Nakamator's avatar


73 points

Great content and very well explained. Also I enjoy this format.

June 3, 2022 | 11 p.m.

Lot of people already said how much they enjoyed the format but Im gonna reinforce it and say it was one of the best formats Ive seen. Covering a larger number of hands even though not going too deep is a great tradeoff. If I had to chooose between a deeper analyzes format vs the one you did, I would split it between a 4:1 ratio or something like that.

Great job once again!

March 12, 2021 | 9:17 p.m.

Comment | Nakamator commented on The 80/20

Great video Chris! Thx a lot

May 28, 2020 | 2:52 p.m.

was thinking exactly the same..

I guess we might be more often with 7x because we blocke more of his 2pr combos and dont care as much of being blown off our equity with 7x instead of 8x type of hands

May 19, 2020 | 3:47 p.m.

Comment | Nakamator commented on Way Ahead/Way Behind

Great video... I play PLO but I learn a lot watching NL videos and it was certainly the case with this one. And congratz on making Elite.

May 15, 2020 | 11:22 a.m.

Great topic and as usual very well explained. A nice follow up on this might be turn plays after leading as mentioned above.

One thing I would like to add is to show the graphs so we can see the asymmetries a little better. I know its a given, but it makes it more visual and complements very well your thought process.

May 14, 2020 | 2:01 p.m.

Amazing video and once again thx for using PLOCalc to visualize the ranges and graphs, hope you keep using it in your next videos.

Also about the format I think this deep analyzes can be worth more than a live footage because there so much to explore and the way you break it down helps us to replicate the method ourselves for other situations. If I had to vote I would definitely enjoy more of these couple of hands analyzes with the combo Monker+Calc than live footage.

Thx and keep it up!

May 5, 2020 | 4:04 p.m.

Really enjoyed this topic. I think what stood the most for me was the fact that being the boards so weird and unusual, it helps you have a better graps on how the solver keeps his range in balance and digs really deep into finding hands where the population cant see it at all. Those low PPs on the 666 board was an expectional exemple of that because its not that obvious at all when compared to some other regular boards. Thanks for another great video!

May 5, 2020 | 12:58 p.m.

Comment | Nakamator commented on Facing Barrels

Great video as usual Nester, thanks a lot!

I'm very happy to see someone finally using PLOcalc (also to answer your question Grezi ) to run some simulations, and was even more pleased to see how much you focused your attention on the graphs. Calc is a quite underrated tool and personally would love to see more people here at RIO using it.

I'm assuming you reproduced the Monkers ranges into PLOcalc and had to built it yourself, because as far as I'm concerned it's impossible to plug Monkers outputs into PLOcalc (those copy and paste are too long and any siginificant range becomes unsupported). Is that the case? Given that OOP has tigher range than IP (already excluding 3bets), I am quite suprised to see that he still has such a range advantage. I would assume 50bbs range would not hit this board all that hard (compared to IP at least).

So my real question is how similar are those two ranges in this video, Monkers and Calcs, that could allow you to use both softwares information to complement each other?

Thanks again for the great in depth analyzes and keep up the good work!


Oct. 11, 2019 | 5:35 p.m.

About the format, personally I enjoy more live videos when its 3 tables at most, even for regular tables. I guess it also depends if the game is the game is full table or short handed, but in this specific video for me the pace was a bit too fast.

For this particular line up you had I think the live video 2 tabling would be my favorite format as its easier to catch on some timing tells (which is something you kinda miss on footage) and game flow. Reviewing the 4table action footage would be my 2nd favorite option here and I hope you kept recording because I think people would like to see how the HU action unfolded.

Apart from that, you delivered as usual. Thanks and please keep them coming whenever you can.

Aug. 27, 2019 | 2:21 p.m.

Great video and I enjoy the former format more too.

And one thing I think can be helfpul to grasp the more in depth analyzes is when filtering hands is to take a bit more time to check how the frequencies change before you try the next card like the AQ:T/8 at the end. It felt like the pace there at the end was a bit too fast for me.

Other than that the video was very informative and gave me a lot ot work with. Also your hability to explain your thought process is great which makes it much more enjoyable and valuable. Thanks and keep them coming!

June 6, 2019 | 4:42 p.m.

Great video even for non NL players like myself

May 28, 2018 | 4:15 p.m.

Enjoyed this format once again and I hope more instructors give it a try

May 15, 2018 | 12:53 p.m.

I enjoyed this format very much.

I found this "main table view" approach to retain my attention to the whats being said for much longer. Sometimes with regular format I feel like getting lost on thoughts of my own just because I didnt really finish thinking about a hand that the instructor has just explained but already moved to the one taking place at the same time at the table right next to it, however, my mind is still there on the preivous action. It felt this was completly gone with this new approach.

About the instructor's footage, I find this also tremedoulsy helpful in order to fully understand the concepts and points you are trying to make. The simple fact of watching your struggle, or complete lack of it, can give us a much clearer idea of how umcomfortable/easy a spot is for you. Being able to see how confident or unsure about a situation you really are is of a great deal of help to grasp your thought process as a whole.

I found this approach really interesting and I think you should keep it on future videos and eventually return to the previous format if people feel like its the case.


May 1, 2018 | 7:57 p.m.

Comment | Nakamator commented on Patience

Absolute great video and indeed words of wisdom by Leszek. I am one of the people who falls into that category of trying to accomplish way too many things all at once and falling on most of them. And meditation has been helping me to deal dealing with impatience but never really realized that I have been lying to myself for a long time now as he mentioned.

Thx a lot for such great content to everybody involved.

Sept. 28, 2015 | 2:59 p.m.

I dont even play nl but this was absolute awesome. Would love to see a plo version of it obv :)

Congratz to editors. Sick job

April 9, 2015 | 1:37 p.m.

Lost count how many times i listened to your podcasts in the past. Thx a ton for joining. Really looking foward to your series :)

March 10, 2015 | 5:34 p.m.

min 19: 5863ds rivered boat vs bullitos. You said that when you shove that river (367 J 3) you are no longer repping and overpair. My question is, what would be your bluffing frequency on this river when you call his turn bet? If you are not shoving AA/KK when he checks, considering he is always shoving better hands, would you say that your bluffing % there would be very low? If you are ever bluffing this river, considering your CBH flop + Turn call range is pretty drawy on this board, shouldnt AA/KK be a shove for balance sake at least some % of the time?

ps: sorry if you commented about this hand on part2, just saw your previous post.

March 3, 2015 | 1:58 p.m.

Great video Janne. It was pretty interesting and insightful to see you dealing with so many tricky spots. Those are the ones we learn the most from.

And I agree with JM. A SB video would also be nice. And more no BB defend I think would be also great. We would never get enough of those IMO :)

Dec. 8, 2014 | 1:27 p.m.

Great content again. And you do have my vote on more blind defend videos. Even though Durian convered some very nice spots during his videos this is a concept that requires a lot of attention if you wanna improve your winrate substantially. Id be very glad to see a 3+ video series on that, especially when you defend by calling instead of 3bet.

Thx lot again. Looking foward to a lot more.

Nov. 30, 2014 | 5:35 p.m.

Videos like this are the ones that make me stop and realize how automatic I have been playing and not giving enough thoughts to certain spots. Amazing video and thx for joinining. Really looking foward to tons more :)

Oct. 31, 2014 | 2:13 p.m.

Great job alex! For future reference, I personally would like to see some 2 tabling zoom video if you feel its not too boring that amount of tables (3+ tables starts to get kinda messy imo).

Oct. 24, 2014 | 11:44 a.m.

Great video Janne. Thx 

Aug. 29, 2014 | 12:37 p.m.

+1 one for one of the best plo content so far. Learned a lot from watching and reading. Thx phil 

Aug. 17, 2014 | 2:13 p.m.

Great having you around here sir :) 

April 8, 2014 | 2:52 a.m.

Andre, fwiw I ran the sims here. Using numbers provided by Oracle, even though they are different in terms of %, we still get to the same results. The "hands after board/dead" of his folding range ( (35%,432+,$1G,$2G,XXYY)!(K,88,44,84,876,865,875,754,654,765,76$op,75$OP,65$op) ) results in 21.58% of hands. If we divide that by 40.95% (his opening range) we get to the same 52.7% of FE needed. 

I didnt run the numbers for the others simulations tho, will do it later. 

June 15, 2013 | 10:21 p.m.

Thx Andre and thanks IM for clearing that up ;)

June 15, 2013 | 4:01 p.m.

Hey Andre! 

Regarding the second hand (3bet with AQJTss), I decided to recreate your simulation to experiment doing my own here and got stuck at some point. 

Using Range Explorer, I included the flop, the dead cards, and villains opening range. The table you created to represent these ranges, you get to a number of 22.54% which represents the number of hands remaining for villains range after we know the board and our hand. 

However, after putting those very same ranges I wasnt able to get to this specifc number of 22.54%. All the other data match, like hands in isolation (121673) and after board/dead cards (61013). After the board and dead cards are known, we get to a 40.95% of hands after board/dead instead of 22.54%, unless I am missing something.

Could you  please double check and shed some light on this? I would like to recreate these very useful/awesome sims you did to do them myself, but I got really stuck on this number, which, as you said yourself, is very important to calculate our FE. 

Thx again for your great job and keep them up. 


May 28, 2013 | 8:50 p.m.

Di, regarding the 8765 hand, considering you XR the flop. What is your plan for every turn that changes the board drastically but its not a pair. By that I mean:

What is your plan for a flush card? If bet the turn and called, whats the river plan? Bet, check call or check fold? 

What is your plan for any straight cards like T, J or 9? Bet call turn, bet fold turn, check turn. Bet turn and if called bet blank rivers?

The problem with check raise in this spot is that when we get called, our hand has kinda poor visibillity in some turns that even improve us. Maybe if you could expand a little more on your plan for future streets people could be "convinced" that XR is the superior play here (I still like a donkbet or check call better than XR but could be def wrong about it).


May 28, 2013 | 3:14 p.m.

You can find them here zach.

And congratz for you first and trully solid video Andre. Looking foward to see more great content like that.

April 18, 2013 | 10:34 a.m.

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