MoeGreen's avatar


6 points

Post | MoeGreen posted in MTT: 21bbs on the button w A9s

$11 5k on Ignition with about 35 players left. No Read on the bb. What do you guys think is best here and why? Raise/call or shove? And if this was a $109 on Stars would the answer be different?

Oct. 11, 2017 | 10:46 p.m.

Really good comment and thanks for the breakdown. Everything you said makes a ton of sense to me except "But if I wanted to C/R I would do it with a hand like 65cc instead so you don't block parts of his range, that contain a Q." Why is it advantageous to NOT block parts of his range that contain a Q?

March 13, 2017 | 9:31 a.m.

Hey man, good video. @27:55 where you flat the 55 on the button from a hijack open with 25bb and 2 stacks in the blinds that are perfect for squeezing all in... You say its a close spot but you lean towards a call being best. Imo its shove>fold>call. It seems kind of spewy to just call here with only 25bbs and 2 perfect stacks for reshoving behind. I just feel like my standard in this spot is shove as it is printing, no?

That being said I respect your play a lot so perhaps there is more to it. Are you flatting here because of the weak field? Maybe they are less likely to squeeze broadways and suited aces from the blinds? Is 25bbs too much to get in w 55 in this tournament? Im confused. I would love to see some math for the ev of calling vs the ev of shoving. I just got holdem resources calculator but I do not know how to compare the 2 plays...any help on that would be awesome.

March 10, 2017 | 8:05 a.m.

Nice catch, was coming here to say this too. Great video besides this error. Good stuff, ty.

Oct. 12, 2015 | 8:35 a.m.

Oct. 12, 2015 | 7:49 a.m.

You can rep all draws by raising flop and I doubt his double barrel w/ air frequency is going to be that high considering his sizing. It's also a pretty wet board and you need to protect your equity and there are tons of scare cards on the turn that are going to kill your action. I think its just a clear raise on the flop. Also, as played, I really don't like your sizing on the turn; seems way too big.

Dec. 25, 2012 | 1:11 p.m.

Were around 40% or so vs his calling range I gave him which doesn't include 75 combos (and might need to). How many hands did you have w him and had you seen him/how often is he c/r flops (esp after defending)? Also, probably need to ask is he bad enough to c/r fold value hands to see where hes at?

In game it'd be hard not to ship it w all the dead money in there. If hes defending wide to c/r bluff some flops its obv gotta be a ship. Have to have pretty strong read to not get it in here imo.

Dec. 19, 2012 | 12:27 p.m.

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