Merrycatch22's avatar


2 points

If we have the luxury of finding other tables, isn't ratholing just a factor of being IP to other deep stacks? Say we're 200bb and, and a reg to our left IP is also that deep, but the rest of the table is shorter without giant fish. Shouldn't we just up and leave, as opposed to a fish on our right and I being 1000bb deep, where I wouldn't get up under any other table conditions.

Jan. 5, 2018 | 5:12 p.m.

Are we supposed to defend such junk hands pre? We have a bottom pair and some nonnut straight draws on a two tone flop? We don't even have a spade OTT/OTR?
if we've never seen V bluff, this line seems absurdly stationy.

Nov. 18, 2017 | 2:37 a.m.

you can definitely fold some but probably not all wheel straights on the river to a raise pot turn pot river line.

Nov. 18, 2017 | 2:29 a.m.

What's the stdev/100 on this sample?

Oct. 25, 2017 | 3:30 a.m.

Raise full pot pre?
I also believe this hand plays poorly as a 3b call
Why the SB is not x/r turn with NFD/nut flush is a little beyond me. Line seems strange

Oct. 25, 2017 | 3:29 a.m.

We have a range and polarity disadvantage on this board, likely Hero should call most of the continuing range.
OTT it's hard to have much fold equity, so I'd call again if double barreled into.

Oct. 19, 2017 | 2:35 a.m.

Comment | Merrycatch22 commented on River decision

Why do we raise turn against a presumably normally passive player (as shown by the limping) after he donks twice?

Sept. 26, 2017 | 7:24 p.m.

Why not just turn barrel more air if you are underbluffing? Is there a reason the 5 is bad for our range?

Sept. 12, 2017 | 9:03 p.m.

Preflop raise or fold, the worse the rake structure the more towards fold this hand goes. I'm certain having a limping strategy is going to get exploited to the ground, especially against this bunch of regish stats.

Aug. 24, 2017 | 7:35 a.m.

Comment | Merrycatch22 commented on tools for PLO

Equilab Omaha

the last two are too expensive for me.

Aug. 21, 2017 | 3:28 a.m.

Post | Merrycatch22 posted in PLO: HU PLO donking

If my HU opponent raises 65% to pot and limps 25%, and has a flop cbet less than 50% and a turn cbet less than 30% over 250 hands, should I start donking? If so, with what sort of range? Should it be my normal polarized c/r range or depolarized made hands?

Aug. 13, 2017 | 9:27 p.m.

I currently understand that our folding ranges versus 2/3/4/5bet are capped due to MDF, as we let our opponent autoprofit if our F to Steal/3b/4b/5b is too high, and that folding ranges OTR in polarized situations for the aggressor are completely dictated by MDF versus observant players, as if they notice a leak they will either always bluff/ always valuebet rather than bet at the correct frequency.

However, how does MDF apply on the flop and turn? Our and our villains' hands have equities, which make decisions not so clear cut (not that which hands to defend OTR and pre are clear cut either). If our villain decides to have a 1.5x pot strategy on an board that favors his range, must I still defend 40% of my range? Say V opens the LJ and I flat MP, and the flop is K23r. On such a flop, possibly only 10% of my range is top pair+, so if I try to MDF a 1.5x cbet then I will need to defend a wide array of 2nd pairs, which will almost certainly be put into a similiar situation OTT. The Grinder's Manual would say these 2nd pairs have "ghost equity". Is it that V will never construct such a large cbet range properly that we don't just concede the pot to them? Or are we just forced to give pots away in certain situations due to bad flops and bad turns?


Aug. 9, 2017 | 6:39 p.m.

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