MightySparow's avatar


18 points

I've noticed you are doing some really tight folds on sb and Phil didn't mentioned that because you are doing it so fast. For example you folded 98o in 22:53 which would be easy open first in.

Oct. 2, 2013 | 3:44 p.m.

I thought you will dislike Robster since he has marked "run it twice" button ;)

Aug. 8, 2013 | 7:38 p.m.

17:08 on bottom right, what do you think about 3betting since bb is sitout ? Is sitout on big blind changing your game at all in this spot vs open ?

Aug. 6, 2013 | 2:29 a.m.

Hand 55 26:35

You are getting pot odds 17% and you flop a set about 11% of the time but I think your realistic pot odds are so much better because he will cbet almost 100% of the time in 3bet pot so you are putting 2k not into 12k pot but into 16-17k so you have almost direct pot odds here (~12%) and I think your implied odds on later streets are just enough to fold imo. What do you think ?

June 22, 2013 | 11:48 p.m.

Comment | MightySparow commented on Push?

yup, its too strong hand to fold.

June 20, 2013 | 5:18 p.m.

If you think you will fold better Jx OTT then its a great play but dont you think that some people may call turn with Jx and fold OTR ? So if he is calling Jx on the turn you are just put more money in the pot with ~28% equity and checking the river and then its not that good play anymore.

June 19, 2013 | 4:40 p.m.

Thats a good point and probably you are right...

June 18, 2013 | 5:42 p.m.

Hi thanks for the video ;) At this time I was trying to play a bit tighter because I felt that my opeings are being exploited and I didnt want to going into preflop wars with marginal hands but I understand now that tighter aproach is not that great because we dont have many spots to actually play something and we have to run good to have good cards. I feel that you should do leakfinders with the users, because i would like to defend my plays sometimes and I couldnt and I think some users may feel this way too.

June 18, 2013 | 12:48 a.m.

haha :D no I dont know why I shove this. Maybe missread do sometimes those :P In this tournament I had bad connection to internet so sometimes I got sitout and first hand is obv sitout and some other spots too like KJo not defending on bb.

June 13, 2013 | 4:41 p.m.

Great long comment I love it ;) I think if you like going deep in spots like that you should download Cardrunners EV. Its a great tool for advanced analize. I was sitting a lot on spots like this and results were that it is more profitable to defend on short stack bottom middle range and play fit or fold than repushing or folding. For example when CO is opening and you have something like K8s on BB on 12bb stack for me its 100% defend now (sometimes im shoving if I have a lot of folding equity). I made short video about it, but its in polish language but there are some calculations that dont have to be translated. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AI0jEXwQh4

June 12, 2013 | 10:12 p.m.

Yeah there it is ;)

Okay so this is not Big 162- its Nightly Fifty Grand played on the Sunday. I agree with everything you said and I knew that I played too tight preante, but its probably my main leak now. This tournament starts after 10 hours of grind (Yes i play long sessions :P) so I may play my B game here but no excuses :D

41:54 Normally I call here too, but his stats were 8/6 after 91 hands and he open limped 3 times before this hand so I assumed that he will limp weaker range and push stronger hands.

June 12, 2013 | 7:06 p.m.

So you would just check/fold this river ? Do you think sizing matter that much in this spot ? When his range is capped to Ax or worse (sometimes A6 A5 or AT) I was thinking about x/shove, because I dont see anyone who could bet and call a shove just with top pair in this spot in the main event.

btw did u found your bracelet in Vegas ? ;)

June 12, 2013 | 12:08 a.m.

As I said my problem is that if this guy is good for that kind of play, because its harder for weaker players to fold top pair since they dont think much about ranges.

June 10, 2013 | 8:39 a.m.

Hand History | MightySparow posted in MTT: Scoop main event river x/r bluff
UTG2: DeepBlue6: 20254
LJ: Kirelli: 16096
HJ: finne1999: 18681
CO: Wing Nuts 17: 13450
BN: haz106: 27474
SB: gr33dy: 42439
BB: vupham: 1949
UTG: Ronny1981: 14072
UTG1: BIGGYtwelve: 18384
After 46 hands he was plying 20/15, and after 2k mtts he lost 35k $ http://prntscr.com/18yno2.
Preflop (450) (9 Players)
DeepBlue6 was dealt J J
Ronny1981 folds, BIGGYtwelve folds, DeepBlue6 raises to 600, Kirelli folds, finne1999 folds, Wing Nuts 17 folds, haz106 raises to 1488, gr33dy folds, vupham folds, DeepBlue6 calls 888
Flop (3426) Q 5 T (2 Players)
DeepBlue6 checks, haz106 bets 1688, DeepBlue6 calls 1688
Turn (6802) Q 5 T 6 (2 Players)
DeepBlue6 checks, haz106 checks
River (6802) Q 5 T 6 A (2 Players)
DeepBlue6 checks, haz106 bets 2998, DeepBlue6 raises to 7681, haz106 folds
pf flop and turn are standard imo, and river is interesting, because
-He can bluff this river with air
-Our percieved range after check is 100% showdown value (J9 and hands without SDV are just betting this river)
-Our percieved value range after x/r is mostly KJ, and some combos of two pair and sets .
-Our percieved bluff range after x/r is small since we have hands only with showdown value and people just x/c or x/f weak SDV (maybe not in this spot but in general)
So if he knows about these things he can bet/fold Ax and I think he has a lot of them in his range. Also this a main event so maybe he will be playing more cautiously (?). The problem is that this player is loosing player and I dont know if he is good for x/r bluffs, but his ITM% is high (16%) And AV.% field beaten is high too (53% is standard for solid regs)
Final Pot
DeepBlue6 wins 13158

June 8, 2013 | 11:17 p.m.

SB: P U N I O: 32571
BB: DeepBlue6: 32922
UTG: Niorm: 95709
LJ: gigibaston: 153906
HJ: hotshotss21: 63278
CO: LosingPlayr: 75508
BN: WILLY_PKR_BR: 101469
Preflop (3750) (7 Players)
DeepBlue6 was dealt T 8
Niorm folds, gigibaston folds, hotshotss21 folds, LosingPlayr folds, WILLY_PKR_BR folds, P U N I O raises to 5484, DeepBlue6 calls 2984
Ok preflop is my main problem, because I don't know if folding here is good since we have so good odds and position. Stats of villain was http://prntscr.com/18yhfy and he is a reg with shark stats http://prntscr.com/18yhog My thinking at the time was that if I rejam here KJs or 55 in this spot I assume his range is wide enough and I have folding equity. So if his range is so wide T8o is probably proftable call and if its not profitable then 3betting KJ is mistake too.

What range vs this player would you are 3betting without history (I was tight on this table) and what is flatting range if you flat in this spot ever.
Flop (12218) J 8 2 (2 Players)
P U N I O bets 5460, DeepBlue6 calls 5460
as played preflop do you think I can play it diffrently postflop ?
Turn (23138) J 8 2 3 (2 Players)
P U N I O bets 21377, and is all in, DeepBlue6 calls 21377
River (65892) J 8 2 3 4 (2 Players)
Final Pot
DeepBlue6 has T 8 P U N I O wins 66392

June 8, 2013 | 10:42 p.m.

What's your range of defending in spot with J7s 2:25 ?

June 7, 2013 | 2:10 a.m.

Comment | MightySparow commented on folding aa

You probably dont have As huh ? I think flat pre can be better than 3betting in some cases maybe here too (depends on the dynamic and how much 3bets do you expect from other players).

On the flop its raise 100% of the time though. He will continue barreling on the turn with all hands he will call your raise on the flop so you wont miss value and there are a lot of action killer cards that can make him not give you all the money with Kx. You don't want to give free cards if he has a draw and your percieved range is not that strong so he may just push with fd or even oesd.

As played i would fold turn. Its just so hard to find hand that you beat since you are blocking AK combinations and everything just gets there.


June 1, 2013 | 7:52 a.m.

19:34 When he defended on such short what do you think about his play with any hand ? Do you have defending range in this kind of spots ?

June 1, 2013 | 5 a.m.

9:42 What do you think about flat on the bb with Q3s there ? its gonna be pot with short so you will realize your equity often since UTG wont be cbeting flops as a bluff that much and you have very good odds to do that.

May 31, 2013 | 8:45 p.m.

5:50 tight fold with Kto. You did this just because of bubble or its standard fold ?

7:17 similar spot, but here I think that QJs is just too good in multiways to fold, but I might be wrong.

May 31, 2013 | 7:34 p.m.

Overlays everywhere ;)

May 31, 2013 | 7:11 p.m.

What would you do in Halfrek shoes ? On what range you usually put players that x/r that kind of flops ? I ask because for me this is a call, but Im not sure. I do this just because his sizing isnt too big and I have a lot of good turns (Q,8,diamond, J, T) . If he is bluffing we can take down the pot on later streets even if we miss our draw and if he has a set we can hit our straight or flush on the river and win a big pot.
Even vs a set he is giving us 22% pot odds and we hit our oesd or FD(without cards that give him fh)  on the turn exacly 31% (http://prntscr.com/15vwq0) of the time and with almost direct odds we have there profitable call if he bets. The reason why this could be profitable is that people nowadays aredoing so small sizings especially on dry flops  that drawing to a draw is the best adjust we can make. Also it will be hard for him to put me on the backdoor flush or straight so we have good implied odds. Minus is that we are not that deep so we dont have great implied odds and this is ft so the chips are worth more.

The second question I asked is for me very important because if his range is polarized (set/two pair or air) JTs and in general hands with good backdoor equity are much better than hands like A9 or even AA. In my opinion regs dont raise here 9x or overpairs for value here so its mostly polarized range than merged, but I would like to hear your opinion. On the other hand recreational players tend to have merged range here, so our J and T are probably outs too so I would call.


May 21, 2013 | 1:09 a.m.


AJs stackoff. Even if he 4bets 22+, ATs+, KQs, AJo+ you have breakeven call 4bet. Do you expect looser range in longrun there ?

May 10, 2013 | 1:49 a.m.


What do you think about donk 7k turn with KQo ? He wont be barreling there as a bluff and probably not with a semibluff as well and he will call small donk with a draw and maybe with ace high. Our percieved range is not that strong because draw or medium pair can play this way too.

May 10, 2013 | 1:29 a.m.

Comment | MightySparow commented on 109 Bad river

Imo wp. River is scary for his range so small bet its definitely fine. 

May 10, 2013 | 12:09 a.m.

You mean second chance right ? Imho you can rebuy everytime if you feel that your table is good and you  got good position but if you wouldnt late reg at this stage I wouldnt take rebuy.

May 10, 2013 | 12:04 a.m.

I dont think we got enough value by jamming river. The best hand that a5 beats and makes sense with this line is a7, 54 and Im not sure he is calling a7 calling tbh. I think AA(1 combo ofc) is in his range because you have Ah on the board is Ac so he has As so he is not scared of turn spade and can checkback. 

If you call and win you have 67bb if lose 33bb so its not end of the world if you lose it

But when you lose by shoving you will have only 16bbs and if he calls and you win its 84. In my opinion shoving its too risky in this tournament (main event), because soft is too weak and you can exploit oponnents in more small ball spots. I dont know if its itm or no but I think ME this year had huge overlay so its much more profitable to get into money. also

May 9, 2013 | 11:48 p.m.

Comment | MightySparow commented on ICM Fold?

I think it's a fold, because you dont have almost no oe to put pressure on so I would push just nash (6.5%) 88+,ATs+,AQo+,KQs

May 3, 2013 | 1:34 a.m.

Comment | MightySparow commented on Rebuy-strategy
If the addon is large you mean if rebuy is for 2k and addon is 4k ? And try to get to addon more cheaply you mean by register in last minute of late registration, slowplay every hand and take only very +chipev spots ?

April 30, 2013 | 12:13 a.m.

Hand History | MightySparow posted in MTT: JJ facing x/r on Axx
BB: zappaglione: 2850
UTG: assel007: 5132
UTG1: DeepBlue6: 9179
UTG2: entony011: 5570
LJ: zevs-omsk: 3245
HJ: Marvadoo: 9149
CO: much9: 2475
BN: HarveyDent93: 2995
SB: samosim: 2600
Preflop (375) (9 Players)
DeepBlue6 was dealt J J
assel007 folds, DeepBlue6 raises to 500, entony011 folds, zevs-omsk folds, Marvadoo folds, much9 folds, HarveyDent93 folds, samosim folds, zappaglione calls 250
Flop (1125) 5 A 2 (2 Players)
zappaglione checks, DeepBlue6 bets 479, zappaglione raises to 2320, and is all in, DeepBlue6 calls 1841
Turn (5765) 5 A 2 5 (2 Players)
River (5765) 5 A 2 5 Q (2 Players)
Final Pot
zappaglione has 9 6 DeepBlue6 has J J zappaglione wins 6035

April 29, 2013 | 11:51 p.m.

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