1 points
SB: $10.05
BB: $10.26 (Hero)
UTG: $11.12
MP: $21.14
CO: $16.15
BN wins $4.25
Rake is $0.20
May 25, 2018 | 4:18 p.m.
SB: $10.65
BB: $10.68
UTG: $7.35
MP: $11.35
CO: $12.51
Rake is $0.04
May 25, 2018 | 12:59 p.m.
SB: $10.87
BB: $11.84
UTG: $14.48
MP: $10.00 (Hero)
CO: $10.21
Rake is $0.05
May 24, 2018 | 2:54 p.m.
SB: $10.28
BB: $10.58
UTG: $10.48
MP: $8.38
CO: $10.00 (Hero)
Rake is $0.11
May 24, 2018 | 2:45 p.m.
I'd fold pre tbh. You aren't even playing deep and facing a large 3bet vs your early position open. On the flop it's a fold as well I can't see villian have enough bluffs on the flop to consider a call. Villians bluffs mostly include something like AQh or AJh which already has so many outs vs your hand.
Sept. 15, 2017 | 2:51 p.m.
Okay but what hands is he also raising here for a bluff after he calls the flop bet. I just think they always have it here people rarely make silly bluffs at the microstakes.
Aug. 25, 2017 | 5:04 p.m.
In my opinion I just think it's a little too loose floating flushes like that when your k and j are not alwwys good outs and could give you reverse implied as well. I think with that in mind you are over valuing your implied odds and these calls are break even at the very best case scenario especially with the gutshots which I believe are awful floats and are likely leaking you a lot of money in your game. Same with ATo pre flop floats.. I'm not a master of NL5 but from my experience this can't be a super +EV call and barely even break even. I'd likely fold it pre because it saves me from having post flop difficult decisions. Remember you can follow what these videos are telling you with a grain of salt. You still need to make adjustments to the population. Just like how I mentioned I would call with qq jj and ak at this limit instead of 4bet because there is not enough 4bet bluffs it is the same with calling too wide from 3bets. I don't believe there are enough 3bet bluffs still to call with these marginal hands. At NL5 like I said earlier just play solid abc poker and you would be surprised how easily it is to get a decent win rate.
Aug. 25, 2017 | 2:46 p.m.
First hand defending pre is okay getting that price. On the flop u can consider raising because many opponents might cbet too often on the flop but the call is okay too. On the turn I think its a fold. Villian mostly barrels with value and has little bluffs especially since you raise from early position. His Ax type hands likely check back with there showdown value and he mostly has 10+. You have a flush draw and 9 hearts left in the deck to the river. This means that you have 9 outs that are likely good for you to the river which is about 18% hand equity. The board is paired so there is a chance you are already dead and you can lose much more if a heart lands. Also the J and Q may not always give you the best hand and they could even sometime give you reverse implied odds if villian has you dominated with AJ or AQ. If J and Q somehow are good outs give you another 18% hand equity which totals 36% hand equity in the very best case scenario which is rarely the case. Villian bets a little bit less then half pot sized which means you need atleast 33% hand equity to call in order to break even which you almost never have.
I don't like your logic in the second hand saying its too strong to turn it into a bluff. Sometimes the hand might just play better in a 3bet pot especially when you have the initiative especially against some opponents. If you can get AJ A10 KQ or even AQ to fold pre it must be win a for you. I think its good to 3bet pre here against some opponents that fold too much and maybe even the average player pool in 5NL. Anyways you call which is okay too. Flop is fine but the turn is a similar situation as the first hand and you should just fold. I think you need to realize your hand equity and let you hand go in these spots. Also I dont get how you can bluff on certain runouts.
Third hand I think its a fold pre and definitely a fold on the flop. Don't think villian cbets this board a lot with his air as it hits your range very well. You do block a spade if he does decide to cbet with Ax of spade. If he does have something like JT is means when you hit an ace its not a proper out. I think its pretty spewy to call the flop and especially the rest of the hand. I think at you should just focus on playing solid poker and working out ranges instead of trying to bluff because people are not thinking that much at this limit.
Fourth hand again you should probably fold flop on this board. Villian never 3bets with worse then Aq after your early position raise especially on this board.
Fifth hand fold pre and for sure fold the flop.
Final hand pre flop at NL5 just focus on flating QQ and JJ even AK preflop because when you 4bet and they shove you are sort of priced in and are never getting it in as a favorite. I think the only hands you can go broke with preflop are KK and AA at NL5 because people rarely 4bet bluff. I don't know what I would do on the river myself. The price is so good it might be a call? Ask yourself does this opponent 3bet a hand with a J pre? AJ QJ? Maybe he is trying to get thin value from AQ with the small bet but I don't know. It's probably fine to fold too. .
Overall I think you are playing way too loose. I think you are floating flops too much and maybe even overthinking hands a little. At NL2 and NL5 just play solid poker, rarely bluff if ever and play tighter. People don't bluff as much as you think at this limit so you have to consider this and just stick to playing tight. I think for you it is good to start by learning how to realize your hand equity in pots and counting outs in order to make the right calls. I recomend you seach BodoPoker on youtube and watch his videos where he plays at the low limits and watch what he does in each situation and learn from it. Also another good tip is to talk out loud about each decision you make so you can consciously justify each decision. It's very easy to go on autopilot mode when you play poker after long sessions and fall out of the rhythm.
If anyone disagrees with any of my points please let me know I'm also a microstakes fish grinding it up like the rest of us.
Aug. 25, 2017 | 6:29 a.m.
I think the bet on the flop is fine. When we check our hand is pretty face up because I think we bet this board with most of our range. Also we deny our opponent a free card on the turn and are almost always forced to call a bet on the flop anyways if villain does decide to bet. On the turn I think we should for sure start with a check and probably lean towards a fold if we are faced with a bet. When the villain bets he mostly represents value and we are always beat. I think the most likely hands that villain might bluff would be T9h and 89h that he decided to float pre but we do have the 9h and block the 9 anyways so it is unlikely they have this holding. If villian floats the flop with Ak or Aq they will likely check back on the turn because of there showdown value and it wouldn't make much sense for them to bet.
Aug. 25, 2017 | 5:10 a.m.
I think KJo with no info from a random the sb feels like a fold in my opinion. If it was suited you could consider calling, but with no info I feel like people don't 3bet bluff as much to justify a call at this limit.
Aug. 17, 2017 | 9:09 p.m.
The thing is even if I call the flop re raise I feel like I almost always have to call a turn bet and sometimes even a river bet if the turn and river bricks and idk like it just seems hard to do for me to do. But who knows I guess im a fish and I should call the small re raise because Im getting decent odds to the full house and sometimes he could be checking the turn.
Aug. 17, 2017 | 6:28 p.m.
I'd fold pre flop at NL5
Aug. 17, 2017 | 6:18 p.m.
That's the thing I disagree with you, I believe 5nl ranges are very tight especially in 3bet pots. In my head they fold out hands like kq and aj which are the only hands I beat that value bet.
Because of the fact that people fold to much to 3bets I usually 3 bet a lot from sb bb and button to cutoff btn and sb opens. Which is usually the way I base my game off.
I've played higher limits and am a winner over a good sample at 10nl and I think at that limit I would likely call because people call 3bets wider adjusting to the amount of 3bet bluffs.
Aug. 16, 2017 | 11:45 p.m.
When he re raises me I just do see how he has any bluffs especially with the pot donk. I feel like he's flush draws just flat my raise and the only value hand we beat is k9 which I have no clue why you would re raise very low with. If I call his raise I feel like he barrels like every turn and it's hard for me to call.
Aug. 16, 2017 | 11:38 p.m.
This thing is that at 5nl from my experience and from what most people say is people fold a lot to 3bets. I think kq mostly fold from that position and many people don't 4bet ak because it's usually a fold to a shove . I feel like a10 also folds to 3bet so idk. I'm a fish so I don't know but that's my thought process. I guess if kq calls 3bets and ak 4bets your probably right it is a bad fold but idk.
Aug. 16, 2017 | 10:07 p.m.
Well I just figured that it looked really strong on that board so I wanted to see where I was at because I don't really know what I would do on a turn and river bet.
Aug. 16, 2017 | 6:44 p.m.
SB: $6.07 (Hero)
BB: $4.04
UTG: $3.84
MP: $5.00
CO: $6.19
Rake is $0.08
Aug. 16, 2017 | 5:49 p.m.
SB: $7.99
BB: $6.40
UTG: $6.43
MP: $5.00
CO: $10.74 (Hero)
Rake is $0.12
Aug. 16, 2017 | 5:47 p.m.
Tbh my biggest weakness in my game is c-betting, when I should c bet, and why I should be c betting. That behind said my thought process is probably very poor. In this hand after 3 betting my opponent and having initiative I have the idea that betting is bad because I'm only called by worse (Jacks and pocket pairs). I decided to check call because I feel like with my AK im trying to get to show down as cheaply as possible and I can still check call and get value from some of his random hands that decided to bet the flop.
What is the purpose of a c bet in this spot? Should I be protecting my equity knowing that its very possible that I have the best hand?
Also lets say I had AQ in this spot instead of AK what do you think might be the best line and why?
Dec. 3, 2016 | 5:42 p.m.
SB: $10.00
BB: $37.58
UTG: $10.26
MP: $12.15 (Hero)
CO: $9.08
MP lost and shows a pair of Kings.
UTG wins $20.60
Rake is $0.97
Dec. 3, 2016 | 2:33 a.m.
Alright cool, do you know anything about the game at NL10? I played NL5 with the mentality that every raise on the river is the nuts because they don't bluff that much. Is there more bluffing at NL10 and opponents would try to pull off this type of bluff often enough?
Dec. 2, 2016 | 8:51 p.m.
SB: $10.28
BB: $10.32 (Hero)
UTG: $36.39
MP: $8.34
CO: $10.00
BN wins $10.74
Rake is $0.51
Dec. 2, 2016 | 5:57 p.m.
Hey guys,
I'm very confused with opening ranges, more specifically from the cutoff, button, and small blind.
I read somewhere that for micro stakes NL2-NL10 I should be opening around 13% UTG, 17% in MP, 25% in the cutoff, 50% in the button and around 60-70% in the small blind. My problem is I don't really understand what hands fit into these ranges.
If someone can help me out and maybe post a chart of exactly what hands should be opened from UTG, MP, CO, BTN, and small blind that would be great!
Nov. 13, 2016 | 5:21 a.m.
SB: $5.29 (Hero)
BB: $8.89
UTG: $0.71
MP: $7.02
CO: $11.55
SB lost and shows three of a kind, Queens.
BN wins $6.57
Rake is $0.28
Nov. 4, 2016 | 8:07 p.m.
I messed around with the filters and got these stats:
Open raising A2s-A5s UTG (+294.44bb/100) - 18 hands
Open raising A6s-A9s UTG (+35.71bb/100) - 28 hands
Open raising A2s-A5s MP (+25.97bb/100) - 28 hands
Open raising A6s-A9s MP (-167.19bb/100) - 32 hands
Open raising A2s-A5s CO (-154.84bb/100) - 31 hands
Open raising A6s-A9s CO (-539.00bb/100) - 23 hands
Open raising A2s-A5s BTN (+67.40bb/100) - 20 hands
Open raising A6s-A9s BTN (-200.22bb/100) - 22 hands
Open raising A2s-A5s SB (+6.25.00bb/100) - 16 hands
Open raising A6s-A9s SB (+20.71bb/100) - 10 hands
This is still a small sample size but I don't know if this may or may not be my problem with suited aces. Anyways so would you recommend that I only open suited aces A2s-A9s if its a nitty table (low vpip for most ppl) and fold at tables with many regs and loose players.
Also I found some 3 bet stats with my suited aces:
3Bet Bluffs A2s-A9s SB (-91,38bb/100) - 29 hands
3Bet Bluffs A2s-A9s BTN (-877.27bb/100) - 11 hands
This is also a small sample and I could just be running bad, but I think this may be my leak. Should i only 3bet bluff in small blind vs BTN and CO and not UTG or MP, or should I only 3bet bluff in general to nitty people. With this sample I'm kind of all over the place in terms of 3bets but I've mostly tried to only 3bet if BTN and/or CO opens.
These are a few hand histories of opens with Axs and 3bet bluffs if you have the time it would help a lot to hear your opinion on how to play differently but anyways thanks for the help, really put in perspective about the factors that involve making decisions.
Oct. 23, 2016 | 4:56 p.m.
Before I would open all my suited aces from middle position or the CO, but after looking into preflop opening ranges a lot of information I found said they are profitable played from every position so that's what i started to do. What would be a better range for suited aces in 2NL? Also I usually play suited aces preflop like I would play any other hand... C bet dry boards, semi bluff flush draws or check fold a lot.
Oct. 23, 2016 | 6:15 a.m.
I've played nearly 25k hands in 6max 2NL in the past two weeks running pretty poorly.
After trying to look for some of my leaks I've noticed through holdem manager leak buster that I'm about -64.45 bb/100 and I'm sort of confused by what I might be doing wrong. As to this point I've mostly opened the action with every suited aces from all positions, 3bet/squeeze vs a BTN or CO open when in the SB, and 3bet/squeeze vs a CO or HJ open when on the BTN. I'm still kind of confused with how to play suited aces in the BB so thats been all over the place with either defends or 3Bets.
I'm kind of new to poker and this site in general but maybe someone can give me some tips and point out what I'm doing wrong...
Oct. 23, 2016 | 1:11 a.m.
I've been improving my game a lot over the past few weeks, but am still very unsure as to how to play in the BB.
I've been struggling mainly with how to steal with 3bets and have no clue when to do it, maybe some of you guys can help me out.
Should I be 3betting with the same hands that I would from the SB? ex:small pockets, suited connectors vs BTN and CO opens, A10, AJ, AQ, AK KQ, KJ, vs early opens? Also what would my range for 3bets look vs the SB open.
So overall at NL10 do you think the 33% pot bet on the flop and a 50% pot bet on most turn bricks is better vs a 45-55% bet on the flop or just a checkback. I figured that at NL10 people don't tend to float flops as much thats why I usually play pretty simple.
May 24, 2018 | 3:59 p.m.