Sergey Nikiforov
18 points
Hi guys,
can anyone suggest a strong GT/CREV coach?
Sept. 12, 2014 | 12:41 p.m.
Hi Tyler, nice video!
I have a question about A5s hand (26:00) where you wanted to call a 4bet. What range do you put MP on in this spot?
I assigned MP the following 4betting range: KK+, AKs (1.2%), 1/2 A5s-A2s, 1/2 K9s, 1/4 AJo/KQo = 2.4% total.
You said when you flop an Ace you'd win the money pretty close to the money in the pot. What number were you talking about?
According to flopzilla A5s will flop:
2p+ 4.63%
TP 15.47%
FD 10.9%
OESD: 1.1%
Gutter: 10.9%
You call $105 and the pot postflop will be $400.
How do you determine what fraction of the pot u'll win with various hands? Mb you can make a video on that?
Thank you in advance!
June 19, 2014 | 11:40 a.m.
Hi Kevin, thx for the video.
You mentioned you didn't have many bluffs in this spot, why cant u start turning 22-55 into bluff to incentivize to call with Kx/Qx/JJ?
June 9, 2014 | 7:55 a.m.
Thanks, Ben.
My first question was more general. I'll try to paraphrase it:
We know that in a perfectly polarized model we should defend 1-alpha of our bluffcatchers to prevent villain from exploiting us. Assume he bets .75p, so we should defend 57%. Now lets assume villain's bluffs have equity and our bluffcatchers have equity. Do you think it's possible that SB's GTO turn fold frequency can now be lower than 43? Or mb it should be higher?
May 10, 2014 | 8:54 p.m.
Hi Ben, enjoyed the video!
I have a few questions regarding the 88 hand:
1. When you modeled the hand in CREV you said: "He's barreling a lot because he can and I'm calling a lot because I can". Doesn't the fact that your turn fold to cbet is only 25% dissuade him from barreling overcards and mb hands like A5? Checkback in his shoes clearly has some EV, so in order to be betting those hands forhayley should think that EV(Bet) > EV(chB). Do you think it can be possible with your 25% turn fold assuming we don't overfold rivers?
2. Don't you think we should start ch/raising some of our strong hands on the turn? It seems we'll have 25%+ straights+ on 9/8/7/6/5 rivers (which is ~40% of the deck). He also has a lot of hands in his turn betting range (mainly 7x, mb 88-99) that IMO should chB even on a blank river.
Thank you in advance.
-- Sergey
May 10, 2014 | 12:20 p.m.
Hi Ben,
nice video!
I have a couple of questions:
1. You mentioned you'd increase your 3bet sizing a bit when you are deep to reduce villain's implied odds. Would you make any changes to your 3betting ranges? (lets say 200deep compared to 100deep SB/BB vs BTN in 6max)
2. 09.45 The A8s hand: you said you were represeting quads/JJ/ mb QQ. Do you think QQ is strong enough to ch/r bet / bet in this spot?
3. 15.10 You 3bet AJo BTN v CO 3x. Can you share your thoughts on 3betting BTNvCO and BBvCO? What frequencies seem reasonable to you? Do you think its better to 3bet linear or polarized?
Thank you!
April 6, 2014 | 9:03 a.m.
@1 I've always thought that the responsibility for defending against SB's bet should be distributed between 3 other players, so my guess is that neither plays should in theory call the flop bet w/o a jack / fd / mb some gutter+BDFD stuff.
I assigned players the following ranges:
CO: AA-22,AKo-A9o,KQo-KTo,QJo-QTo,JTo,AKs-A2s,KQs-K6s,QJs-Q8s,JTs-J8s,T9s-T7s,98s-97s,87s-86s,76s-75s,65s,54s
BTN: 99-22,AQo-AJo,KQo,AJs-A9s,KQs-KTs,QJs-QTs,JTs,T9s,98s,87s
BB: 88-22,ATo-A8o,A5o-A2o,KJo-K9o,QJo-Q9o,JTo-J9o,T9o-T8o,98o-97o,87o-86o,76o,65o,54o,ATs-A5s,KJs-K2s,QJs-Q2s,JTs-J2s,T9s-T6s,98s-96s,87s-85s,75s-74s,64s-63s,53s,43s (completely unsure about this)
and found that players will defend (assuming they'll proceed J+/OESD+, gutter+nutBDFD):
CO: 34.8% (31.9% taking into account the JT removal effects)
BTN: 29.4% (25.2%)
BB: 26% (23.1%)
so SB will get folds 39.2% and will be raised/called by a pretty strong range (consisting of TPs and high equity bluffs that JT is doing very poorly agaisnt).
I see how protection becomes more improtant multiway, but do you think it's a strong enough factor that betting JT becomes better than checking?
March 23, 2014 | 3:12 p.m.
Hi Ben,
Great video!
I have some questions:
1. 06:20 AsJx flop call vs SB lead 4way. Shouldn't SB's range here in theory be very strong (like sets/FD's/ weak bluffs like AsX, backdoor clubs)? Against that range your hand is a bluffcatcher with 2 players still left to act. Do you think ppl bluff enough hands with little equity vs your hand (like Ac5c) in this spot? (It seems that if they don't and only have sets/FDs we should fold. Am I right?) Would you call AJ w/o As?
2. 26.36 53o vs BTN. You said he probably doesn't have many straights there. In my experience players who open 57% always have A2o/76o in their range. Would you still ch/r your hand if you knew they had 32 straights in their range?
3. 28.16 AQ cbet KKTtt 4way. What is your plan on future streets if BTN folds and SB or BB calls you?
Thank you in advance!
March 15, 2014 | 8:25 a.m.
Hi Sean, sad to hear you wont be producing videos anymore. Would be awesome if you could talk about playing 3betpots OOP when we flat 3bets (what ranges to defend etc) in your last video.
March 4, 2014 | 7:33 p.m.
Thank you!
Feb. 19, 2014 | 5:48 p.m.
Does 'defending rivers very comfortably' mean we have some strong hands on most runouts?
Feb. 19, 2014 | 5:28 p.m.
Do you think it might be correct to have like 10% raising range on the flop and 15% raising range on some turns? (This can happen for instance in BTN cc vs MP spot when BTN flopped 9 sets, decided to raise some of them on the flop and slowplay some, and turn added some nutty hands to BTN's range (additional 3 sets for example))
Feb. 19, 2014 | 4:50 p.m.
Hi, Ben!
Enjoyed the video! I wish you'd make more videos in this format.
At ~23:00 (when you were talking about BB's turn defending range) you said that '15% turn raise was too much and we should move some of our raises to the flop'. Can you elaborate this please?
Do you think that if villain is balanced and raises 15% value/bluffs that make our vbets like AQ/AA indifferent, we should start checking them instead? How does our equity vs his turn calling range matter here? (It's reasonable to assume that situation when villain rarely has us beat when he calls and most of his range has little equity to improve(weak draws like gutters) is different from the spot when he calls with hands that are ahead (like 65o here) of our AA and has better draws(fd/oesd).
Looking forward to your response!
Feb. 19, 2014 | 3:19 p.m.
Hi Ben,
Great video!
I have some questions:
1. @13.10: You cbet AA at Q94r 3way and bet turn on 4s after BB called. You said there were situations in NLHE when one player has a significant range advantage (strong vbets and high-equity bluffs) and should bet aggressively and other has mostly bluffcatchers and should fold a lot. Do you think BB should be folding all 9x/Qx (that dont beat vbets) in that spot?
2. You folded JTs vs 4BBs open MP v UTG. How wide would you call in this spot vs 3BB open?
Thank you in advance!
Jan. 25, 2014 | 12:36 p.m.
Hi Ben,
great video!
17:50 You CBet flop with K7s on KT4r and said it's important to have some hands that you CBet flop, chB turn and call river. You mentioned you'd probably call river around 30-40%. Where does this number come from?
Dec. 31, 2013 | 11:11 a.m.
Hi Daz,
why do you think we should start with 60%?
I'm not sure the suggested method is good since it requires a significant sample size to make any reasonable conclusions.
Dec. 31, 2013 | 11:04 a.m.
"assign every single hand a realistic R-approximation"
How can I determine whether my approximation is realistic or not?
Postflop it's even more ambigous.
Dec. 15, 2013 | 10:28 a.m.
Hi, guys!
I'm trying to study game theory atm and am confused in few spots. I know these spots are quite abstract and it's impossible to get an exact answer, but I hope it's possible to find some pretty good approximations.
1. How wide can we defend preflop lets say in BB vs openraise from BTN/CO/MP/UTG, assuming we're offered X:1 (lets say 2<=X<=3), we will be playing HU 100BB Deep and we know exact villain's raising range? I've heard about the R concept, even watched Sean's videos about it, but still struggling with estimating it.
2. Assume we defended a certain range pre. Now we're on the flop and villain bets Z% of the pot. Previously, I thought we had to defend 1/(1+Z) of our range, but I'm not sure about this now, especially when we had very good odds pre: our preflop calling range is a lot weaker than villain's raising range.
My guess is that there could be 3 possible scenarios:
a. The most common one: raiser's range is more polarized and has more equity.
b. Neither range has equity advantage, but raiser's range is more polarized.
c. Caller's range is more polarized and has more equity (probably very rare).
So the question is how to find the worst hand we should defend on the flop in each of these spots.
Any input is appreciated!
-- Sergey
Dec. 14, 2013 | 8:13 p.m.
Hi Ben,
ty for the great video!
I have some questions as usual :)
1. The QJo hand where you coldcalled BB vs 2.8BB open from UTG. You said that one strategic option in this spot is to call wide pre and fold more flops. How do you determine which hands are strong enough to call pre? How to find hands strong enough to proceed on the flop?
2. Is K8s your standard openraise from HJ?
P.S. Why the video is only 36 mins long? Your previous were ~50 mins on average. I prefer the longer ones :D
Thank you in advance,
Oct. 28, 2013 | 12:42 p.m.
Hi Ben,
ty for the awesome video!
I have a few questions:
1. The AK hand @ Q32r SB 3b v CO. You mentioned you'd have JJ-77 in your range on the flop. How wide do you think we should 3bet in SB v CO environment? What hands are better as 3bet bluffs KJo or 54s-type hands?
2. The KJ hand @ K92r 3o BTN v BB spot. You said you'd need a hand as strong as AK to pot the turn and check back the river. Isn't AK strong enough to bet 3 streets with regular (70-75% pot), mb even larger(80-90% pot) sizing?
3. The KT hand @ T84r SB v BB. You mentioned BB should probably defend by 3betting (15%+) and calling (50%+) vs SB open.
Assume BB flats the following range (51.2%): 99-22,ATo-A2o,KJo-K6o,QJo-Q7o,JTo-J7o,T9o-T7o,98o-97o,87o-86o,76o,65o,54o,ATs-A2s,KJs-K2s,QJs-Q2s,JTs-J2s,T9s-T6s,98s-96s,87s-85s,76s-74s,65s-64s,54s-53s,43s
According to flopzilla KT is best on the flop 95% of the time, splits 1.1% and is 2nd best 3.67%. Can you explain why KT is borderline between betting 3 streets and ch/c?
Thank you in advance!
-- Sergey
Sept. 26, 2013 | 10:49 p.m.
Hi Ben,
thank you for the awesome videos!
I have a few questions regarding the 98s hand:
1. You mentioned it was a loose open UTG. How wide and what hands do you think it's correct to open in that spot? I've always thought that we need hands like T9s-76s since they hit good bluff randomizers to balance our valuebets postflop.
2. When you analyzed villain's 3betting range, you said he could have 98s/87s/76s himself. Do you think it's better to 3bet those hands or flat in BTN vs UTG spot?
3. You said we can't always raise sets on the flop since if we do so, our range is capped at QQ/AJs. I see how being capped on a lot of turns is bad in single-raised-pots (Villain can overbet with his strong hands which gives us incentive to slowplay our strong hands on the flop), but what's the problem of having a capped range in 3betpot (when villain cant make big bets since the spr is low)?
Aug. 26, 2013 | 8:04 a.m.
I've got a question about AT hand where you raised BTN/called 3bet from BB. Flop was 974r. You mentioned you'd have a raising range on that flop. What value hands are you raising there?
March 18, 2013 | 7:32 p.m.
If I understood correctly, the R gets lower as stacks get shallower. What would be your estimate of R in spots where u call 3bets and 4bets 100BB deep? Also it's obvious that IP we will realize a larger portion of our equity than OOP. What's your best guess on how large this difference is?
March 11, 2013 | 11:03 a.m.
I totally agree some hands that were 3bets vs S2 can be more profitable flats vs S1, but doesnt it mean that we should add more weaker 3bets (like mb 73s) instead of 54s (that we were 3betting vs S2, but now flatting vs S1)? If we add those weaker 3bet bluffs along with 'wider for value' 3bets, wont our overall 3betting range vs S1 become wider than vs S2?
Am I missing something?
Looking forward to your response.
Feb. 18, 2013 | 3:19 p.m.
When you were playing you said you'd 3bet less frequently vs BTN minraises than vs BTN 3x (the hand you 3bet/called 4bet w 65s). Can you explain this plz?
Hi Ben!
So you're saying JsTs is a +EV call on the turn, right? Do you think BB should be leading some flushes when he gets there on the river?
Sept. 4, 2014 | 8:09 p.m.