108 points
Loved this format. Would like to see and hear your thoughts in other situations with this format. Thanks.
June 17, 2023 | 9:51 p.m.
Yea, you must track “bonuses” separate but a normal “rake back” can be added or filtered for.
I agree with both Hunter and Bart w/moving up. Leaving money on the table but the perk imo is “less stress” and possibly less chance of burn out/playing less than “A” game,
May 14, 2023 | 1:41 a.m.
10:20 I believe your student had it correct, KhJx is always a fold on the turn according to GTO Wizard. IP Bluffs OTR are coming from missed spade draws and pairs turned into bluffs.
23:20 I was surprised to see the recommended river bet w/54s, and checked it out. Indeed, it should never be a bet on the river, just a bit too thin in solver land. I was also surprised by your recommended 1/3rd Pot IP river bet. It's not often I'm betting small IP OTR, and only rarely does the solver recommend it. Of course, live is another animal entirely...
April 7, 2023 | 2:43 p.m.
Great stuff. FYI, if you want to see your overall strategy frequencies quickly, click on "Info" (top right) and then "strategy" on the top right of the drill mode screen.
Feb. 28, 2023 | 4:18 p.m.
Great stuff. With regards to the cup game (totally new to me), wouldn't the SB (who is the only one able to win the cup) be able to open/raise far wider than a solver/chart would suggest because everyone else has to defend vs the SB super tight since they are unable to win the cup? So with 15bb effective from the SB, maybe we could use a 7bb push/fold chart for example. Am I missing something?
Feb. 24, 2023 | 1:43 p.m.
I like the idea of this series, as I also use GTO Wizard and get ideas from videos like this. Thank you.
Feb. 23, 2023 | 4:36 p.m.
11:34, BB w/ATo. With rake at 6+2, no flop/no drop vs best bet’s preflop rake, would you play this hand differently and/or only raise or fold your range in this same identical situation based on rake considerations?
Feb. 10, 2023 | 7:56 p.m.
Great stuff, looking forward to more like this.
Dec. 27, 2022 | 8 p.m.
Nice video. Would like to see UTG v BB in the same format. Thank you.
Dec. 16, 2022 | 1:18 p.m.
These are some of my favorite videos on the site. Loving the inside look at your coaching sessions on his live stream play and live preflop mechanics. I'm guessing most of the RIO customer base are online players, but for us live players, this is exactly what I'm looking for.
My question is, are you contracted by RIO for videos through 2023? I noticed a lot of pro contracts aren't getting renewed that I follow, so you and one other coach is the deciding factor in whether I renew (this black friday). Thank you.
Nov. 22, 2022 | 5:57 p.m.
Building on what was discussed above, if HJ straddles, when we are in CO would we RFI slightly wider than a UTG range (8 max), since the whole table is yet to act but we are in better position so can go a bit wider than UTG?
Nov. 12, 2022 | 6:56 p.m.
With an UTG straddle, are you playing a raise/3bet or fold strategy from the SB and Middle Blind? I'm guessing that a SB 3bet range vs btn RFI (3 blind) will be closer to a SB 3bet range vs CO RFI etc. So basically, 3betting from blinds as if the RFI was vs. almost 1 position earlier than actual position. Ok assumption?
I'm also assuming with UTG straddle, normal/2blind SB RFI goes from around 43% to maybe 30% w/3blinds, and the middle blind can RFI about 43% (3 blinds)?
Nov. 11, 2022 | 4:56 p.m.
50 minutes: Sim is showing KTo is a fold 100% OTR
Nov. 4, 2022 | 12:46 p.m.
Dealing with Button Straddles:
With a BTN straddle, SB call, does the BB still limp entire continuing range but with a slightly wider range than if SB folds?
What is your guess to adjustments if we were 200bb (vs 100bb) deep from the blinds w/btn straddle? Tighten up limp range more from the blinds with higher ratio of 3betting than calling vs ISOs to lessen SPR more often being OOP?
If we add live 2/5 rake (5 +2) to Monker, do you still think the blinds should still limp 100% of continue range (8 max), just with a tighter range? Also, choosing to 3bet from blinds instead of calling at a slightly greater ratio?
So deeper, with rake, assuming a GTO environment, my assumptions would be to limp tighter than your Monker solve shows and be more aggressive vs ISO's by 3betting more/calling less/folding more, is this fair?
Against a soft table, with rake and 200bb deep, would we assume to limp wider from blinds than Monker and 3 bet more aggressively with more linear range?
Finally, you said it took 3 days to run the preflop solve. Can you share how much RAM you have and CPU (how many threads and GHz)?
This is pure gold, thank you.
Oct. 26, 2022 | 5:17 p.m.
Great video. As others have mentioned, my sole reason at this point for subscribing to RIO is strictly your content. With some other Elite coaches now gone, I hope you continue making videos often enough to make a membership worth it since I am now down to following two active Elite coaches now. Sorry for the wordiness, just being open about it, and I may not be in the minority for RIO staffers reading this. Great Elite NLHE coaches seem to be going extinct here... Luke is the best of the best!
Oct. 18, 2022 | 3:28 p.m.
Fantastic video, learned a ton. Took me several hours to get through to try to fully understand it. Are you still releasing a similar video with BB/SB vs LJ/HJ? Thanks.
Oct. 14, 2022 | 3:47 p.m.
Looks like you were right. I had150bb effective clicked, which makes it a thing (low frequency). 100bb, villain never raises turn w/AQ, but deeper it is blasting turn 100% pot raise low freq. and then bombing every time on river as a bluff… Can’t figure out how to screen capture from my desktop…
Sept. 29, 2022 | 5:29 p.m.
36:12 (bottom right) you were discussing villains AQcc hand/you had KTo. You were very against villains raise on turn, however, my sim shows it's fine for him to raise vs a b33 donk on turn (with AQo mainly) so I'm guessing his raise vs your 1bb is fine at even more (but still low) frequency, but then he needs to bluff it on the river for big, every time blocking boats and the straight. Thoughts?
Also, you said you were donking turn every time for 1bb on turn, which I was surprised since that doesn't seem like a thing in my sim (although I have only a b33 donk turn size). Can you explain?
I guess it makes sense if you play the 1bb turn donk as the same thing as a check, and that we would never cbet turn with AQ here, so he shouldn't be raising. But then when the donk is larger such as b33, now AQ can be raised at a low freq (as a bluff/merge), so then we are actually raising AQ less often vs the tinier donk than vs the larger donks, which is kind of backwards but makes sense...
Sept. 28, 2022 | 4:49 p.m.
20:57/top left w/66, the line you took stood out to me. Checking 66 on turn doesn't make sense to me to protect your checking range. Indeed, the solver seems to prefer checking hands that block villain's value like KQ/QQ, Then on the river, check/raising appears to be too thin, although in-game I would have block/jammed or check/jammed as you did.
As always, great video, I think you are likely the best coach on RIO, and the best I've seen for cash games including other sites such as Pokercoaching.com and Crush Live Poker.
As a side note, you mentioned struggling with the mental aspect and balance. I did as well at the beginning, however I have turned that into a strength with growing my faith in Jesus. I am not a "crazy religious person" as that probably makes it seem, just being honest. I play live NL successfully and listen to my "Christian jams" (with airpods) while playing and it keeps me in my "happy place.' I have a peace that makes no sense other than having the true power of God with me. Tilt is no longer an issue or playing less than my A game because of how a hand was played or ran out. I've tried other methods such as Elliot Roe's meditation techniques, studying philosophy, etc. but nothing comes close to the power of the Holy Spirit for "life EV." I am not ashamed to talk about it, as it seems many are these days.
You have helped my game more than any other, so I just wanted to try to return the favor. Hope that's ok. I posted this publicly for anyone else that struggles with their mental game (on or off the table) and to pass along the best decision I've ever made (to follow Jesus). Thank you.
Aug. 24, 2022 | 12:30 p.m.
25 min/top left, you fold A7ss mw OTF w/o rolling. Shouldn't this be a raise/continue some of the time even mw?
Aug. 19, 2022 | 1:15 p.m.
Fantastic video!
24:30 (top right) w/T8o, seems like you should have rolled for a river bluff/bet part of the time, no?
26:07 (bot. left) w/AJo, surprised that you would jam river here 20% of the time with no straight AND boat blocker (i.e. QJ, JT)? Doesn't seem like a thing that often w/o straight blocker to go with it...
July 28, 2022 | 9:49 p.m.
At 20:35, BN v BB (heads up), on KsKd9s, you say that "this is a very high frequency check board." Isn't that wrong?? My sims (GTO Wizard/heads up) show betting 70% frequency. Your 86dd, also shows it's only checking 10% of the time...Around what % are you opening heads up from the BN? (I'm assuming raise or fold). Obviously BN v BB in 6max we are betting this board a ton, confused how this changes via heads-up.
At 30:08, bottom left w/QQ, your river bet seems too thin? Indeed, in my sim TT-KK is checking 100%. I'm guessing you're v-betting this river due to min opening the button and getting value from a much weaker range (which I don't have a sim for)?
July 19, 2022 | 3:56 p.m.
Luke, I have never seen someone explain (in a way that's understandable) blockers/unblockers in the manner that you do. Awesome work. I really like the "Becoming a Boss" series and hopefully there will be more added to it, thank you!
June 22, 2022 | 2:51 p.m.
Hey Luke,
I believe you make some of the best videos on the site, and some of the best I've seen including other coaching sites as well. My only critique was really the seemingly out of place (from your friendly demeanor) /out of character words that took me by surprise. This is of course only my opinion, and as a man of Faith/Christian, I felt the need to point it out. Otherwise, keep up the great work, I look forward to more of your videos.
May 20, 2022 | 12:54 p.m.
Great video, however, the random F-bomb dropped here and there in your videos seems out of place and degrades it in my opinion, which causes a loss in creditability.
May 16, 2022 | 8:16 p.m.
Going to go against the grain... this was really hard to watch with the constant F bombs, scratching and eating. Credibility went down quite a bit for me after that, combined with the overly casualness of your analysis. Checking a lot of the hands in the solver and the lines you recommend at many different nodes were very low frequency (too many to list) or not a thing. I will not be watching another one of your videos.
April 21, 2022 | 2:24 p.m.
The very last hand of the video (K7dd), is surprisingly a jam when I ran the sim and K5dd is a check. I would have given up OTR like you and possibly jammed K5dd (blocking the straight). Not sure why the solver prefers this... Great video, would like to see more and possibly sim tough hands like this one.
March 24, 2022 | 1:08 p.m.
Thanks Mark, I always learn a lot from your live/post play videos.
March 10, 2022 | 3:26 p.m.
Great video Mark. Never heard your "3 tips" at the end of the video though!? Also, I ran a sim on the 37:30 hand (A4o), seems its always a check on the river as played, so no mistake there. Also, at 1:25 (Q9s), you snap folded Q9s SB v BB 3bet (3.1x), which I believe is a mandatory defend.
I would love to see more of your amazing aggregate report videos such as adding; SB 3bet v LJ and CO v BN Flat. I can only hope! Thanks!
If CO straddles and I'm BN, I let it go max, one time, the next time I am "that guy" and tell him I'm straddling BN each time he tries straddling CO or just do it without saying anything is the default.
March 13, 2025 | 12:36 a.m.