0 points
Hi! I just subscribed to RIO again for this video. Still, I'm missing a lot. How to script to use only bet sizing X on turn when flop got bet (or checked). How to script to use different bet sizes on turn if flop got check/raised. Also, you didn't cover preflop. How to script a different raise size when someone limped pre?
Feb. 11, 2022 | 3:06 p.m.
Hi Richard!
In many videos you say "you should bet small/big here to attack part of someone's range and make it indifferent that way". I think these plays usually occur on the river, where people deviate the most from GTO. Now I was asking myself to what extent it is advantageous to make part of someone's range indifferent. In that sense: how can the opponent make big mistakes when calling and folding are both 0EV? Isn't a different size sometimes (or often) better to provoke mistakes? I can think of a lot of situations where I folded against a half pot bet, while against a pot bet it would even be a call.
Big fan of your videos btw. Are you still making new ones? Since it has been a while?
Feb. 11, 2022 | 2:40 p.m.
Feel free to send a PM.
(playing PLO100-200, mostly 100)
Dec. 7, 2020 | 9:56 p.m.
Looking for one as well. Playing poker profesionally for almost twelve years now, but only one year ago decided to switch to PLO. Study almost everyday, altough none of my poker contacts plays PLO...
Dec. 4, 2020 | 10:40 p.m.
Hello Richard,
Thanks for another great video.
About the spot @ 29:00. You said people most likely don't have enough bluffs here. But what about hands like AQ98, AK87 or AJ97 or even QQ87 maybe? Do you think they are not in his range enough after preflop + flop action or do you just think people don't really turn them into bluffs?
Many thanks for the detailed response! And nice to hear that you are still here :)
Feb. 15, 2022 | 5:05 p.m.