6 points
Yes i like it if he had big q or better with flush draw out he would bet flop and i think alot of qx would check call river rather than jam well played sir
June 25, 2017 | 2:07 p.m.
If he is 17 PFR and he fold so many three bets can only see him with 10/10 J/J or KQs here kj he probably does not open and definitely folds to three bet possibly AQ but unlikely as you have AA. I think I take same line call turn and then fold the river the only other hand were really beating on the turn is JJ. well played interesting post :)
June 24, 2017 | 2:21 a.m.
BB: $29.68
UTG: $28.22
MP: $25.80
CO: $25.00
BN: $25.00
Rake is $1.12
June 22, 2017 | 1:44 p.m.
Yes I think I bet sizing is fine but if you are going call the turn you are better betting when you check this could spark villain to go super aggressive with big heart and also sure his AK is now winning putting you now on QQ JJ. Then if u check he jams river its all about his previous game play ? If you have none against random I probably fold. Bet size is good on turn when the hart comes as again its cheaper if you fold to a jam on the turn and not as pot committed on the river if another scare card drops eg K or xh.
June 19, 2017 | 9:22 p.m.
Yes totally agree with Pew again the turn I bet bigger with draw heavy board and 7c is a good card to jam as villains range would have very little 8x most likely A8s A8h? again very unlikely at this point.
I like to 3rd pot bet river here to induce a bluff frim villans missed draws or weaker 9x and also gain thin value from other weak pairs 55-88.
June 25, 2017 | 2:13 p.m.