MissTakes's avatar


1 points

Hello, I agree with you. Do you believe midstakes field underbluff that kind of boards? I believe most of then study pio a lot. Do you agree?

Feb. 7, 2017 | 12:46 a.m.

26th min A9off hand: You said it's going to be a mistake to call river with A9off. I ran some sims and it's snap call everytime
29th min Q8s hand: Ran a simulation here as well. It's a call you should make almost everytime blocking overpairs.

Feb. 5, 2017 | 12:30 p.m.

Hi Tyler very nice format;)

first hand QTdd: don't you think that you in flush completed river just wont have enough bluffs to bet with such a big sizing? what is your bluffing range here?

Sept. 17, 2015 | 8:08 p.m.

Hi Ben..

15 min...AQ spot in BB facing UTG cbet on 365r
vs UTG Cbet range ( 55+, 33, A5s-A2s, T9s, 65s, AdKd, AhKh, AsKs, AdQd, AhQh, AsQs, KdQd, KhQh, KsQs, AdJd, AhJh, AsJs, KdJd, KhJh, KsJs, QdJd, QhJh, QsJs, AdTd, AhTh, AsTs, KdTd, KhTh, KsTs, QdTd, QhTh, QsTs, JdTd, JhTh, JsTs) we have 36% equity...isn't that enough to call on flop?

May 27, 2015 | 1:19 p.m.

Post | MissTakes posted in NLHE: Non- showdown line

I work on game everyday and I think that I play better then avarage regular. I never spew $. I know that i bluff every time when i have bottom range and deffinitly more often then other regulars. I play 28/21...and I barrel in position on flop 48, turn 53, river 54. Out of position flop 40, turn 46, river 50.
I fold to cbet in position on flop 49, turn 42, river 52 and oop on flop 51, turn 43, river 50.

I looked at some winnings player's graphs and they have better non sd results. I play on nl600 to nl2000. My winrate is 1bb last one million hands.

I tried a lot of things and read a lot about it but i cant improve it. Any help is welcome:)

I watch high stakes videos from coach sites and they dont make anything different then I do.

April 8, 2015 | 6:51 p.m.

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