Mikedpalo's avatar


5 points

hey stephen, thx 4 the vid

@39:30 when you cbet check-back turn with 88 on Qd-2d-2-4-Jd and end up winning vs 33:

If you were the BB and had 33 here, would you bluff the river? I think I may strongly consider doing so if I were in his spot, as my C/C range in that spot would look a lot like Ace highs, Qx, med prs and FD's, and when you chk back turn you probably are removing most if not all FD's and Qx from your range, meaning I (as the BB) could lead the riv with my FD's and Qx for value, and then turn some of my lower prs or even A-highs into bluffs on the river in order to try to get you to fold out your higher-medium pairs and random Jx hands that were cbetting flop and gave up, then hit the J on the riv.

Thoughts on this?

thx again


May 21, 2015 | 10:03 p.m.

great vid phil as per usual, keep em comin

@28 mins on the top left, you call actaml's UTG raise and 1/2 pot bet on Ac-Qc-Ts on the btn in a 4 way pot with AQ87 DS (diamonds and hearts). Do you think that this flop call may be a bit too ambitious with the particular combo we have here (dry top 2 with no backdoors)? Seems like when he bets his UTG opening range 4 ways on this board, he probably will have the flopped nuts with KJxx, or be running the KKxx or JJxx blocker bluff, but I think the main problem is that a lot of his blocker bluffs likely are going to have backup draws on this wet board (like KKxx with nut clubs etc., especially since we don't have any clubs in our hand). This means that he can barrel us on bricks and on club turns he can extract from us.

Seems like this call would be better if the Ts was instead the Td or even the Th so that we could at least turn some more equity with those hands instead of just having dry top 2 pr. Perhaps even a better dry 2pr candidate for us to call on this board in this spot would be something like AKQx with the dry Kc (and preferably Ax spades for backup equity on the turn) since that would open up our options to bluff clubs on the turn etc.


Thanks again


Dec. 23, 2014 | 3:51 a.m.

thx 4 the vid Jnandez

@28 min top right in the 3way hand vs Jeans and the btn, you
mention at the end of the hand on the river on the
Ks-9d-6d-Tc-6c board that you can't explain it but you don't think you're ever good on the river here, even if Jeans folds so you fast fold QQJ9 on the riv.

I suppose my question is, what do think is in the btns range? He flatted pre and checked back on the btn 3 ways on a Ks-9d-6d board, so hes pretty much telling us he doesnt have KK/99/K9 etc. When the turn comes a To, he just overcalls jeans' lead and your flat on the turn IP. My guess at his range at this point (especially since you dont have any diamonds in your hand) is bare NFD's, maybe some 78xx, and then TTxx.

So on the river when you both check to him and he bets $350 into $500, how often do you think he bets his NFD's + 78xx (as a bluff to get you or Jeans off of QJxx) on the river? Because the only value hand thats a boat that I could see him having here is TTxx but I could certainly see him possibly bluffing a decent chunk of the time with his bare NFD/s/78xx as a bluff (even into 2 plyrs on the river).

thx again


Nov. 20, 2014 | 6:25 a.m.

thx 4 the vid seth

Regarding the ATo hand: my initial reaction was to LOLyolo 4bet bluff there as well, but on 2nd thought I like not doing so for ICM reasons as you stated. If we aren't 4bet bluffing this combo given the ICM implications, then do we have a 4bet bluffing range at all? Or is it just 100% value? Seems like if our opponent knows this (darkhorse seems like a good plyr for sure) then he can just go ham sandwich 3betting most of our opens, of which the best way for us to adjust is probably to just open a much tighter range initially.

This got me wondering tho - what are we doing with hands that are more towards the middle of our range pre? Stuff like 77-99? Seems like 4bet-folding these as a bluff is a bad idea since they have no blockers, and flatting them OOP sux as well.

Oct. 31, 2014 | 7:52 p.m.

Thx 4 the vid Robin

@12:39 bottom left, you lead Ad6dJc9c from the blinds after flatting pre into 2 opponents on Kc-Qd-4d. Are we leading here in order to "balance" our leading range with a hand that doesn't mind bet-calling just so that we aren't always leading made hands here? (as I'd assume we'd always lead bad KKxx combos/QQxx/KQxx etc). Also, does the BDFD and gutter lead you more towards leading here then if you had a dry NFD hand like (Ad6d8x8x) since we are more comfortable bet-calling with the additional gutter and BDFD for additional equity outs etc?

@19:30 you decide to lead again with AxQhTx5h OOP from the blinds after flatting pre on 9h-8d-4h - could you explain your thinking on why you did this? Also on the river it seems like he has a lot of Axhh in his river betting range as I'd expect most opponents to raise-get it in on the turn on such a draw-heavy board with JTxx. Its tough to come up with a hand thats in his range that would bluff this river (only thing I can think of is exlusively what he had, some sort of flopped 2 pr that picked up BD diamonds on the turn). If he full-pots this river do you call as well?


Oct. 30, 2014 | 1:17 a.m.

gotcha - yeah if KJ is in your flop chk back range then that makes it more credible

Oct. 26, 2014 | 7:38 p.m.

Hey Lucas, thx 4 the vid

Had a quick observation on the 44 hand you had on the Qc-T-2c-5-K hand:

Preflop I think its a pretty str8fwd fold to the cold 4b as you said given stack sizes, but I wanted to focus on the river play:

What are you repping by betting the river in this hand? Overall I agree with your thoughts on the fact that we should be bluffing this river vs opponents who aren't very good at hand reading, but if we are facing a better plyr who can hand read, then I think they will deduce that you don't have very much value on the river here and are bluff-heavy for the following reasons:

1.) when your opponent chks to you on the flop, hands like KJ/AJcc/K9cc (if you 3bet this last 1 pre, which is questionable) are all likely to bet the flop for fold equity etc. in your spot, so you can't rly rep those hands credibly on the river. Also, any other Kx hands besides the above aren't really in your preflop 4b peeling range (and probably not even in your 3b range vs that mini stack open)

2.) When you do get to this river spot, If I was in your opponents shoes, I would likely think that your range mostly consists of strongish suited Tx type broadway hands (ATss, KTss, JTss, etc) - as well as a lot of med prs (99-66) and then exactly AJo

So, by betting the river here, you are repping a very narrow river range (basically exlusively KTss/AJo), when you have a lot more med prs/Tx type hands that you may try to bluff with on the river here. If you are going to bluff all of your med prs on the river (and check back your Tx hands), then your river "bluffing range" would be 24 combos (99-66), and your "value range" would be KTss/AJo (3 combos of KTss and 16 combos of AJo, but if your opponent has JJ then he blocks your AJo and reduces those combos down to 8).

So overall, you would be bluffing with 24 combos and would only have 11 value combos, making it an "easy" call for your opponent on the river if he has JJ.

LMK what you think and if all the above makes sense ^^^


Oct. 26, 2014 | 5:15 a.m.

Thx as always phil, keep em coming

@7:20 top left you flat from BB with K653 (K3dd) in a 3 way pot and flop
comes Kh-7d-5h – what do you think of leading this flop?  Our hand is pretty vulnerable on this board
and doesn’t play all that well as a check call, and having it get checked
around is also pretty bad for us too on a dynamic board like this vs 2 plyrs. 


Oct. 7, 2014 | 6:14 a.m.

Hey Phil, thanks for the video as always – keep em coming.

Had a few Q’s on one particular hand I think you were “autopiloting”:

@2:50 bottom left screen you chk back AdQdQT on the btn on Jc-7c-7d after
flatting pre and having Ackma (PFR) check to you

Is the reason you checked back here because you didn’t want to bet-fold your backdoor

equity in case he CR’d? (mostly just backdoor diamonds).  I’m not sure how this opponent constructs his
checking range, but it seems like not a lot of ppl have much of a check raising
range on this board as the PFR (I could be wrong tho).  I would guess that Ackma’s checking range is
pretty weak here overall, and probably consists of some chk give ups, some dry
NFD’s that he doesn’t want to bet and face a raise with, and maybe Jxxx with
some backdoors.  It certainly seems like
you can bet flop IP here and extract value/charge equity from some of these portions of
his checking range that will C/C – is there a specific reason why you didn’t bet?


Oct. 2, 2014 | 1:06 a.m.

tx 4 the response tom

June 8, 2014 | 5:45 p.m.

Hey tom thx 4 the vid - keep em coming as always

@10:50 bottom left you chk raise bluff the river on KKhT4hA – what are you
repping and what do you think your opponents range consists of?  Seems like once he chks back flop IP, he is
fairly capped (IE very unlikely he has Kx or full houses, I think it’s a fluke
he showed up with that this time), so when the turn comes BD FD it seems like
his flop chk back-call turn range consists of a lot of Axhh draws and QJxx
draws (maybe with a T as well) so I think I like bluffing the river on blanks
as you said.  When the A comes on the
river, that gives Axhh a pair which probably checks back, and QJxx a str8 which
probably bets, so it seems like his river betting range is QJxx heavy – so are
we expecting random villains to bet-fold str8’s on this river here with only
$17 behind?  Seems pretty optimistic idk


June 8, 2014 | 7:14 a.m.

+1 on this comment - was surprised when I saw the chk fold without 2nd thought.

In this hand on a J-5d-3 rb flop, we have lots of backdoors, overcards to the J, and are facing an opponent who is probably cbetting this dry of a flop as the PFR with his whole range.  Also of note is that we block a lot of his value range, specifically KK/QQ/KJ/QJ - which means a lot of the time I feel like we run into his SC's and Ax range here that is just cbetting and then likely giving up on a lot of turns.

Thoughts on this spot as a potential OOP float Grayson?


May 21, 2014 | 10:10 p.m.

Comment | Mikedpalo commented on $11 Rebuy (part 2)

Hey Owen thx for the vid, had a quick Q:

The hand @ 22:50 (A8o from the bb) - did you consider 3 betting this hand here?  Vs a 24 bb stack it could be an option as you have an Ace blocker and you have room to 3 bet-fold given the stack sizes.  If we decide to flat like you did with a hand like A8o that doesn't have much playability post flop, it will be hard to continue on any wettish flops that we miss (obv we can chk call dry boards as a bluff catcher though so thats a plus).  


April 23, 2014 | 9:38 p.m.

Also @48:10 the tbl on the left with KJ96 dbl suited - wouldn't this be a good spot to 3bet pre?  Or would that only be preferable when facing a later position raise

April 19, 2014 | 1:35 a.m.

Hey tom, thanks for the video as always - keep em comin

Had a cpl of Q's:

@3 mins With the JJ43 on the As4s4 board are we bet folding here on the flop?  Seems like we kinda have to, maybe the only reason we could bet call is if we expected there to be a lot of flush draws in our opponents range, but I wouldn't expect most plyrs to attack this board with a chk raise with just a bare FD but I'm not exactly sure.

As for the hand @ 18:30 (the AAJ8 with hearts on Kh-Js-5h board), what do we think our opponents raising range is? 
If I were to guess for most opponents it would probably be something like KK/JJ (id expect competents to just flat dry KK or dry JJ on this board tho), KJxx, pr + wrap type hands like KQT9, and maybe bare wraps with hearts like QhTx9h8x or something

Since we are planning on folding on a J turn (which reduces the combos of made hands in his range, stuff like KJxx, and now JJ is impossible), what do you think of the alternative line when we are this deep (240 bbs effective) of just chk-calling flop?  Maybe we are sacrificing some value by checking, but I'd expect an aggro player to bet this flop with the the same range he'd raise flop with PLUS a lot of lower equity hands as our check on a wet board like this seems to contain a lot of chk folds, so perhaps we can just chk call down on a lot of turns and realize our equity easier.  Also we have the added benefit of an aggro player likely betting hearts on the turn or river as theoretically he should have more flushes in his betting range then we should have in our chk calling range.



April 19, 2014 | 12:44 a.m.

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