8 points
thanks for the help..good stuff..def glad i have the membership.
May 16, 2014 | 6:17 a.m.
I call a very wide range deep in mtts to min raises and cr some boards that I don't feel hit my opponent's range...but def don't have a set range for each board texture and was wondering how do I go about creating a cr bluff/value bets for board texture like 789r or A82r from the bb?
Also..with sb play with 30bb or less stacks do u think it's better to just rip with say 29bbs than to 3bet small? It seems pretty uncomfortable post on most boards after 3betting with say 29bbs and having someone flat oop, especially if it was a 3bet bluff...but maybe I just need to improve my postflop play?
May 11, 2014 | 1:45 a.m.
Based on your experience, assuming normal bet sizes, how much equity should be subtracted from a hand range when calling 3 bets OOP? For example, say the 2 bettor's range has 50% preflop equity vs the 3 bettor's range - in practical play how much equity do you think the 2 bettor should be given? Of course it would depend on stack sizes and positions, but would you say generally it's somewhere as high as 30%?
April 8, 2014 | 4:05 a.m.
Does anyone how the charts are generated? Brute force method of checking each possible range would be impossible since there are about 7.5x10^50 possible ranges.
April 1, 2014 | 12:07 p.m.
ty for the feed back. appreciate it.
March 4, 2014 | 4:29 a.m.
March 4, 2014 | 1:40 a.m.
Hey guys, my dad who has played poker all his life( live) has no idea about hand ranges and perceived ranges etc etc. Which are the best videos for nlhe regarding hand ranges? ty :)
March 3, 2014 | 7:18 a.m.
that makes sense, so he's thinking more about his range and what he should be calling with (gto stuff) as opposed to exploiting syous...that's what i thought but wanted to hear his thoughts...probably would/will be the same as yours =).
Dec. 21, 2013 | 4:35 a.m.
hey nice vid! love the stream of consciousness vids...would be better to see at bigger buyins.
one question at about 48:00 when you had just finished tanking on the left hand table with the T6o to the 'weird' pot river bet...on the right hand table with the 97s on the 98Qdd2J board you said that you would definitely be calling with a jack there but not with the 9? is that because you think he has some bluffs that involve Jx? why do you think that calling with a 9 would be any different than calling with a jack in the spot?
Dec. 21, 2013 | 3:09 a.m.
So you're really defending not calling there? you didn't snap fold because of a brief lapse in concentration?? =P just giving u a hard time, i've enjoyed the 2 videos i've seen; it's fun to hear the live thinking out loud.
Dec. 15, 2013 | 5:03 a.m.
Cool video...just a question regarding the J8cc utg open and otb shove for like 7 bbs...when the BB called, why did u fold? of course his range is crushing J8s...but still you were getting incredible odds ip and with his stack size like 70bbs or so...if he was trying to induce with QQ+ or something, you definitely had the implied odds...and you obviously have the ability to lose the minimum in tough spots.
Dec. 12, 2013 | 5:27 a.m.
I would like to see you do a video going in depth on how to find optimal pre flop strategies for shorter stack sizes i.e 15-60 bbs?? Obviously optimal strategy would be tough, so maybe you could eliminate calling oop pre as an option and only have 3/4/5 betting as vbs/bluffs pre? I know how to make optimal strategy pairs with 100bb stacks based on preflop opening %s but don't know how much I'm supposed to widen my range when stacks get shorter...would love to see a video not on your personal strategy, but on how to go about finding an optimal 3/4/5 bet strategy with 15-60bb stacks. Maybe first vid could be how to do this when 3bettor is ip and another vid could be for when 3bettor is in blinds...would be awesome! (for 6max/9max)
Dec. 6, 2013 | 9:23 a.m.
Very interesting video...as far as the 99 min bet on the 4568ccc board: went 3x to 15x...so Hyper could be assuming a super polarized range here...it's possible Slum would check a 456cc flop with QQ+ for pot control on the hands Hyper would call with...but would Hyper call a 15x 3bet with hands that crush that flop other than 44-66 maybe 45s 56s 67s 78s cuz they're 200bbs deep? so like 24combos of pps if u want to count 7s as crushing the flop and all the combos of scs but less because of card removal...all I can think is that it was trying to realize its equity against combos of AJ+ and possibly pot control against big pairs from getting in value bets on a brick river... and when it 4 flushes the river with str8 on board (45687cccc), the check behind definitely makes sense to me b/c of the J9h that Slum had earlier where it checked 3 streets and c/r river for small value earlier but honestly ya idk...super interesting video.
When you had KK vs 88, what would you have done if he had bet the turn or river?
May 25, 2014 | 9:47 a.m.