Joe Monge
0 points
Nice discussion, and thanks for the replies.
Flop was def. meh, but as tight as SB has been playing and I was pretty sure CO was coming in i thought I could see a relatively cheap flop against a pretty visible SB range, and the loosest player on the table. I just dont see CO folding to a smallish 3b thus giving SB opportunity to 4b. Feels like this line burns money a lot of the time.
That being said, maybe it is just a fold.
I ended up potting flop, and GII vs. set of 2's, and held. Thinking back I think I gave CO too many A5 combos, which I wanted to punish early, as opposed to waiting for a "safe" turn and jam there.
Interested in the comment on jamming paired turns?
May 2, 2015 | 1:28 a.m.
Villain 1 CO ($7500)
Villain 2 (SB) ($2000)
Hero (BB) ($1200)
CO has been playing ~50% w/ 20% 3B
SB raising ~10% of limped pots
Hero -- probably seen as spot, never played in this game before ~20% VPIP
CO has been winning every pot >500$
Earlier hand saw CO w/ J726xxxx check/call two pot bets on Jh 6h 5 8h 6 board, and then Pot call the river vs. AhQhxx
8 handed game
CO limp
SB raise to 20$
Hero (5c6c9h10h) call
CO call
Pot: (60$)
SB bets 60
Hero ?? (called)
CO raises pot (300$)
SB folds
Hero?? (Pot 600$)
Felt at the time that it was an obvious GII spot? Is the flat postflop a mistake?
April 27, 2015 | 6:02 p.m.
Cool, thanks a lot for the response. Never really done much detailed range breakdown so it helps a lot to see the numbers.
Probably too ambitious to narrow the range so much, a peel def. looks > fold on further examination.
Nov. 9, 2013 | 4:30 a.m.
Thx for the response.
Agreed that the KK77 is really weak, (I am fish in these games, but trying to improve in general). Are stab's at this sort of pot usually pot sized? in this hand i had ~1200$ he was 1800$ so a c/r puts me in terrible shape against a 4b shove, and if he calls I am really lost on a lot of turns. (maybe this is why I should stand up when so deep :))
On the 2nd hand: What kind of hand do you put into a checking range if we are leading w/ such a strong hand? Or do you basically always donk after the pre action?
I was thinking KQJT, 89QJ, type hands, but thought it would be good to balance w/ big hands that dont really have bad turn cards. Just over thinking I am sure.
Nov. 8, 2013 | 9:28 p.m.
Table is 9 handed:
Villain ($1800) is extremely aggressive and been raising 4x basically every pot. Been playing at the table for ~3 hours and I have seen him 4 bet hands as marginal as TT72 single suited. I am sitting on 1400$ and waiting for the perfect time to pick him off.
On the previous swing around the table I was in the SB w/ KK77ds he was in UTG+1 and I 3 bet his 20 to 80. Flop came 5d7d8c (I had hearts and spades) I checked to him and he led pot. I made a pretty weak fold here and showed the 7's, with his aggression I figured I was doing pretty bad against a GII range, and a lot of turns I am completely lost.
Hand in question I am SB again w/ AcAhQdTc
Villain raises to 20 from UTG +1, two callers and I raise to 105. Villain calls and 2 folds.
Flop: (AdKc7c)
Hero (checks)
Villain (checks)
Obviously I flop the world here, looking back I think this check is a pretty big mistake on my part, as any club draw will probably come along looking to crack the A's, also think a bet is more standard from an AAxx hand which would in turn give villain a lot of good "perceived" bluff cards on the turn, that scare a standard AAxx hand. However, I do have a pretty wide 3 bet range pre, and really not sure if I should put the very top into a donk range.
Turn: ( Jh)
Thanks for any help
Nov. 8, 2013 | 7:20 p.m.
ha, nono you misunderstand. I appreciate the service and always tip. Its more like that everyone always tips in chips, and pays for drinks w/ chips (out of their stack). It ends up being alot of money by the end of the night, that does not go to players, but instead to employees. Im all for tipping, just wish everyone did it w/ cash not chips that are in play.
May 22, 2013 | 1:44 a.m.
Has got to be the beer girls accepting chips? and tipping dealer w/ chips, and getting food w/ chips? The first one is by far the worst, as many of the people who continually drink are the ones we can get money from. They end up drinking 3-4 beers/hour (total at the table) which takes an extra 20-30 bucks off of the table every hour. Would love to see a dealer tip system that did not involve chips, and everyone have to pay cash to the beverage lady.j
May 21, 2013 | 9:07 p.m.
1-2-5 live game
Villain 1 UTG+1 (800$)
Villain 2 HJ (1000$)
Hero Button (1050$)
Dealt to Hero (AdKdJcTc)
Villain 1 raises to 15
Villain 2 calls 15
Hero raises to 60
Villain 1 call
Villain 2 fold
Villain 1 has been blind potting from UTG all night, and calling any 3 bet around 60% of time. Wanted to get him iso'd pre, with a weaker range from Villain 2.
Flop (AhKcTd) Pot (150)
Villain bets 60 Hero calls
Is this standard call w/ SPR so high?
Turn 9c (270)
Villain checks Hero checks
(In retrospect this seems like a mistake, just not sure what is calling here that I am doing very well against, or if we can ever make Villain fold better)
River 4d (270)
Villain bets 220Hero???
I am trying to learn plo, and I know that this is a very basic, probably easy spot. I am working on getting better, and this is one hand that the table really trolled me on misplaying so trying to get an idea of how to improve.
Thanks for any help
May 11, 2013 | 9:35 p.m.
April 11, 2013 | 3:27 a.m.
April 10, 2013 | 1:41 p.m.
April 10, 2013 | 12:19 p.m.
Hero is HJ w/ AsAdTsJc
UTG (580$) limps
Hero (500$) raises to 30$
BN (Villain) (700$) calls
BB + 2 UTG both call
Flop QcQh8c
Checks to Hero, opt to check. In a 5 way multi-way pot I just dont see the benefit to betting here. Button Checks
Checks to Hero, opt to check again. (I think this is more a bet for value, but figured button who was playing pretty aggressive would stab here a high % of time, and I could react by what the other 3 players do. Button bets 80$ folds back to hero. Now I have a decision, felt like button would raise a Q on flop, but due to other players folding maybe we have to weight his hand more towards having a Q.)
Hero calls.
River (310$)
I am pretty sure my hand looks alot like AAxx, so bad job by me.
April 9, 2013 | 10:26 p.m.
As played what does pot bet do as opposed to 80? Folds out hands I have great equity against and nearly commits me on this board, or loses me an extra 70. Seems like I compound the pre raise if I pot/get it in here? But I could have this all wrong, just the logic I used
Feb. 15, 2013 | 11:48 p.m.
SB (350$)
Button (Hero) 500$
Limps around to me on the button with 2445 DS, I open to 25$ and everyone on table calls.
pot(150$)Flop 4c6sQh
Checks around hero bets 80$.
SB fold BB raises to 210$ folds back to hero.
BB tight reg, I have been opening 80% of buttons, 3 betting 50% of buttons. Have not seen villain 3bet pre. 4 hours into the table. My CB% is 75%, I think he has been observant and noticed how many pots I have been taking down otf after preflop aggression.
Is B/F too passive/exploitable in this spot?
My thinking is that I block alot of combo draws he could have, and call preflop with. Also I feel like a potsized bet is not necessary to make me fold my missed cb's.
Feb. 15, 2013 | 6:38 p.m.
Jan. 29, 2013 | 3:16 a.m.
Jan. 29, 2013 | 2:49 a.m.
Jan. 24, 2013 | 4:12 a.m.
Dec. 19, 2012 | 3:44 a.m.
I feel like trip type hands for IP that also contain blockers to the wrap (w/ overs to the 9 AQJx, KQJx) play pretty well for value in this spot. If we smooth call and river completes wrap/our boat, then oop can basically only c/c, b/f or c/f. On a garbage river, impossible for oop to bluff (as you said oop can really only bluff turn here). If we raise these connected Q hands it gives a chance to a) oop a bluff opportunity b) win an extra bet from wraps, c) if oop shows up w/ Q9, for the 7k raise i think we still show a profit calling here. Feels like the hand just plays better if we raise for value. Seems like this would allow us to put most QTxx in our range, as we have nut blocker and equity against alot of wrap hands. Wraps/misses basically need to start betting out on river for value to keep us from also raising any Qxxx which in turn should allow for us to also start raising even weaker (JJxx TTxx blocker type hands) on the turn for value, as well as put a few bluffs/nuts into our range.
I feel that even the example provided is incorrect. A losing or "rec" player has a fixed amount of money they can spend on poker, no matter the take a losing players balance will always approach 0. I don't see how either situation is better for the player, when in both situations he ends at 0 bankroll
Feb. 24, 2018 | 8:48 p.m.