Morgoth's avatar


3 points

I know I've seen you explaining it what cant find it somewhere written.
Can you please explain your color coding?

May 8, 2014 | 11:35 a.m.

#3 is for example
22226h vs 677AhKh
0,0871% (just 345hhh straight flush)

Feb. 20, 2014 | 12:40 p.m.

I guess most people here talk about the 1-2 and 2-5 Zoom games...

But this Thread was about forcing 10k PLO and NL to Zoom and possibly all High stakes games in the future.

I was thinking about boycottoing 10k Zoom because I thought that it only served Stars in making more Rake by making 20 Regs play with 1 fish instead of 5 vs 1 and 15 on the waitlist.
So I thought at the end of the day its bad for most players.

But I treid it out anyways, I played quite some hours of 10k Zoom and I really like it!
- Its fair and easy to join games. You dont have to be fast or use annoying programs to get the good seats.
- you can take break whenever you like and how long you like. I really like that I dont have try sit out at all tables at once and make a 2-4 min break hoping not to loose any seats. You can even take a shit now ;)
- the games run actually pretty often and dont feel super tough. I would guess wuite some more hands than normal games before.
- of course that line ups are tougher than before because before people would only play when a fish played. But I think most players dont mind to play a bit Reg vs Reg since the Rake at 10k is not that high. I believe many Regs insta quit after the fish leaves mostly because they know the game will break and not because they are afraid to play on a bit tougher line ups in the hopes to have a weaker player hopp in. So Zoom actually solves this problem pretty nice (while stars makes more rake, which is fine for me)


Jan. 19, 2014 | 1:42 p.m.

Post | Morgoth posted in PLO: Ragingheart grimming on ftp

A lot of Regs are hunting Ragingheart on ftp because he is playing a loose style.
He is Fakeorreal on stars and some say thats harrington.

On FTP he is very actively grimming at 50/100 to 200/400. Thats very effective because the table will fill up very quickly because of him. He will play the SB HU, the Button 3way, CO 4way, MP 5 way and EP 6way and then often sit out and start a new table (having paid no Blinds). Sometimes he plays on or 2 Orbits.

I feel most Regs dont realise how big of an advantage this is. (like 20bb/100)
And it is also very disturbing since everybody will instant Sit out after him leaving the table breaking.
Even more disturbing is it if he joins normal games which break after he leaves because players fear the table will break after he leaves.

Just wanted to make you guys aware of this and stop joining his games to stop that behavior. I guess he would stop quitting so fast when ppl stop playing with him. I suggest dont join his new game after he left an old one.

What do you guys think about this?


Aug. 19, 2013 | 4:18 p.m.

yeah I was also wondering about betsizes...
you said a few times that betsizes are generally smaller in PLO MTTs and that this is an error by your opponents and lets you play more hands. But on the other side you often did similar small bets saying that you can get away with these small bets because they are normal in MTTs. sounded a bit contradictory.

April 5, 2013 | 2:05 p.m.

also the playlist seems to sort by release date and I feel it should sort by time added to playlist

March 12, 2013 | 4:13 p.m.

hey i use the playlist.... lets me remember the video i watched last, but not the time.
thanks for adding the idea!

March 11, 2013 | 4:21 p.m.

I am missing a feature here ;)
would be nice to be able to make personal notes for the videos, for example "watched it, kind of weird plays, rewatch sometime"
I opted to like all videos I watched, to make it easier for me to see which I havnt watched. This obviously isnt optimal...

And sometimes I dont finish a video at once, so I would like to note which minute i stopped or even better, make a bookmark so i can easily find which videos I havnt finished watching.

A positive sideeffect: These feature would actually make people want to share accounts less.

March 8, 2013 | 11:32 a.m.

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