4 points
Around the 8-9 min. mark, I totally understand the mentality of never folding a set and I personally would flat the flop vs 3bet in that spot as well. However, on the river I'm struggling to give V really any bluffs, and very few value hands that we beat. These are spots that I am currently struggling with, I think this hand needs to be folded.
The 7 on the river completes 45 and T9, both of which could have raised flop and barreled turn. The flush is there and I just don't think we can make this river call. I'm not seeing people take this line with the As enough to justify it. Not enough combos of 66/33 to make it profitable vs all the flush and straight combos.
Maybe this is just a micro stakes meta that differs from your regular games, but I very much believe that people are under bluffing rivers.
Jan. 20, 2021 | 3:37 p.m.
The problem is pre-flop. Post flop is irrelevant because you shouldn't be in this situation.
I get that it isn't the answer that you want, but opening K9o in MP is a major leak. If you did it this hand, your PF game is obviously not good and you need to focus on that first before trying to figure out if you should make a half pot bet with a gutter in a 4bet pot.
Jan. 31, 2018 | 11:34 p.m.
Thanks Joeeey
Jan. 31, 2018 | 10:31 p.m.
Man GTO plus is a sicko I couldn't 3 barrel shove TT here even if I was a homeless man who needed that $10 from A9 for my first beverage of the day.
As played I like the C/C line on the river, it allows V the opportunity to bluff. If you put out a 25-40% blocker bet, you only get called by 9's and raised by hands that beat you.
Jan. 31, 2018 | 8:30 p.m.
Given no info on V My initial reaction is to just give him credit for a c/r into 2 people. If it is a mistake to fold here, it’s probable not a big one.
Make a note of it and use it to help build a case against this player.
To break it down a little better let’s say his range looks something like this:
Value Hands-
66, JQ and let’s add 1 combo of each of JJ and J6 to cover the unknown element.
AsXs(I’m omitting AK because it’s more likely to be 3 bet), 5s6s, 6s7s
I don’t think it’s necessary to construct a pure bluff range here, it’s a large c/r and we have no info to suggest he’s capable of it.
Vs this range we have ~ 35% equity.
We need to call $1.12 to win $2.26.
We have 2:1 equity against and 2:1 pot odds = break even.
Can anyone confirm that? I’m a little rusty.
Even if the call is break even i still prefer a fold because there are basically no turn cards we’re excited about if he continues betting
Thanks for your reply, I enjoyed this video format a lot. The way you explain your thought processes in real time is fantastic.
What do you mean by being in loose formation? I'm not familiar with that term
Jan. 20, 2021 | 4:58 p.m.