Mr Nobody's avatar

Mr Nobody

11 points

Nice video.. Sounds like ur English has improved a lot too :) 

Sept. 7, 2013 | 6:52 a.m.

Hey phil, loved the video

You touched on how you believe that players should open more hands from the CO & BTN.... Vs the "general" zoom population, what would you consider to be good RFI stats from the CO & BTN when using a 2.5bb open raise sizing? 

My current RFI from CO is 33 & BTN is 53, I feel that both of these could be increased though I am not sure what %s I should eventually be aiming for.

Hope u find the time to reply to this, I love your videos :)

Sept. 7, 2013 | 6:12 a.m.

awesome to see some mix game content here now james, that 987 stud hi hand has made me think about stud in a different and much better way than the somewhat ABCish approach iv been taking with it... Aswell with the theory involved in flatting AK in the BB, I would 3bet tht hand 100% time without second thought but after reading the above comments you made i can understand that its definately the better stratergy

Would be awesome to see another mix game vid at mid - high stakes in the future

Best of luck in the SCOOP

May 19, 2013 | 2:59 p.m.

hey ppl just made the recent transition to MTT's and still have alot to learn

I want to know if this is a fold or not

The vil in question i have 3bet twice so far this FT to which he folded too, i also called a 3bet from him, floated AA9ss flop and took it down on turn 

iv also been stealing more frequently than anyone else on the FT

May 18, 2013 | 5:33 a.m.

Comment | Mr Nobody commented on $320 WCOOP (2 of 4)
With the 66 on Q33 flop.... U comment u expect him to float the flop often.... Then when the 3rd 3 comes on turn you say you don't expect him to bluff turn sayin you expect it's not a card ppl to bluff often.... I don't understand how this card changes things, if he called with no hand on flop he still has nothing on turn...
If I was in his spot and floated w KJ or whatever I chose to do it with I'm going to try n steal pot OTT
Fwiw I would have played the hand the way u did ingame

Great videos though :)
Looking forward to the next one ty

Feb. 19, 2013 | 11:38 a.m.

Soooooo... Your worried about balancing your flop donkin range in 3bet, 4way monotone flops???


Jan. 17, 2013 | 9:55 a.m.

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