cash games, HUSNGs up to $15s and STTs up to $15s with some success but never broke through.
In the last months, i had a lot of free time after my job contract was over and decided to grind NL10 zoom 6max and stick to it. My first goal is to move up to 25NL. I really enjoy the game and learning about all aspects of NLHE, but my huge problem is tilting like a retarded monkey. I am breakeven at NL10 after 80k hands and this is quite frustrating. So i will be honest and be posting all my terrible hands here as a good laugh for you guys and possibly a way to get my shit together.
Thanks for reading, good luck at the tables and see you later.
Oct. 20, 2017 | 11:21 a.m.
SB: $10.77 (Hero)
BB: $8.56
UTG: $10.89
MP: $16.65
CO: $7.46
Rake is $0.18
Oct. 13, 2017 | 9:17 a.m.
Thanks Iain for the great quality of your videos.
Oct. 7, 2017 | 2:37 p.m.
SB: $13.70
BB: $24.71
UTG: $10.35
MP: $22.69
CO: $13.83
Rake is $0.49
Oct. 1, 2017 | 7:22 a.m.
Thanks a lot for the resopnses. Folding flop makes sense.
Ι sometimes fall into this kind of thinking too. Also i may fear that if i valuebet flop and turn, will have to face uncomfortable decisions for a big pot on the river.
Nov. 12, 2017 | 4:12 p.m.