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Post | NERO posted in Chatter: Moving to LA where to stay?

Hi. I will move to LA for 3 months and will be grinding at commerce and the bike. Ive been looking at airbnb for apartments but I heard commerce area is not the best to live at. Where is a safe area in LA where I can stay and at the same time not be too far away from commerce and the bike? I will be grinding 6 days a week 10h/day.

Jan. 6, 2016 | 8:32 p.m.

Post | NERO posted in Other: Moving to LA where to stay?

Hi. I will move to LA for 3 months and will be grinding at commerce and the bike. Ive been looking at airbnb for apartments but I heard commerce area is not the best to live at. Where is a safe area in LA where I can stay and at the same time not be too far away from commerce and the bike? I will be grinding 6 days a week 10h/day.


Jan. 6, 2016 | 5:21 p.m.

Comment | NERO commented on 5678 All In Preflop?

Do we have to call the 4b pre? Feels like once we called the 4bet and how our hand is so good multiway I think we have to call it off.

Dec. 26, 2015 | 5:31 p.m.

Comment | NERO commented on 5/10 hand KK turnspot

easy 3b pre, ur definitely playing scared money if ur not 3betting this pre.

Dec. 26, 2015 | 4:20 p.m.

Great video phil. As a experienced NL player learning PLO, (and being intermediete at PLO atm grinding 25PLO) Would you say watching ur videos at 1/2+ would make me more harm than good? should I maybe try to stick to the essential videos at lower stakes PLO or will this AND other videos be better?


Dec. 8, 2015 | 5:32 p.m.

11:10, think we definetly need to be higher up in our range to call the river. We are already going to have a bunch of 2p combos and Jx to call it off. And even if we decide to call it off with Kx in this kind of spot I think we should at least have a club in our hand to block some of his flushes. Calling with a naked TPNK imo seems way too loose.

And well I understand the fact that we may think his line makes little sense cus of his ch back on the flop(most FD bets) and then when he raises turn he reps 2p and then when he bets river he all of the sudden only reps a flush cus Jx would prob think about it a bit and maybe make a smaller bet. So basicly he only reps a flush. Still we will get into spots like this with way better hands than ours.

Dec. 6, 2015 | 10:05 p.m.

thanks Jean I approciate the answer

Nov. 29, 2015 | 2 p.m.

I agree with the fact that alot of hands will have trouble when we flat in the SB. However having this extremely huge 3betting range only on our SB should not take too long for regs to adjust.

What I mean with opponent 4b exploiting us is. If we 3b them from CO, BTN, BB they will believe us. But whenever we 3b from SB they should know we are extremely wide. And simply just start to 4bet us alot more whenever we 3bet from the SB.

And yes our adjustment to them 4betting us more when we 3bet from SB can be that we start 5bet jam. However because of our extremely wide 3betting range we will so often have too weak hands to 5bet get in.

Nov. 17, 2015 | 9:58 a.m.

At around 5min you shove K6s cus of some bounty strategy? I don't understand this shove at all. How is not playing the hand IP postflop by just minraise open it better than shoving for 20+bbs?

If the bounty thing is so huge, how do we play this kind of hand if there was no bounty? Folded to us we just open it right? What about if we were 15bb deep?

Nov. 16, 2015 | 9:46 a.m.

Great video. Seems like alot of the better regs at these stakes has implimented the very aggressive SB 3betting range.

I can't help but feel like the regs we face against this strategy should be able to exploit us? Just simply by 4b us, tighten their opening range when we are in SB and calling IP super wide and play against a similar range but always IP. The only thing thats going for us is initative which means I guess we will be able to CB and take it down on alot of flops but well that can just be countered by simply getting floated by the opponent.

Ur thoughts on the merits of having a very wide SB 3betting range?

Nov. 16, 2015 | 9:32 a.m.

Hey Ben, great series very interesting spots and excellent analysis.

Would like to ask you in what spots you like to develop a donking strat. You did no donkbets at all against isil and im assuming it is because he has a fairly high cb frequency, and donking is usally good against low cbet opponents.

However I've seen some strategies where develop donkbetting into our range even against a high frequency cbettor seem to be successful. What do you think about this?

Nov. 14, 2015 | 1:53 p.m.

31:50 why would ATo be a huge fold?
We already have lots of better foats in our range. AQ, AJ, Axs(bd flush), lots of str8/gutshot draws, All PPs. That's already a pretty huge range of hands to float with. Now if anything I think floating every single ATo combo is exploitable. (That said floating a few combos sometimes is alright but folding once in a while I rly can't see how that is a huge misstake as u state). If however V would be 3betting and cbetting very very wide ATo become a much easier call but this it not the case.

V can exploit a huge float range like this by just cb a very merged range of all his stronger A highs for value.

Nov. 11, 2015 | 10:09 a.m.

Hi phil. At around 12:00 u open and called the 3bet OOP with Js2sQx9x is this not too loose to call OOP and with only 1 suit?

Nov. 7, 2015 | 8:06 a.m.

Because if he is anything of a decent reg with the dynamics mentioned in the OP("I think he thinks im out of line") he does have alot of worse hands for value (TT+/AQ+) which he will call of the shove with.

That said it doesnt mean we can sometime call with this hand as well as some combos of KK+ for deception, but the standard is to shove here.

Oct. 4, 2015 | 1:11 p.m.

If you read the OP u can clearly see it says "1000 eff" and even if we were 150bb deep it's still a easy 5bet jam and still its not even close!

Oct. 3, 2015 | 1:37 p.m.

In this spot I would definetly 5bet shove with QQs ainec tbh.

Sept. 30, 2015 | 4:03 a.m.

Post | NERO posted in Chatter: Going elite question

Hi. Quick question.
Im esseintal right now and ive noticed the setting to "go basic" does this mean likewise if I was elite I would have the option to go basic whenever I want and spare some days when I am unable to watch videos? And then switch back to elite when im back and can watch videos and use up my last days of the subscribtion?

Sept. 29, 2015 | 3:05 p.m.

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