25 points
got it
Nov. 16, 2024 | 8:05 a.m.
yes link:
Nov. 16, 2024 | 8:05 a.m.
I have sent you an request. You can also use this link:
Aug. 23, 2024 | 9:07 p.m.
I have sent you an friends request.
You can also join our group with this link:
Aug. 1, 2024 | 11:30 a.m.
Not overly active atm but you might still give it a try. You can use this link to join:
July 18, 2024 | 11:26 a.m.
Maybe try to join us with this link:
March 7, 2024 | 3:53 p.m.
sry I did not find you. maybe you can try to join with this link:
March 7, 2024 | 3:52 p.m.
yes it expires every week. Try this new link:
March 7, 2024 | 3:51 p.m.
tesla79 This should work:
March 5, 2024 | 8:13 a.m.
You can join my discord channel. We have a small group of PLO beginners, I would give you my Starting hand chart too:
If people play 50% you can loose up to 30% in general to keep the edge range-wise but position is still important. Wide ranges often run similar equity-wise but the problem primarily arise with domination issues postflop, underrealization of hands etc...
Feb. 14, 2024 | 2:29 p.m.
Yes you can add me, or him: My nick is MontevideoX.
Everybody can also join here:
Feb. 8, 2024 | 1:58 p.m.
EP RFI is like 18% which is quite loose alrdy for my taste
Feb. 6, 2024 | 9:46 p.m.
I accepted
Jan. 24, 2024 | 10:02 a.m.
It´s a mandatory call against a standard 3-bet (~10%) or any range that is this loose or unbalanced, we have a high suit and good connectivity.. We might think about folding if villain 3bets overly tight and also well balanced like 5-7% not containing all of the AAxx (where we´d have implieds against). Against the premium non-AAxx hands we´d face domination issues and our K and mid-tier high ranks would be in troubles overall.
Jan. 13, 2024 | 12:48 a.m.
need em too^^
Jan. 13, 2024 | 12:42 a.m.
PM= private mail
Jan. 13, 2024 | 12:42 a.m.
Hey you can add me on discord: montevideox
I am a winning low-stakes player with many years of experience trying to move up to mid-stakes.
Jan. 13, 2024 | 12:41 a.m.
800k !! sick, how long did you play on that, 3 years?
The problem is, hud and stats are quite useless at GG-Poker.
May 2, 2023 | 1:27 p.m.
Do not play them unless you want to steal from late position. The third suit hurts your ability to hit flush(-draws) significantly. Those hands are nearly treated as rainbow versions from a GTO perspective.
April 29, 2023 | 8:35 a.m.
After playing more hands at RUSH my winrate dropped down to sth. like 4 bb/100, I am 2-tabling only at PLO25. It is similar at PLO50. I am wondering if there is a big skill gap between PLO50 Rush and PLO100 Rush?
April 24, 2023 | 4:14 p.m.
It´s a bet-call since we have a very high betting frequency anyways beside many reasons to bet here and our hand is probably to strong to bet-fold against a reasonably widened shoving range.
But without flushdraw once we do get shoved over this is surely not a "huge +EV" spot. We won´t be ahead very often either.
April 17, 2023 | 9:23 a.m.
I have already read that. And also watched a couple of his Mastermind course videos. (I also bought some of those thousand dollar books..^^). Where do you want to discuss stuff? I could pm you my skype account?
April 7, 2023 | 9:39 a.m.
I´d be interested too. PLO25/50 here..
April 2, 2023 | 1:54 p.m.
Our calling range in this "squeeze opportunity" spot is 9%, we´d call both A665 suited to the Ace and double-suited. We would go down to folding A332ds/sa. when being 100bb deep. As efffective stacks are so shallow, it makes this hand relying on implieds and board coverage more marginal and with the SB 3-betting quite a lot I´d rather fold because we could not call a squeez even ip. If we had like a 50/10 passive player in the blind instead I´d call.
Feb. 18, 2023 | 10:53 a.m.
I think this hand is not a 3bet in the first place because it is not double-suited.
I´d use a 50% sizing to cbet the flop oop (bet-folding this big with a close to zero-equity bluff is more costly while it would not change turn playability considerably) and without a flushdraw our hand is not strong enough so we gotta check-fold this one.
As played the turn barrel is kinda okay but overall this hand was overplayed twice before.
Feb. 16, 2023 | 2:33 p.m.
You can start out with "from ground up plo" by emty it is the best for the money and add "this is plo" by galfon later on. Otherwise I´d train with plo vision and try to build a gameplan and learn all the concepts for example how to proceed on different board textures. Especially hand-strengths are quite situational dependant and it is hard to assess solid default ranges. It will save you lot of money if you can avoid all those dead-end stack-offs that seem to be mandatory due to pot-odds but have a flawed line earlier on. Theoretical concepts differ a lot aswell from NLHE (if you are transitioning). PLO is such a complex game that it will take a lot of studies to fare well. online regular players at comparable stakes are pretty strong overall.
Jan. 31, 2023 | 4:41 p.m.
Omaha Pro has no postflop simulations
Jan. 30, 2023 | 9:58 a.m.
This fallacy is especially true for oop so we do not fill up the BB (or SB in limped pots) when 2 or more players are involved because the "realizability" of equity with our marginal hands is so low. We usually should fold most of single nut components like a suited Ace hands or pairs without decent sidevalue for example, a typical mistake is calling bad KK´s to set-mine, we kina need bad opponents overplaying hands to compensate all the flop folds oop where we cannot continue.
We actually never fold the nuts in common short-handed situations postflop though, an example would be 98xx vulnerable nutstraight no suit on a JT7 2-toned flop. Against a range that has no nutstraight but hit the flop hard in multiple ways like set+fd, fd+pair+oesd, wrap+2pair+fd etc we are about a 40:60 underdog so coming over the top is not pushing any equity. We can bet-call in order to fold our non-nutted hand on a bad turn card or stick it in with improved equity on a turn blank or even check-back occasionally to balance our turn range if we have to. So there are situations where we should not overplay some of our strongest hands also to stay balanced on several texture shifts which there are a lot in PLO. This also means for example if we decide to check-call the nutstraight and there comes a turn-card brining the flush we often have to check-fold our formerly best hand without gotten any value. Pretty frustrating. But this texture shifts just requires other parts of our range (flushes, sets) to continue. Positional awareness combined with range awareness is key, in PLO defense is way more difficult, we have to compare check-calling ranges with check-raising range mix around a lot, distinguish range-interactions, texture shifts, estimate the differing value of blockers etc. whereas in NLHE we just check-call three times with hands that can do so. :-D
Balancing often gets misunderstood when transitioning. In NLHE it means laying the focus on finding the right hands to fill in the ranges up to an amount that correspond GTO-frequencies (so we do not too much bet- & check-folding) whereas in PLO it means we have to put in enough (strong/nutted) hands into frequent lines so our range is protected on several texture shifts on later streets and capable of shutting down overextensive opposing aggression. Sometimes our continuation frequencies still might be wrecked on certain textures like being oop on a low straight flop as the preflop 3-bettor with a high-rank-heavy range but there is nothing we can do about it.
The goal of finding lines at the end of the betting-tree so we can shove a polarized range also preventing opponent doing the same by finding enough hands to call in all those spots makes both theoretical approaches pretty loose-aggressive for average regulars´ taste and all those texture shifts, bad beats and set-ups where it is hard to evaluate if it is a cooler or if it was us uncarefully running into a stronger range can be quite nerve-consuming and difficult. So for beginners I highly recommend playing less tables, focusing on player-styles and take note of any showdown or unusual play and develop a gameplan that simplifies GTO-play into something we can actually apply on the tables, that will help a lot. In NLHE we can profile our opponents/leaks more quickly because ranges are more clear and deviations more straightforward. In PLO any trash hand can make the nuts and also mostly fair decent in equity but this does not mean that it was okay to play those.
Jan. 20, 2023 | 12:11 p.m.
Most important thing is Range-awareness and how to maneuvr against it / what hands to put in what ranges. Usually tight is right when it comes to avoid losing money. That goes not only for preflop but for any situation ingame. Be aware of opponents defending frequencies and what they consider value. How often they bluff and on which street. Don´t pay off the nit but relentlessly steal the blinds. Don´t chase against the odds versus unknown ranges. Against aggressives don´t "counter-play" by getting overly loose/aggressive yourself. Keep the P´s in mind: Playability, Position, Pot-ratio and Player-types.
added you
Jan. 22, 2025 | 9:24 p.m.