Mephisto's avatar


59 points

Yo dude, another great video. I really hope you continue this format as I find the PIO based videos with lessons learned/questions asked is very helpful to me.

In your personal studies, do you tend to focus on flop/turn the most vs the river? Variables tend to get very high once we hit potential turns - just want to get a sense of how much you study rivers.

March 7, 2021 | 3:03 p.m.

Really appreciate this type of video. As I wait for my own scripts to come to fruition, I value your analysis, especially of why the solver does certain things. Do you also have different sizings in similar situations? Like 20bb vs 50bb, or 8bb vs 25bb, etc?

March 6, 2021 | 4:07 p.m.

Hey Seth, great video. Quick question about the JJ hand at around the 14 minute mark with Dan Smith. At this high stakes level, is it possible for Dan to flat some of his top of the range here like QQ, KK, TT, AQo, AKo, and maybe AJs at this stack depth?

Feb. 28, 2021 | 3:13 a.m.

Comment | Mephisto commented on Becoming A Boss

REALLY love this video, thank you for all of the content and ideas.

Got one suggestion and one question, and I'll start with the question:

-I couldn't get my head around why, on let's say a 2 diamond board, that we would want to be holding diamonds when the flush bricks the river as a good hand to have as a bluff. Wouldn't it be the reverse? If the flush is busted, and if we hold 2 diamonds, aren't we blocking villain's potential bad hands on the river? I'm sorry in advance but I had genuine trouble understanding the bluffing/suit portion.

-Could you consider slowing down your delivery when speaking, especially during the theory parts? I felt like your normal voice is what it is like when I want audible to go 1.5x. You speak very fast, which at times I don't mind, except for the very complicated theoretical parts of your video.

Thank you very much for this video once again, it has really opened my eyes.


Feb. 20, 2021 | 11:29 p.m.

Almost 3 years later, I feel that this video and your previous one are drastically underrated. These topics were very much on my mind and I thank you deeply for taking the time to create this content. As I am creating my maps via PIO scripting, and using ICMIZER almost daily, your insights are a reminder that they are only a few data points to answer the larger question of what is the "best" play for you in any given spot. You have given me permission to go beyond the toy games and sims, to incorporate more criteria in my quest to become a better poker player. Thank you.

Feb. 16, 2021 | 7:30 p.m.

What kind of games do you grind?

Feb. 11, 2021 | 1:49 p.m.

Way to keep it real Jae Kim, and thank you for your last video as you always try to keep it as honest as possible. You can really feel that.

Now onto my questions:

-In your opinion, what are the top 1% mtt players doing that the rest of the 99% aren't doing? Is it a matter of following the GTO ranges (pre/post) and taking the riskier/less ventured PIO lines more consistently? Or have they successfully adopted GTO to exploit and find a nice balance between?
-What is your view on GG staking? I've recently started to get into it seriously and I was wondering if you ever thought of it as a real possibility to do well in.
-You mentioned that you didn't take the path that many of the current crushers did, but it does seem like you know the path. Aren't you at least tempted to venture down the same well laid out road and test yourself to see if you could ever reach those heights? Or are you too "weathered" for such an adventure?
-Please link your URL whenever you get the chance, I will definitely follow it.



Feb. 11, 2021 | 1:25 a.m.

At this stack depth one would assume that QTo LJ open is a mix under Cev, and not sure about ICM pf. My guess it would be a lower frequency play when you factor in ICM.

Feb. 4, 2021 | 4:19 p.m.

Thanks for these videos - I'm watching everything that you've made on the mental side. Appreciate it - keep it up!

Jan. 26, 2021 | 2:31 a.m.

Yo Jae Kim - more like this pls. Enjoy these explorations, especially playing around with ICM/Cev.

Jan. 22, 2021 | 4:11 a.m.

Consider myself in the camp of trying to get up to speed. I found this video to be immensely useful. If you ever read this Apotheosis - How many flops do you like to keep in every spot in your own database? I'm considering this question right now as I start my quest at developing some big NLHE data for my own consumption. Thanks!

Jan. 6, 2021 | 1:56 a.m.

How prevalent are these weird sizing bets in your games? Are they trending upwards or is it just a small population tendency?

Nov. 28, 2020 | 3:14 a.m.

Loving these aggregated PIO solutions. I like looking at overall trends and you captured that for this topic nicely by looking at the solution from a macro lens. Hoping for more of these!

Nov. 16, 2020 | 10:46 p.m.

Hey Gary,

Enjoyed the video. At the 7:20 mark you had AQ and mentioned that vs a smaller 2x raise sizing that you want to do more calling pf, while facing a 3x raise, you want to do "less calling, more 3betting". Can you expand on that concept?

Nov. 11, 2020 | 9:58 p.m.

Alien - I'm enjoying these nice and easy live play videos. I feel like they are easy to digest and can play them + use them as a warm up before my sessions. Hope you do more of them.

Request - Could you do a live play on Party next time?

Oct. 23, 2020 | 4:59 p.m.

Phil, let me express the sentiment that I highly appreciate this content as it is so helpful to me and others. I hope this becomes a regular thing as it has already impacted my game in very powerful ways. In the first video I vowed to bet my value hands more thinly on the river vs just checking down and getting into a bluffcatcher mode.

In this video, I've noticed that I bet way too often into top pair + oesd multiway where it should be a check. Same concept on that trips hand as a bet there just makes my hand blindly transparent. Thank you again and hope you make many more videos on the same theme.

Aug. 3, 2020 | 3:31 p.m.

Great video, thank you. I like video like these, much needed. Also, don't change the title! Make it raw, we need real talk sometimes.

July 27, 2020 | 11:06 p.m.

Hey Ryan,

Great video, just got a new essential membership and have been digesting your videos. Is it possible to create an ICM video strat if you are the BIG stack? Feel like I could use the info in this video and it would seem to make sense to develop a huge bet/folding strat against smaller stacks and just literally scoop up all of their chips because they are massively incentivized to fold to glory. What do you think?

July 26, 2020 | 3 p.m.

Hey Ryan, like this vid, more like this please!

July 26, 2020 | 1:51 p.m.

Yes, more pls :)

July 5, 2020 | midnight

Just wanted to leave a comment saying +1 for me wanting more SNG content. Been really influenced by Slayer's twitch streams and am a cash game player that got his first start in SNGs and is looking at making a real jump into the sng pools.

July 4, 2020 | 3:43 p.m.

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