NoPlanB's avatar


2 points

Not sure, but I guess you don't really have any other options besides folding, for a couple of reasons:
- u can't really Cold Call and then, cuz it's for like 1/4 eff stack already and ur not closing the action ==> In most cases u'll not really be able to use ur Ah to apply pressure on future streets (and even if in some scenarios button folds, u r still w an SPR < 1 IP on the turn, and so ur Ah is still kinda irrelevant)
So I guess u can't really CC/C-off or CC/fold, so u can just jam or fold. And jamming seems very minus EV to me, cuz 1) u just have top2 and no low draw., so ur dead agains set w any kind of low draw + I suppose ur an underdog in case BB has any low draw + like a FD or just 765x for example. 2) u still have BTN to worry about, at least in some way.
- also it's a tournament, and even if getting it in here is like break-even or slightly + EV, I think you should avoid these spots in an MTT (especially given that PLO8 MTTs are much softer than NLH ones)

Still just my opinion though obv.


June 2, 2015 | 11:37 p.m.


27:55 - The T8hh hand: Isn't it a good idea to turn ur Tx into bluff, when checked to, on this 4-flush river? I mean this hand must be like the worst hand u get to this river with, as played (CheckBack flop, Call turn), cuz u're not calling this turn w like a bare 5x w/out a club or 66 w/out a club. So on this river it must be like the very bottom of ur range (ok, mb u have a couple of worse Tx, like T7, T6, but I guess that's it). And u should be able to fold out hands like Qx, Jx w/out a club when u bet this river, taken this line.

Thanks in advance!

March 6, 2014 | 8:07 a.m.

Hey, very nice video! Have a couple of questions here.

1) 10:18  -  Are u B/F river w QTo on A7689sss?  My thoughts are that it's like pretty close to the bottom of ur value range on the river (not sure if u have many 5x here). And it also seems like not the best runout for u to have many bluffs.

2) the 44 hand (raising turn on T824ss): Isn't overbetting the river with this hand a good idea on T8247 river? I guess our opp will like never believe in us having J9, 96 on this river (since these hands most likely CBet flop), so he may put us heavily on missed BDFD and exactly 44 (though I guess 44 will CBet flop some % also) + w 44 we don't block him from heaving Tx 8x hands which he could easily play this way on the turn vs missed CB. Yeah, he himself can have J9 played this way, but this is like the only hand that we'll Ch/jam vs our river overbet (btw I guess he's not always leading this turn w J9, smtms he can X/R, so I'll not give him all 16 combos). + He's not likely to have many better sets since I think he's 3-betting all combos of TT in BBvsCO, and maybe 88 also.

3) the QQ hand on the 4th table in 3B pot: Isn't there more value in checking QQ on such turn here (9642o). Since opp has lots of BDFD stuff on the flop and none of them added any equity on 2o turn. So he seems not to have much to call u with on this turn, only OESD (but there are only 8 combos of 87s and 75s) and 9x hands (not too many combos either). Considering ur 3B/4B history with this guy, I doubt he'll not 4B/C even TT in BUvsSB.

Thanks in advance!


March 4, 2014 | 12:42 a.m.

Hello, guys. Sory for my english once more. :)

It was rather tough table, Hero came with 180k but lost 50-60k (25 bigs) TT vs QQ sb to bb allin pre.

Hero is 27 23 6 during 50-60 hands but careful postflop (there were 2-3 hands only). Villain has simular stats, maybe a bit tighter at the table. For hero he is random agro reg. We should remember that there is 10 minutes left before Day 1 ends so frequency of Villains bluffs/floats/turning hands into bluff is a bit greater than usually imo.

1) Is there CB here? Which size is optimal?

2) Should we bet turn and check-fold river or we can check-fold turn at once?

3) What is the optimal play on the river?

Thank you, guys.


May 29, 2013 | 2:30 p.m.

Hello, RunItOnce. First of all sorry for my english. :)

Here is the hand:

Villain is something like 23 18 8 all time, playing 4-5 tables atm, there is no agro dynamic with 3bets between Hero and Villain, so call pre IP is better for me (but there were some hands postflop before this with not nitty ranges).

Hero is playing ~ 29 23 8 at the table (19 15 all time), 7-8 tables atm.

1) Is it reasonable to bet flop in such spot?

2) Whats the best size of turn? Or checking is better? Thought that we can have value On 3 streets.

3) Do we have enough value for betting river? If yes, shouold we bet-fold or bet-call such size? What is the most optimal sizing here?

Great thanks for the answers, guys.


May 29, 2013 | 2:21 p.m.

Hey, Grayson. Great videos, thank you.Whats your calling range on 10:10 after that strange push 37bb ef?I think there is no hands like JTc/KJ because they play postflop very good, but lots of 22-66, so I guess 77 is much more better than AK here, what do u think about it?

May 23, 2013 | 5:01 p.m.

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