5 points
Merit casinos being strongest and maybe only institutional company in North Cyprus having also one of the biggest poker room that many poker players been playing since years.
Last month a group of poker players took a message from their management which says they would be blacklisted from their poker room if they go and play in a poker room just opened in North Cyprus , right after they anonunced same threat for another poker event.
Basicly they thought they can settle their business relationships upon their Regular customers by telling them where they can go and cant. This started with Turkish regulars, some russian regulars, Lebanese players and so on. People who refuse to be part of this unprofessionaland rude action are indeed blacklisted from Merit Casinos now.
As they wanted to take this action in politics of fear silently, We are trying to let almost all poker communities know what is really goin on
Dec. 12, 2014 | 12:01 p.m.
Jan. 6, 2013 | 6:16 p.m.
This hand is from last night from cyprus merit casino. Game is 5/10 and mandatory straddle of 25 $. 3 Regular 3 fishes and 2 tight passive players at the table.
There is 1 caller and 1 complete from SB . We are at the straddle position with AQs. Raised to 150 $.
Raise amount can be seem a little much but SB never folds to a raise so i decided that amount would be ok. Only SB calls. SB is 4k deep and we cover him.
SB is 45-50 yeard old italian fish who plays like %80 of his hands. In 30 mins of period we had a dynamic of he bluffs me out with big bets post flop and show cards. And twice i go 3bet him post flop with once as a bluff and once as a semi bluff and card shown up. So we hade quite a bit agression with eachother lately.
Hero : AQs ( straddle position )
Flop : ( pot 335 )
SB Check
Hero bet 250
SB Raise to 600
Hero call 600
Turn : 5c ( pot 1535 )
SB bet 400 ?
Hero call 400
River : 5s ( pot 2335)
SB bet 1350
Hero : ???
So we basically have a bluff catcher. I tanked like 2-3 minutes to figure out what type of hand he is going for this river bet. Couldnt figure out if any chance he is doing this with any worse flush hands, only a little maaaybe given how awkard show down hands he had so far. Turn bet is the biggest info we have that he doesnt have a monster hand from the lines he took whole game. So i am ;%80 sure we are not no-bet by the turn.
I have a few more hands that i want to discuss with you guys, going to post one by one not to spam. Since i am down like 20k at 3 days of these christmas games :) I feel like kinda Tilted ehm :| . So any other tilt-breaking advices are so welcome aswell :p
Jan. 2, 2013 | 1:19 p.m.
Well that went good... I quit the job two weeks later and never worked since then. Main reason i failed to see an equity for myself there for many levels of human-being needs. And about the university i really appreciate my statistics teacher : ))
Dec. 11, 2012 | 6:43 a.m.
1- if he called the turn and you bet a blank river again
2- if he raised turn to like 180~ and you pushed all in.
And what you could do if he took the option two ?
You might say he could get this line with his sets to adjust it but i dont really think Zoom is a place for those deceiving moves.
So how close you find yourself answering question "2" by i am going all in" or other options that you would like to get in ... you are more confident calling this one imo.
Dec. 11, 2012 | 6:10 a.m.
Dec. 11, 2012 | 5:41 a.m.
Dec. 11, 2012 | 5:19 a.m.
Somehow i convinced myself he might be trying to protect a range of his hands that he might fold against a shove maybe some of his flush draws aswell. I am also expecting him to play his good portion of drawing hands by just check calling most of the time avoiding to build big pots via his game and personal profile. So we shoved ... He calls with Q7hh. kehkeh.
Dec. 11, 2012 | 4:47 a.m.
7 Handed 5/10$
UTG +1 (~ 1000 $ ) open raise 35 $
SB calls ( ~ 1500 $ )
BB ( HERO ) (~ 2500$ ) calls
Hero holds : 5h6h
FLOP pot : 105 $
7d 3h 9h
SB check
BB (Hero ) check - with the intension of a raise
UTG+1 CBets 75$
SB raise to 250$
BB ?
UTG +1 is a tight reg and Cbets like %70 of his opening range of this position. Flop doesnt really hits his range except sets , suited broadway cards and over pairs.
SB is unkown , first time i ve been playing with. He has been playing straight forward but also made moves when he see weakness .. when he goes for a check raise he seems quite strong to me ... So we r kinda dealing with at bottom of his range two pairs but more likely sets and better flush draws.
What is your move : )
Dec. 10, 2012 | 6:37 p.m.
With both being good ideas , jamming on turn and Bet turn / shove river .. I would prefer bet / shove most of the time i guess. With that Turn call he represents hands like AJ/KJ/QJ some pair type of hands as bluff catchers,.and in this range i dont see he s jamming over a turn bet except the hands AcJx QcJx well unless he s not well balanced in this line with his bluffs. In case he calls on the turn... It s more like except the cards that hits his range like Ahds Qhd Jhd we are good to jam. With that I assume most of the time his hand will not improve so we might be getting a better fold equity by the most of the river cards.
This pretty seems like you are against a Jx hand. Since he shows strenght right after mp folds makes this seem like he was trying to slowplay his J. And in all that Jx combos you lose against 14 Jx combos. Assuming he wouldnt check AJ KJ pf , you should be fav like 4 to 1. Pot is 770. So what we are going for is thin value bet. And that should be like x2.2 or so .
Jan. 11, 2013 | 6:26 p.m.