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2 points

Comment | MjeuMjeu commented on $3 1k GTD

With 10bb I think our entire opening range is a shove. If you got 12bb, you could mix in some min raises with polarized hands like KK-AA and hands like 64s, that you fold when getting shoved on. You could mix in a limping range, as this makes you more able to play postflop with a shallow stack (this is a very high level play, and very difficult to master, so be careful if you decide to implement a limping range)

May 15, 2019 | 6:02 p.m.

Comment | MjeuMjeu commented on $3 1k GTD

100% a shove, not a doubt.

May 15, 2019 | 5:57 p.m.

Comment | MjeuMjeu commented on $3 1k GTD

You should open push with this, holding only about 10bb at the start of the hand.
When you raise, and not shove, you should call to a jam. You already got 20% of your stack in the middle with a hand as strong as 99.

May 14, 2019 | 5:33 p.m.

Comment | MjeuMjeu commented on Overshove or flat

Please give me the range you're calling with, and the range you're reshoving with.

May 14, 2019 | 4:29 p.m.

Depends on what type of players they are. I think it's perfectly fine to shove like A2-A7, 22-55 and so on. If they don't attack your limps at all, and limp along for example ATo, then you should limp 50-60% (maybe more), and outplay them postflop with position. Then you could raise your strongest hands, to get more in the middle with what's likely to be the best hand.

May 14, 2019 | 4:25 p.m.

My thoughts with my limping range is: the lesser blinds you/the blinds have, the more you should polarize your limping range. If for example the sb is a reg with 8-15bb, you should limp a polarized range, QQ-AA, some 65s, 76s, 75s etc. Then raise hands you wanna call vs. a 8-15bb shove.
If both the blinds have more than 15bb, then I like to have raise/call and raise/fold ranges a lot more, because you don't get that good of a prize to call with your bad-mediocre hands vs. a shove.

May 10, 2019 | 6 p.m.

Comment | MjeuMjeu commented on Overshove or flat

Think flatting is the worst play here. Shoving 32 eff. bb over the top is a totally fine play imo. You don't wanna call/fold to the small blind, if he shoves 77-99, KQs etc. Just get it all in, and put pressure on his AJo, KQs, 77-99, which got good equity vs. your hand.

May 10, 2019 | 5:49 p.m.

I've got a pretty nice deeprun in the Big $22 on Stars. It's 359 hands. Finished 5th/418.
Payouts for the ft:
1st: $1412
2nd: $833
3rd: $595
4th: $457
5th: $363
6th: $294
7th: $241
8th: $198
9th: $163
Pretty good structure and pretty deep the entire tourney. It was pretty reggy for the most part.
I also got a 2nd/326 in a $22 $5k gtd freezeout on Stars. It was a very reggy tourney, based on my limited research on every player. The payouts for the ft was:
1st: $1125
2nd: $729
3rd: $547
4th: $431
5th: $348
6th: $284
7th: $232
8th: $189
9th: $152
I think both of these runs are pretty interesting to take a look at, with a lot of regs and deep stacks.


April 4, 2019 | 1:55 a.m.

Think it's a perfectly fine shove tbh. You're 4/5, and KJ in this spot is too strong to fold with 15bb. You could easily get called by a hand you dominate/flip vs because of the bounty.

April 4, 2019 | 1:36 a.m.

I like to have at least 200 average buy ins (tourneys), but that's just me. I think the absolute minimum you should have is 100 buy ins :)

March 26, 2019 | 1:04 a.m.

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